Women brave pirate den: escaped marriage prince

Chapter 447: Little girl, don't go!

Wang Yong looked at his grandson full of hope, and subconsciously used a pleading tone, "Zhuo Ran, grandpa has never begged you in his life, but this matter, please, marry Xiaoqing."

Xiaoqing held her breath nervously and pricked up her ears to listen.

Zhuo Ran sighed and shook his head slightly, "Grandpa, sorry, I will not marry any woman except Xiaoya. I have made a heavy oath that I will not marry unless she is the only one. If I break the oath, I will be struck by lightning and die."

His mind is so firm that there is no room for maneuver.

Anyone with a little sense should retreat in the face of difficulties. [

As soon as the little girl left, his heart followed, and he was in no mood to coax him.

It's so annoying, Xiaoya must be very angry now, don't get angry and ruin your body.

At this moment, he really wanted to catch up to coax her and make her smile.

But Wang Yong is a person who is about to die, and he has only one wish, which is to let the pair of children get married and be together in a legitimate way.

For this wish, he can risk everything, even the most important face, and no matter how many grievances and grievances he has.

"You foolish child, how can you swear such a heavy oath? I'm so mad!"

He thought for a while, and immediately came up with an idea, "It's okay, if God wants to punish you, just punish me alone. Anyway, I'm about to die, and I'm not afraid of anything, so let me be punished by heaven instead of you."

He is not even afraid of death, but he is afraid that his wish will not come true.

Zhuo Ran is completely speechless, he has talked to this point, and he still refuses to let him go?

A heart twisted in two, one half stayed here, and the other half flew out, thinking about the person who left with anger.

"Grandpa, I've made up my mind and I won't change it. I've let you down. I'm sorry."

His heart is very small, he can only accommodate Xiaoya alone, and only Xiaoya can bring him happiness, no one else can.

Wang Yong's hopes were suddenly emptied, his face was as pale as paper, and he asked bitterly, "What is it for? I'm your grandpa. Are you unwilling to fulfill this only wish? I'm about to die, don't want to Go into the coffin with regret."

Zhuo Ran's heart ached, why did he force him?

He knelt down and kowtowed three times, "Grandpa, please, take it back, I can't agree."

Friendship cannot be both, he is not filial, and refuses to listen to his elders.

He can only follow the call of his heart and choose a happy future.

"You...you..." Wang Yong was furious, his vision went dark, and he passed out again.

"Grandpa." Zhuo Ran had sharp eyes and quick hands, shouted, and grabbed him and hugged him. [

Looking at the old man who was breathing weakly, his heart felt like a knife was piercing him, as if he was suffering on a frying pan.

The little girl rushed out angrily, seeing that Zhuo Ran hadn't chased her back, she became even angrier, and walked around indiscriminately.

Bastard, damn it, old man, why did you come to grab brother Zhuo Ran?

His granddaughter can't get married?Do you have to use such despicable means to rob people?

Zhuo Ran is also very annoying, actually forcing her to apologize,

What apologies?

pissed her off!

Run into the sea, pick up small stones and throw them into the sea, throw one, and curse the big bad guy.

Jian Yu came from a distance, with a look of surprise, "Hey, Miss Bai, who are you?"

The little girl turned her head and frowned displeased.

"Why are you again? I'm so annoying, don't hang around in front of me all the time."

It was a nuisance to meet him everywhere.

Isn't he a suspect?

How can you run around?

Is no one watching him?


"Are you in a bad mood?" Instead of being angry, Jian Yu proposed in a good voice, "Then do you want to go with me to Centrifugal Island?"

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