Women brave pirate den: escaped marriage prince

Chapter 445: Whoever snatches my man will be destroyed!

The corner of the little girl's mouth twitched, she didn't say anything, what are these people in a hurry for?

"It's not good for cousins ​​to get married, they will give birth to idiot sons."

This is what she wants to say, don't they understand the truth?

How strange!

This is what my mother often said, so there is nothing wrong with it. [

Originally, my uncle wanted her to be his daughter-in-law, so let's have a closer kiss.

After being told by my mother, I completely stopped thinking about it and stopped thinking about it.

Matters related to future generations have to be solemnized.

Wang Yong was furious, pointed at her nose and scolded, "Nonsense, your red mouth and white teeth curse people, it's too much."

There are so many minds, in order to marry into the Tie family, they will do anything and even come up with such absurd reasons, who would believe it.

There are so many cousins ​​in the world who get married, and the children they give birth to are all normal, so there is nothing wrong with it.

It's because she has a problem with her head and her mind is impure!

Zhuo Ran absolutely cannot marry such a woman, otherwise he will never be able to stand up for the rest of his life.

With him in one day, this kind of thing cannot be allowed to happen.

Zhuo Ran took a step forward and pulled the little girl behind him to protect her, frowning slightly.

Just talk when you talk, why point at someone else's nose?It's very rude.

If it had been a different person, he would have punched him out long ago.

But facing the grandfather who was about to pass away, even the great anger was suppressed, and he couldn't attack, but he vomited blood in his heart.

Grandpa, you are very old, you are so sick, you are still so angry, it is really a headache.

It's come to this point, why can't you think about it so much?

Haven't figured it out yet?

When people die, everything is empty.

It's better to enjoy it well, eat what you should eat and drink what you should drink before dying.

Why bother with these things? [

It's just Tuogu, with him around, naturally Wang Xiaoqing won't be bullied by others, as for clinging to him to death?

Xiao Ya was not angry, and explained with a smile, "The blood source is too close, it's really not good. In the past, many cousins ​​got married, and the children they gave birth to were abnormal. As a result, the four sons and three daughters born are all mentally handicapped. Another example is the leader of the martial arts a hundred years ago, Qingfeng Taoist priest, he is also in the same situation, so he became discouraged and became a Taoist priest, and..."

Wang Yong was secretly startled, these are indeed facts, but...

"Stop talking, I won't believe such nonsense, it's just an accident."

The little girl curled her lips and said lazily, this person is too stubborn, even if she put the facts in front of him, he would not open his eyes to take a look.

This kind of person is stubborn if it sounds good, but it is stubborn if it sounds bad.

"It seems that the senior is not only ignorant, but also has no common sense. He is extremely ignorant. Hey, it is necessary to read more books."

"You..." Wang Zhiyong didn't make a single call, you stinky girl, how dare you say that about him?

No matter what, he is the in-law of the Tie family, Zhuo Ran's pro-grandfather.

"Zhuoran, you saw it with your own eyes, how did she humiliate me?"

The more he talked, the more angry he became, his eyes turned black, his body wobbled, and he fell to the ground with a thud, which shocked everyone.

Xiaoqing was shocked and rushed over, "Grandpa, don't be angry, take care of yourself, I'm fine, really fine."

Wang Yong sat on the ground, weeping. "What's the point of me being alive? Even my grandson is helping an outsider to bully me. I'll go see his mother and ask her to judge..."

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