Women brave pirate den: escaped marriage prince

Chapter 452: Little girl, don't go!

Mu Jinmo still didn't forget to throw out a sentence in his busy schedule, "Yong'er, let's go, he only has that grandfather in his eyes, and no one else is important. Yong'er, you have always been arrogant. You must not suffer like this." grievance."

Zhuo Ran hugged her tightly, as if afraid of being snatched by others.

"Little girl, don't go. You promised me that no matter what happens, you will stay with me. You can't break your promise."

When Mu Jinmo heard this, he was in a state of confusion. Have they reached this point?

Heartbroken, his movements unconsciously slowed down, he was hit by a punch from the hidden guard, his body shook, and he gasped in pain. [

I can't tell whether it's the body that hurts more or the heart that hurts more.

"Ying'er, you..."

How could she do such a thing behind his back?

Did she really completely let go of their beautiful past?

The little girl frowned, and her eyes fell on the boat.

Zhuo Ran was terrified, he hugged her tightly, his face was as pale as paper, and he hugged her with all his strength.

Xiaoya was so hugged that she couldn't breathe, her little face was flushed, and she struggled desperately, "Let go...I..."

Zhuo Ran's eyes were red, misunderstood that she wanted to escape.

"Don't let it go, even if you die."

"You put it..." Xiaoya shook her hands, her eyes turned white.

Just talk, what are you excited about?

Are you trying to strangle her?

The fear in Zhuo Ran's heart quickly overwhelmed her, and she panicked, "Little girl, if you leave, I will marry that Wang Xiaoqing."

The little girl was stunned for a moment, she broke free with strength from nowhere, and bit his face with a bite, leaving a bright red tooth mark. He was like a fool, as if he couldn't feel the pain, and looked at her numbly.

She was so angry that she kicked again.

"Whatever you want, this is your private matter, nothing to do with me."

She was really angry. What nonsense is this man talking about?

If she leaves, just marry that woman?

Is he blackmailing her with this? [

Zhuoran pursed his lips tightly, and reached out to grab her, but she avoided her, looking at his empty hand, feeling empty and inexplicable.

He gritted his teeth and went all out.

"After marrying her, I will torture each other with her, we will be resentful spouses for the rest of our lives, we will be miserable all our lives, we will have no children, we will be alone, little girl, can you bear it?"

The little girl is angry and annoyed, why is this person like this?

"You are the one who wants to marry her. Even if you are unlucky, you deserve it. Why can't I bear it? Besides, if you marry her, let her give you a few more children. You can have as many as you want. How can you be childless?" No girl?"

Doesn't he like children the most?Wanted many, many children, and her body couldn't satisfy that desire.

Zhuo Ran looked at her obsessively, pained and desperate, she really doesn't want him anymore?

"I don't like her, so naturally I won't touch her. As a couple in name, where are the children?"

If she dares to leave, then he will destroy himself, anyway, she doesn't care or feel distressed, so what if he lives or dies?

The little girl was dumbfounded and shocked.

"You...are you crazy? You deliberately bully people!"

He actually used his own life to threaten her. If there is misfortune in the future, will it be all her fault?

What a nasty bastard.

The worst thing is, she actually feels distressed!

A sharp light flashed in Zhuo Ran's eyes, and he was crazy and desperate, "Maybe one day I can't think about it for a while, and I jump into the sea to commit suicide. If you know the news someday, give me a stick of incense, and treat it as an acquaintance..."

Xiaoya's heart ached inexplicably, and she couldn't listen anymore, "Enough is enough, don't talk anymore."

What is not dead?What kind of bullshit is it?

How can he say that?

Deliberately put a knife in her heart!

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