Women brave pirate den: escaped marriage prince

Chapter 457: The eldest son of the Tang family is here

Tang Juanyi raised his eyebrows playfully, with an evil spirit, "Brother-in-law?"

"Brother Zhuo Ran." The little girl blushed and stared at him fiercely.

This person is real, and he doesn't look at the occasion.

Mu Jinmo was furious and furious, "Tie Zhuoran, you are too shameless."

I have never seen such a brazen man, and he has never called brother-in-law that, but this bastard took the lead. [

He rolled his eyes, got an idea, and deliberately raised his voice, "Jun Yi, don't pay attention to him, he just bullied Yong'er and made her cry."

The members of the Bai and Tang families are all protective of their shortcomings, especially this sister-protector, who is even more unreasonable in protecting his only sister, Xiaoya.

He had seen with his own eyes how the little Tang Juanyi dealt with those who bullied Xiaoya, and the consequences were horrific.

Jun Yi narrowed his eyes dangerously, looked at Xiaoya's eyes, Xiaoya pursed her lips nervously, subconsciously lowered her gaze, "Brother, I..."

The corner of his mouth curled up, his eyes were unfriendly, and before everyone could react, he had already punched him.

Zhuo Ran didn't dodge or dodge, he just got punched, his face changed drastically, his body swayed, and he spit out a mouthful of blood, which shows how hard his attack was.

Tang Juanyi didn't punch enough, so he raised his fist again.The little girl was terrified, rushed over and hugged his body, screaming anxiously, "Brother, brother, show mercy. Brother Zhuo Ran didn't bully me."

Just talk when you talk, why are you beating someone?

Seeing that his sister was so worthless, Tang Juanyi helplessly put down his fist and rubbed her head instead.

"How did he bully you?"

Everyone looked ashamed, this guy is really domineering.

Normal people always ask the reason first, and then do the calculations.

He's fine, let's fight first.

The little girl pursed her mouth, "Don't listen to his nonsense, he is afraid that the world will not be chaotic."

The more you look at this guy, the more you hate him, why don't you give up?

Mu Jinmo was in great pain, "Yong'er, at this moment, are you still protecting him? Isn't he hurt enough? He's going to marry someone else..."

Why is she so devoted to Tie Zhuoran?

And so unfeeling towards him?

Tang Juanyi frowned, staring at Tie Zhuoran with lightning-like eyes. "Wait, what's going on?" [

Tie Zhuoran's heart trembled for a while, he knew that this future brother-in-law would be very difficult to deal with, if he opposed the matter between him and Xiaoya, the road ahead would be very difficult.

His mind was spinning, and he looked back frankly, "I made Xiaoya feel wronged, and I am willing to be punched by you, but if you want to take Xiaoya away, that is absolutely impossible."

Tang Juanyi glanced at him coldly, and said with a sneer, "My surname is Tang."

Hmph, how can the members of the Tang family be wronged?

This kid is so courageous that he actually made Xiaoya cry! ! !

At this time, Zhuo Ran also went all out and argued hard. "Soon to be surnamed Tie."

If Xiaoya's parents agree, he wants to get married as soon as possible, preferably right away.

It's also good for everyone to give up earlier, one is more difficult than the other, it's annoying.

"Really?" The corner of Tang Juanyi's mouth twitched, and he pulled Xiaoya's arm to look carefully.

The little girl's skin is numb, why does my brother look at her with such weird eyes?

She didn't do anything bad!

Zhuo Ran was afraid that he would hurt the little girl, sweat dripped from his nervous forehead, "I will go to Xixi City in person, and ask my uncle and aunt to marry me the jewel in their palm."

It's too bad, the future brother-in-law is not happy.

Tang Juanyi said flatly, "Little girl won't marry far away."

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