Women brave pirate den: escaped marriage prince

Chapter 88: The Princess is Fierce

He wished he could get rid of this trouble, who could stand a stalking woman?He won't go away even if he is scolded, and he is not afraid of being beaten. Whenever he has a chance, he sticks to his side, using everything, and only wants to achieve his goal.

Such a thick-skinned woman can't stand it, and he can't wait to get rid of it immediately.

Tie Weiyu was dubious, but pretended to be very grateful, "Thank you, big brother, for your success."

The little girl watched with cold eyes, disdainful in her heart.

Tie Lao Er is a selfish and small-minded person, and his biggest pursuit is to fight for that poor seat. [

Let's fight, but use some unscrupulous methods, it's really despised.

He also judges the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain, and he can't trust others at all.

Such a person can't make a big deal!

Even if he barely fulfills his wish, the family business will be ruined.

Tie Zhuoran said with a faint smile, "They are all my brothers, why are you being polite?"

The two brothers finalized a marriage while talking and laughing, completely ignoring the other party.

Zheng Qiniang was dumbfounded, she couldn't get in the mouth all the time, she was annoyed and angry, what did she think of her?

A tool for their brothers to communicate, communicate, and please each other?

She was trembling with anger, "You have gone too far, have you ever asked my opinion? My life is not something you two can decide."

Zhuo Ran asked coldly, "It turns out that Master Zheng also understands this truth."

"You..." Zheng Qiniang's face turned from red to green, green to white, like a seven-color palette, absolutely wonderful, "Hmph."

She was so ashamed that she couldn't bear it, and she waved her sleeves away.

Seeing her rushing back, Tie Weiyu took a few deep glances, and confessed affectionately, "Brother, I really like Miss Zheng and want to marry her."

The little girl was disgusted, such a hypocritical villain.

Zhuo Ran nodded slightly, with a look of brotherly affection, "I will fully support you, go after it with confidence."

"Thank you, brother." Tie Weiyu stood up, bowed deeply, and walked away.

As soon as they left, Xiaoya breathed a sigh of relief, "Your second brother is really treacherous, a standard villain."

Seeing that the wine glass in front of her was empty, Zhuo Ran filled it up for her, and stuffed it with fried chicken shreds with chopsticks, "It doesn't matter if he is a villain or a hypocrite, as long as he gets rid of that troublemaker, he will be happy."

The little girl stared at the rice bowls piled up into a hill, the white rice could not be seen, there were all kinds of dishes on it. [

"Really willing? People are so infatuated with you, and they are domineering, people..."

As he talked, sourness floated out, "He looks not bad, not ugly..."

Hmph, smelly man, once a woman admires him, don't you feel very proud and feel so light that you can't find your way?

Thinking about it this way, it is inevitable that the face will be brought out, and the small face will be wrinkled into a ball.

Zhuo Ran was amused, "Hahaha, whether she is ugly or not is none of my business, girl, are you secretly scolding me in your heart?"

The little girl was startled, and covered her face with her hands, only revealing a pair of big eyes that were gliding around, very innocent.

"Where is it?"

Can he see through her thoughts?very scary!

Zhuo Ran couldn't help laughing, "As soon as you frowned, I guessed what you were thinking, why scold me? I don't like that woman, I only care about you."

The little girl had goosebumps all over her body, and her face was burning so hot that it was as hot as fire.

"Glib, what a nuisance."

How could he be so calm when he said nasty things?How did you do it without blushing?

He smiled dotingly, "Okay, if you hate it, hate it, eat more, you'll lose weight."

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