She is not as good as Sister Bai, but she asks herself something special, why does the man she likes just look down on her?

Jian Yu was stunned, apologetic, "You are fine with everything, but we are not suitable, one day, you will find the one who belongs to you."

Xiaoya's eyes widened nervously, impatient.

I'm afraid that the coral will be greatly stimulated and I can't think about it.

I scolded that guy countless times in my heart, bastard, a big idiot without eyes, such a good girl, I don't like it, I'm not lucky. [

Heart dead as gray, Coral's face was as pale as paper, but her lips were tightly pressed together, slipping out a stubborn arc.

"Of course, I am so beautiful, generous and perfect. Missing me is the biggest regret in your life."

The little girl clapped her hands and her excited eyes lit up.

"You are so right, Sister Coral, I love hearing your words the most."

He is not the only man in the world, no matter how bad she is, she will not force a man who does not see her in his eyes.

The man she wants has only her in his heart. He doesn't need to be perfect or outstanding, but he must like her.

The pale face and staunch temperament formed a great contrast, and Jian Yu was stunned for a moment.

I didn't expect her to be so decisive and straightforward.

Such women are rare, maybe he will really regret it in the future.

but now……

"Sister Coral, you will definitely find someone who cherishes you, and I wish you the best of luck."

These words came from the heart and seemed very sincere.

"Thank you." Coral wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, her heart was still aching, but she already showed a bright smile, "But brother Jane, give up, you can't compete with my brother."

Her elder brother is a person with a very strong willpower. He likes someone for more than ten years, loves him deeply but can rely on himself, and is extremely patient. Such a person is the most terrifying.

He managed to catch up with him, even if God came to stop him, he would smash the sky and fight with God.

Not to mention others coming to fight for it, it can only be the life of cannon fodder.

A gust of cold wind blew, and the snowflakes floated on her head, and the little girl shivered. Although the snowflakes were beautiful, they were so cold.

"There is no absolute in everything." Jian Yu took a deep look at Shan Hu, turned her head and said with a smile, "Miss Bai, it's cold outside, let's go in."

The little girl looked at the coral worryingly, and seeing her resolute face, she breathed a sigh of relief, and pulled Zhuoran into the house. [

After walking a few steps, a blooming flower branch appeared in front of my eyes, each blossoming in full bloom, unparalleled in beauty.

Jian Yu smiled softly, "By the way, this plum blossom is very beautiful, and I give it to you."

He completely ignored other people, only had one little girl in his eyes, and only had expression on her.

Zhuo Ran smiled and remained silent, watching the changes.

Not only did the girl not pick it up, but she stared at her eyes, and taught the old-fashioned lesson, "Don't pick flowers randomly, didn't your parents teach you?"

Zhuo Ran couldn't help but laugh, where did this girl learn it?

One set after another, similar to each other.

Jian Yu sighed softly, with a hint of sadness in his eyes, "I don't have parents, I'm an orphan."

"Huh?" Xiaoya's monstrous aura suddenly disappeared, and she blushed with embarrassment, "I'm sorry, I don't know."

Zhuo Ran couldn't help pinching her silky little face, so kind and cute, how could she not be loved?

No wonder these men are watching and staring at him.

He is very stressed.

Jian Yu took the opportunity to forcefully stuff the flower branch to her, with an inexplicable smile on the corner of his mouth, "It's okay, you didn't mean it, take it and put it in the bottle."

After saying this, he walked away in a cool manner.

"Hey, hey." The little girl was so speechless, she looked at the distant figure, then looked down at the flowers and branches, the corner of her mouth twitched, why is this person like this?

Zhuo Ran snatched the flower branch and threw it to a maid casually, domineeringly, "Xiao Xiang, take it and throw it away."

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