Women brave pirate den: escaped marriage prince

Chapter 595: Father and Daughter Turn Their Faces

Jisheng's face was gloomy and terrifying, "A Ying, what on earth do you want to do? Oppose me when your wings grow hard? Don't even think about it. I taught you all your abilities. Do you have that ability?"

A dead girl is not her own, so she is really not caring.

Does she want to buy people's hearts?Income spent?

Hmph, what a beautiful thought.

He had already seen that she had ulterior motives, so he hit her vigorously, and left her humble life to work for him. [

I thought it would suppress her for the rest of her life, but now it seems that she has become a tiger.

The wings are already full, and it is difficult to get rid of them.

A Ying, who has always been respectful and obedient to him, did not flinch this time, with a heavy face, and a long sigh, "Father, no matter how good your martial arts are, if you don't have a heart for your brothers, it's useless."

Ji turned pale with anger, and dared to accuse him in public?

What is she?

Tired of living?

But these words aroused the praise of countless people, and a half-white-haired pirate was the first to jump out to respond, "Miss Ying is very good, I am the first to express my admiration for you, and I am willing to be driven by you."

"Follow you to have meat to eat, let me do whatever you want."

"Me too, Miss Ying, we are willing to listen to you."

Hearing the words, Ah Ying revealed a look of joy, but tried her best to hold back the look of joy.

Years of wishes are about to come true, can you not be happy?

The little girl curled her lips and watched with cold eyes. This A Ying has many eyes and clever means. She picked the most suitable time to draw these people into her camp, and firmly tied their hearts.

She took the opportunity to seize power, and her ambitions were not small.

But these people are useless and easy to buy, and they will not be useful at critical moments, but will hinder them.

What's the use of having such subordinates.

Zhuo Ran couldn't help rubbing her little head, she was the most innocent little girl, she didn't know how to play tricks and intrigue, making it impossible to guard against.

Seeing these subordinates rebelling in public again, Jisheng twisted his mouth in anger.

One time of infidelity, a hundred times intolerable.

These people voted for the Tang family first, and now they came to hug A Ying's thigh, not paying him any attention. [

If they were ruthless first, then it is no wonder that he is ruthless.

"Okay, let's die together, blow up the red cannon for me, no one can escape."

It's all rubbish, and it's an eyesore to live in this world.

It's better to send them to the west together, mother.

Everyone was shocked and begged for mercy in panic, "Boss, calm down..."

"Boss, don't do it. Miss A Yun's funeral has not been settled yet. Are you going to let her be smashed to pieces without even a memorial tablet?"

"Don't be confused, boss, what about your ambition? What about your dream of a maritime empire?"

Hearing this, Ji Sheng froze for a moment, as if a basin of ice water had been poured over his head, he shivered all over his body, and his head became clear for a moment.

Ah Ying screamed inwardly that it was not good, and hurriedly stepped forward two steps, accusing loudly with righteous words.

"Enough, father, you have disappointed A Ying too much. As a leader, you only care about your own thoughts and don't consider everyone. Such behavior is chilling. We don't want a boss like you."

Everyone was stunned, it's better not to provoke him at this time.

If you offend him, it will be miserable.

But a few pirates jumped out and echoed, "Exactly, I've been meaning to say this for a long time, Ji Sheng, you don't deserve to be the boss, and you want everyone to be buried with your father and daughter, it's fucking hell."

"You can die if you want, but don't drag us down."

The more he talked, the more excited he became, and he seemed to rush forward to fight to the death.

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