Women brave pirate den: escaped marriage prince

Chapter 414: Privately Determined for Life

It can be seen how much he hates others asking about his privacy.

Zhuo Ran secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but fortunately this girl is slow.

The way Jian Yu looked at her was very unusual. He was a man, so he knew it at a glance.

"It's not a big deal. Don't ask more questions in the future. People will hate you."

These words hit the key point, the little girl murmured slightly, "Got it, I'm not a child." [

The rosy mouth exudes a sweet fragrance, pouting slightly, like a flower waiting to be picked, Zhuo Ran couldn't hold back, stepped forward to hug her, and kissed her deeply.

If you don't get close, you will die of thirst.

The little girl struggled for a while, then let him do whatever he wanted, her head was confused by the hot breath, her little hands involuntarily climbed up his neck, and danced along with it...

I don't know how long it took, when he was out of breath, he reluctantly let her go, but he still hugged her tightly, reluctant to let go.

The little girl was lying in his arms, panting heavily, her little face was bright red, her eyebrows and eyes were full of spring, and she was full of beauty.

Seeing her obedient little appearance, his heart warmed up again, he lowered his head and wanted to kiss again.

The little girl was so frightened that she quickly covered his mouth with her hand, "Don't, let me take a breath."

This kind of intimacy made her heart beat like thunder and her breathing was unsteady, but her heart was extremely sweet.

Well, if you can't kiss the little mouth, you can just nibble the little hand to satisfy your greed, Zhuo Ran grabbed her little hand and kissed and licked it, the itchy little girl giggled.

"Stop making trouble. You were a dog in your last life? Really."

After laughing for a while, Zhuo Ran hugged the person in his arms contentedly, thinking of something.

"By the way, the wind direction at sea has changed. You can't go to sea at this time, and accidents are easy to happen. You can only wait for spring..."

He was very sorry, knowing that Xiaoya really wanted to go back and reunite with her parents.

"I understand." Xiaoya pursed her lips, feeling very disappointed, but some things cannot be messed up by one's temper.

"The big deal is to celebrate the New Year on the island, I just miss my family very much."

Zhuo Ran was pitiful and loving, and promised again and again, "Silly girl, bear with me, and I will send you home as soon as spring begins."

Xiaoya lay in his arms obediently, it was so warm, "Okay."

Zhuo Ran lightly played with the cloud-like blue hair, and the silky touch made him squint his eyes in satisfaction, "Little girl, don't get in touch with Mr. Jian from now on."

The way the man looked at Xiao Ya made him very uneasy, too strong, too weird. [

"Why?" Xiao Ya was stunned, "He has a problem?"

She didn't think much about it, just because he never said such things and let her live as she wanted.

"He..." Zhuo Ran hesitated, "It's not as simple as it looks on the surface."

"Yeah." Xiaoya didn't like that man either, she was too tired talking to him.

Her voice was soft and indescribably gentle, "Okay, I promise you, don't worry."

It's not a big deal, it's no big deal.

Zhuo Ran was overjoyed, and patted her head, "Little girl is so good, what do you want, Brother Zhuo Ran will give it to you."

How is it so cute?

Let him lose control of his reason, want to get closer to her, want to rub her into his body, never to be separated again in this life.

The hot eyes made Xiaoya very uncomfortable, her face flushed slightly, but she didn't dodge.

"I have everything."

Miss Tang's family is full of confidence, she doesn't lack for anything, her family is full of gold and silver, and the treasury is full of rare treasures, let her choose.

Zhuo Ran rolled his eyes and said with a smile, "Then I'll give you a man, that's all you need."

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