Women brave pirate den: escaped marriage prince

Chapter 464: The eldest son of the Tang family is here

Young Master Tang nodded dotingly, "Yes, I don't have a brain or a heart."

The little girl was amused, "Puchi, that's heartless."

My brother is telling bad jokes, every time I see him speak ill of others in a serious manner, it is very funny.

Young Master Tang heaved a sigh of relief, and fondled his little head, "Crying and laughing, why are you still like a child?"

He is the cutest kid in the world. [

They hugged each other as if no one else was around, and they were so shocked that their eyes almost fell out.

How is this going?

Hearing this natural and intimate conversation again, countless people fell to the ground.

Miss Tie Er's face turned pale with fright, her lips trembled, "You...know each other?"

God, did she do something stupid again?

The little girl winked at her furiously, "I know him, and he's very familiar. We've grown up together, and he likes me. As long as I say a word, he will listen to me."

Hmph, she has a small mind, if she dares to speak ill of her face to face, of course she will go back.

The corner of Jun Yi's mouth twitched, this girl is too childish.

Of course, if you want to punish someone, she will always get down on the ground, and she will never stand up again.In this life, I will remember the lesson deeply, and the pain can't be more painful.

Miss Tang San looked at him tearfully, as if he had been abandoned and betrayed. "Brother Tang, really? Do you really like her?"

Tang Dashao glanced at her calmly, and quickly returned his gaze to Xiaoya. His answer was decisive, without any room for consideration, "Really."

Can you not like it?Sharing a nest in the mother's womb, can the relationship be bad?

They are twins, closer than ordinary siblings!

The elders of Tiejia can only stand by and watch the changes.

Young people's affairs should be handled by themselves.

They are old, let's just get out of the way.

After hearing this, Miss Tie San's eyes went dark, and she felt like the sky was about to fall.

Heartbroken and miserable.

"You...why do you all like her? She has a bad temper, is petty and willful, and messes around..."[

The man she had kept in her heart for a long time was actually... so blind? !

The little girl was speechless, how did she understand it?

Do their siblings look ambiguous?

That's family affection, understand?

But she wasn't interested in explaining, "That's enough, this is a personal attack, and if I continue, I'm going to turn my face."

Miss Tang San clutched her chest, with a hurt face, "Brother Tang, my elder brother has bad eyesight, that's why he fell in love with her. How can a fairy like you fall in love with her?"

Young Master Tang cast a leisurely glance at Xiaoya, and said coolly, "It was caused when I was young and ignorant."

Even though Tie Zhuoran was very depressed, when he heard this, he immediately burst out laughing, "Hahaha."

This pair of siblings is the funniest in the world. The elder brother is as shrewd as a fox, walking around.

The younger sister is silly, lazy and mischievous.

But the elder brother protects the younger sister very tightly, just like another father, spoiled beyond recognition.

But myself, I always like to bully little girls.But no one is allowed to bully her.

The little girl became angry and kicked out angrily, "Don't laugh, what's so funny, he is so annoying, he always bullies me."

Ms. Tiesan seemed to have caught something, and screamed excitedly, "Brother Tang, look, she hooks up, eats from the bowl, looks into the pot, it's not counting having my elder brother, what else is involved?" Mr. Mu, now even you..."

[That's all for today, and I'll continue tomorrow, Quack, I really like Young Master Tang, I feel so good. 】

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