The members of the Tang family act in a low-key manner and never show off, but they do not mean that they are allowed to be bullied.

Anyone who dares to commit a crime will be paid back tenfold.

When necessary, he doesn't mind using his power to suppress people, so that some people who don't have eyes can open their eyes and gain insight.

Don't think that people from the Tang family are easy to bully.

Someone who can overwhelm the Tang family has not yet been born. [

With a straight face, he has a certain majesty, and his natural nobility is heart-wrenching.

The Tie family shivered and looked at each other. They didn't expect that the people who usually greeted each other with a smile would turn out to be so terrifying once they changed their faces. They were full of awe-inspiring aura, which made people feel deeply unattainable.

This is the real emperor's grandson Fengzi, who is proud, noble, and a big man that ordinary people will never be able to match.

The faces of the grandparents of the Wang family turned completely pale, and it was obvious that they were greatly frightened.

The Tang family and the Bai family are the two most powerful families in the world. If any one of them steps out, he can kill a large number of people with a snap of his fingers.

Not to mention how powerful the royal family of the Qin State is. In recent years, the country of Qin has been peaceful and peaceful, with no wars or civil strife.

The emperor of Qin is a god in the hearts of the people, and the reverence cannot be increased.

And the emperor's favorite person is Princess Juyue, the jewel in his palm.

Wang Xiaoqing's body was shaking, and his mind was in a mess.

Any of the ones he mentioned can't afford to be offended.

Wang Yong was old and refined, so he immediately changed his tone and bowed respectfully, "Don't be angry, little prince, our grandparents only have reverence for you and Your Highness the Princess, and have no malice..."

Young Master Tang laughed angrily. Isn't this talking nonsense?

"No malice? I don't think so."

Wang Yong was sweating profusely and was overly frightened, "You misunderstood..."

How could he think that this brother and sister are easy to talk to?

Do you think that you can get what you want by begging in a low voice?

He almost forgot that the mother of the siblings was Bai Qianqian, the most difficult person in the world.

Even the emperors of the Three Kingdoms have nothing to do with her, they can only watch her fly away and live a free life.

Zhuo Ran couldn't bear to see the elderly man humbly flattering others, but he looked at Xiao Ya and didn't speak. [

Grandpa has gone too far.

Someone should come out and remind me.

He is a junior, not suitable.

Xiaoya's identity is sensitive, which is even more inappropriate.

The Tie family owed him, so they were embarrassed to open their mouths.

Only Tang Juanyi is the most suitable candidate because he has a noble status and has nothing to do with it.

Young Master Tang smiled condescendingly, full of condescending aura, "Our Tang family is not something that cats and dogs can climb up to, what sisters and sisters, the little girl is of royal blood, she is a princess of a country, and her cousins ​​are all named Tang , but there is no sister named Wang."

Don't look at your own identity, can you really protect her for the rest of your life by calling me sister?

What a joke!

There is nothing so cheap in the world.

Wang Xiaoqing's face was red and her ears were red, she was extremely embarrassed.

"I just like princess sister..."

A cold gaze swept over her, she was startled and shivered.

She shook her head desperately, "No, no, I don't dare to climb high, Her Royal Highness is the proud daughter of heaven, not us ordinary people can climb high..."

The little girl couldn't help curling her lips, she turned so fast.

The villain has no guts, that's right.

The small mouth is slightly pouty, the red lips are moist, pink and cute, like a doll, Zhuo Ran's heart itches unbearably, and he stretches out his hand to pinch the little face, it feels really good.

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