Women brave pirate den: escaped marriage prince

Chapter 467 : Xiaoya is the eldest lady of the Tang family

Wang Yong was so angry that his seven orifices were filled with smoke, his eyes turned black, and he was furious, "Who are you? How dare you meddle in my affairs?"

The most hateful thing is that everyone in the Tie family watched with cold eyes, no one jumped out to uphold justice, and let an outsider slap him in the face.

Even Zhuo Ran stood by and watched, what do you mean?

Is it someone who can't afford to offend?

Young Master Tang smiled gracefully, as gentle as jade, but what he said could piss people off. [

"Senior misunderstood, I'm not interested in meddling in other people's affairs, you can continue to perform, I'm watching it vigorously, don't spoil my interest."

watching a play?Performance?When Wang Yong was told some of his thoughts, he suddenly became angry from embarrassment.

"You... Zhuoran, drive him away, I don't want to see him."

Zhuo Ran kept smiling wryly, "Grandpa, isn't this embarrassing me? He is an honored guest who can't even be invited, a big man who can cause countless people to panic by stomping his feet, how dare I drive him away?"

He held Tang young master high and gave him enough face.

Hey, there is no way, it's all for the sake of getting a wife smoothly.

The little girl is his life!

And Young Master Tang's influence in the family is too strong, and a single word from him is enough to determine the future of him and Xiaoya.

But he was right, the only heir of the Tang family was a man of influence wherever he went, and his limelight surpassed the princes of all countries.

Even if you want to be low-key, you can't be low-key.

When Wang Yong heard this, he was secretly startled, not daring to be too presumptuous, "Who the hell is he?"

Taking a closer look at the man in front of him, he is imposing, handsome and handsome, and his clothes are not ordinary.

Zhuo Ran vaguely pointed out his identity, "His surname is Tang, and he lives in Xixi City."

Wang Yong's face changed when he heard the words, and he asked anxiously, "Xixi City? What's his relationship with City Lord Bai?"

Surname Tang?Could it be...

Zhuo Ran lifted his thin lips and uttered two plain words.

"Uncle nephew."

But like two giant bombs, Wang Yong was in a state of confusion.

"Are you the son of Bai Qianqian? The little prince Wynn of Qin?" [

Young Lord Huai En, was conferred the title of title by Emperor Qin as soon as he was born.

The degree of favor is far better than that of His Royal Highness the Prince of Qin.

Young Master Tang smiled slightly, with red lips and white teeth, and a personable demeanor, "I didn't expect that senior would know Tang, it's a great honor."

"You..." The conjecture in his heart was confirmed, and Wang Yong was stunned. How could such a person appear here?

Thoughts were spinning, brows were furrowed, and an ominous premonition came to mind.

"Little prince, no matter how noble you are, you can't control those of us overseas. You still invite the little prince to sit on the wall and watch."

He had no choice but to beg him not to interfere in this matter.

Young Master Tang raised his hand slightly, a sense of nobility welled up spontaneously.

"please continue."

Every word and action, there is an indescribable noble air, which calms down the audience.

The eyes of the young ladies of the Tie family were shining, and their admiration was beyond words.

The little girl looked at her brother with a smile, her face full of pride.

Her brother is amazing.

After hearing this sentence, Wang Yong felt a little more settled, no matter what he came for, as long as he didn't interfere in this matter, then he didn't need to bother.

"Zhuoran, you can make a choice today, or, choose this demon girl and disassociate yourself from our Wang family. You are you and we are us. The Wang family dare not recognize you as a grandson again."

He took a deep breath, his face flushed, "Or, marry Xiaoqing as his wife and take good care of her for the rest of her life."

He was very straightforward, throwing the choice to Zhuo Ran.

He tried his best, and it was all or nothing.

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