Women brave pirate den: escaped marriage prince

Chapter 449: Little girl, don't go!

"Go away, don't meddle in your own business."

This girl attracts the wind and attracts butterflies everywhere, attracting so many coveted eyes.

He really wanted to hide her in the deep palace, no one could see her, only he could see her, only him!

Jian Yu's eyes turned cold, and her voice was even more indifferent, "Master Mu, you are anxious to leave. I can understand, but you don't care about Miss Bai's safety, I can't just sit idly by..."

No matter how angry he was, he couldn't tell from his appearance. [

Mu Jinmo frowned impatiently, reached out to hold Xiaoya's hand, but was slapped off by Xiaoya's hand, what are you holding?Are you familiar with him?Forgot the lesson again?

He wasn't angry either, and said with a smile, "Yong'er, don't pay attention to him, his mind is not pure, and he must have plans. Let's leave quickly."

A trace of anger flashed in Jian Yu's eyes, "Mr. Mu, please be careful with your words, there are some things you can't say indiscriminately."

Mu Jinmo was originally a self-respecting person, and he had long been aggrieved on this island. Seeing that an unknown person dared to teach him such a lesson, he immediately became angry, and sneered, "So what?"

Jian Yu was not provoked, but just glanced at him with contempt.

"If you want to go, go by yourself, don't hurt Miss Bai..."

Mu Jinmo was furious, "Crazy, how could I harm her? She is my favorite person."

He seized every opportunity to express his feelings, but unfortunately the other party was absent-minded and didn't listen.

The little girl stroked her aching forehead, "Stop arguing, find someone to ask, if there is no problem, we will leave right away."

Regardless of Jian Yu's obstruction, the little girl has made up her mind.

Mu Jinmo's movements were extremely fast, and he got a small boat from nowhere. There were countless boatmen, and even fresh water and food were prepared.

"Let's go, these people are experienced and will be able to send us back safely."

Xiaoya stared blankly at the boat, feeling many emotions in her heart.

Under Mu Jinmo's constant urging, Xiaoya stepped on the pedal and walked onto the boat step by step.

She sighed silently, no matter what, it was just a dream, and she woke up without trace.

As soon as her feet stepped on the deck, Mu Jinmo hurriedly gave the order to start the boat, as if she was afraid of having a long night and dreaming.

Seeing that the journey was about to start, an extremely anxious voice sounded from a distance, "No sailing is allowed. As the future head of the Tie family, I order you to stop. Anyone who disobeys my order will be expelled from Fengyun Island, and all family members will be punished."

Following these angry words, people had already rushed to the front, Tie Zhuoran was sweating profusely, his face was flushed, and his breathing was short of breath. It seemed that he rushed here after getting the news, and his eyes were fixed on the little girl.

Xiaoya's body shook, but she didn't look up at him. She pursed her lips stubbornly and looked down at the deck. [

What is he still doing?

too late!

The movements of all the boatmen stopped, looking at each other, at a loss.

A cold light flashed in Mu Jinmo's eyes, "Don't pay attention to him, I guarantee that everyone will have a good future, prosperity and wealth are at your fingertips, why bother to stay on this island for the rest of your life?"

It was these blatant temptations that made these people work for him.

Zhuo Ran's indifferent eyes swept over everyone, with a sense of majesty. Wherever his eyes went, he shrank his shoulders and dared not look directly.

"You were born here and grew up here. The outside world doesn't understand at all. How can you gain a foothold? Without the protection of the Tie family, how do you live on? Can you trust this person? Do you know where he came from?"

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