Zheng Qiniang was devastated, her eyes darkened, and she almost couldn't stand still.

Those two words kept replaying in my head, the deal...

He actually... agreed...

Was the Tang family so powerful that he had to compromise?

God, what should she do? [

She offended Bai Xiaoya enough.

Will she still have a good life in the future?

Is it possible for her queen dream to come true?

God, why are you doing this to me?

Time and time again, they drove me into hell, and time and time again they wounded me all over my body.

Not fair.

No one cared about her thoughts, Xiaoya stretched out her slender hand, met the other person's eyes straight, and asked for a promise, "A gentleman."

For some reason, my heart is slightly astringent.

It is his nature to make such a choice for the person he once liked so much, but he still feels a little uncomfortable.

It has nothing to do with affection and love, just love someone for more than ten years, no complaints or regrets, suddenly feel a little worthless.

It's not worth it for the once crazy self, for that beautiful past.

Her devotion wholeheartedly, her girlish feelings, in the eyes of the other party, are just some boring things, which can be discarded at any time.

No matter how nice his words are, he is still an unscrupulous person who takes advantage of everyone around him.

Even if you occasionally stop in confusion, but when you wake up, you will continue to walk firmly.

Well, let everything be dusty.

Loved, hated, and hurt, this is a complete life.

Thanks to him, she has suffered a lot, but because of this, she will cherish the future even more. ,

In the future, she will be very happy and cherish the people around her.

She couldn't help but look back at Zhuo Ran, the understanding and pity in his eyes warmed her heart. [

At least, I still have you.

A lover who will never leave.

The disappointment in her eyes made Mu Jinmo's heart ache. Isn't this the result she wanted?Why do you still feel melancholy?Still disappointed?

It is she who will force him to this point, it is she who is determined to cut off the connection between the two of them, it is she... don't want him anymore.

Then he... from now on, he will move towards one goal wholeheartedly, without distraction, and walk towards his destined life path.

He seemed to be relieved, but at the same time he seemed to be depressed, showing a tragic smile, "You are too careful, with the strength of your Tang family, can I go back on my word?"

She is more ruthless than him, really, he admits it.

There is no such thing as the best of both worlds, and beauties cannot have both.

The beauty is gone, the only way is to firmly hold on to the country that belongs to him.

Xiaoya didn't say anything, just looked at him silently.

He smiled bitterly, with bitterness in his heart, stretched out his big hand and patted the little hand hanging high in the air, "Okay, I promise you, it's hard to catch a horse."

The two hands were separated at the touch of a finger, and before he had time to recollect it, the little girl had already withdrawn her hand and smiled slightly, "As expected of Mr. Mu, you are decisive. Believe me, you will be a great emperor and your name will go down in history."

This is her truth, ruthless and cruel, resourceful and forbearing, he possesses all the qualities of an emperor.

With his ability, he will surely be able to be an emperor through the ages and live forever.

And this is his biggest dream.

In the face of such a dream, everything will survive, the emperor is ruthless, he will do better than anyone else.

"Thank you." The pain on his face was wiped away, he straightened his waist, proud and confident, like a supreme emperor, extremely noble, he nodded slightly, and drifted away.

The remaining warmth in the hands is gone, just like the beautiful years of childhood, never looking back.

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