He could see that the hearts of his subordinates were fluctuating, and they all wanted to see that magical place.

Distraction is the most terrifying thing.

The little girl laughed, "What are you afraid of? Could it be that you can't bear the envy? It doesn't matter, as long as you are the little brother of this princess, this princess will take you to see the world of flowers and flowers. How boring it is to stay in this sea all day long." , fighting and killing all day long, with your life hanging on the tip of the knife, how can you live such a life of fear?"

Zhuo Ran proudly looked at the girl he loved, she was really powerful, and she was very skilled in scheming.

Even this old guy was in a hurry, too anxious. [

Ji Sheng couldn't help his heart fluttering, but he quickly restrained his mind and didn't dare to think about it.

He can't leave here, this is his world, his territory.

You are king here, but on land, you are not even a fart.

It is better to live vigorously and splendidly for a while than to live in a low voice and depend on people's faces.

What he wants is not to enjoy life, but to become the overlord of one party, call the wind and rain, and have power in his hands.

He stopped coldly, "Bai Xiaoya, don't go too far..."

The little girl gave a weird smile, and opened her throat again, "La la la..."

Ji Sheng's icy face collapsed, and he couldn't get cold anymore. He personally took the tea cup from his subordinate and handed it over, saying politely, "Princess, come, have a glass of water first."

The little girl glanced at the muddy water, not knowing what was put in it, wrinkled her nose in disgust, "Don't drink clear water."

No way, they can't even get clean water?

It's so dirty, how do you drink it?

Jisheng was so miserable, "I can't get what you want either."

Unless he is a member of the royal family, he can't get those tributes.

Isn't this clearly embarrassing him?

Damn girl, really tricky, but he can't do anything about it.

The little girl laughed, "It's so pitiful, alas, you are so old, why can't you think about it? Tell me, why did you arrest me? Should I kill your father or rape your mother?"

This is what she is most curious about, every time she is pointed out to arrest her, she is not a gangster or a flower picker, so why is she hated so much?

Zhuo Ran has black lines all over his head, why are he talking nonsense?

Rape...what did she use to rape? [

Childish words without restraint!

Young Master Tang's expression was very calm, as if he had gotten used to it long ago.

My little sister has always been eccentric and clever.

It doesn't matter any more nonsense, the Tang family and the Bai family will support her.

Ji Sheng's eyes changed, it was indescribably weird, "You are too arrogant, you don't know if you offend someone, hum, just wait and suffer."

The little girl rolled her eyes, "La la la, there is a silly old man named Ji Sheng who sells his wife for money..."

Jisheng completely broke down. Why did she have so many words in her mouth, and she never repeated them, and the words were particularly unpleasant.

Sell ​​your wife for money?How could she figure it out?


He threatened viciously, "If you sing again, I will poison you."

The little girl smiled reassuringly, her eyes were bright, "Don't you dare, your biggest task is to bring people back safely and without worry."

Jisheng's face changed drastically, his eyes widened in shock, and he looked at her in disbelief, "How do you know?"

[I'll stop here today, and I'll continue tomorrow. I'm going to have an exam recently, and time is too tight, so let's do eight more in the future. Don't hit me. I also want to update a thousand chapters every day, but I don't have that ability. I'm sorry. Children’s shoes for throwing bricks, please be gentle, Junjun’s illness is still not healed, it’s been more than a month and he’s still coughing, looking at you with tears in his eyes, it’s really painful. 】

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