When Xia Chenyan saw her resolute and indifferent eyes, he knew the real meaning behind her words.The so-called non-interference and the so-called respect are nothing but a harbinger and warning before giving up.

"We agreed not to quarrel anymore." The light from the kitchen was the only corner that could be illuminated.Hugging her from behind, his voice was a little hoarse.

"We didn't quarrel." Her indifferent tone was like the wind, and finally there was a hint of helpless sigh.

"What are you thinking."

"No, I didn't think about anything." She knew he was there for lunch.

"Really?" His breath stirred in her ears and around her neck.

"Yeah." She hummed softly.

He wanted to let go of his hand, but he didn't want to be held tightly by her.

Xia Chenyan did not question her words, but affirmed them.Turning her body suddenly, "You don't care if I'm with other women?"

"What do you mean by being together? Talking together? Eating together? Watching a movie together? Or..." She met his enigmatic eyes. The light in those eyes was the sunshine she greedily wanted.Now, while the unfathomable black hole is attracting her, it is also warning her of danger. "Actually, who you choose to be with and what to do is not up to me. If one day, you will be with another woman. No matter what I do at that time, I can't bring you back. Because, I don't I will do anything at that time, and I will not even wait for you at the same place. My life can only keep moving forward, and I am not allowed to look back, let alone go back."

She knows that when she looks back, all kinds of happy and unhappy things, things worth remembering and things that shouldn't be obsessed with will all come pouring in.

"Trust me?" He knew her, and occasionally he couldn't understand her.

Her personality, he knew.He also knows what she thinks.But occasionally, he doesn't know anything.What I thought was hugging in my arms suddenly disappeared without knowing it.

Just like sand, it feels so deep when you hold it in your hand.But at the same time that he thought he had it, he gradually lost it.

He who had always been in control of the overall situation realized that he was still at a loss for her.

"Yeah." She responded in a vague way, as far as she understood, anyone's life is an individual.Maybe one moment they are together, the next moment they will be separated.

Believe me, it's not difficult.Persevere, but it is so difficult.

"Here, only you." He gently took her hand and placed it on his chest.That strong heartbeat, hot heart, seemed to be born for her.

Her hands were a little hot, perhaps from being scorched.

"It's not that I don't believe it, it's just..." She was very uncertain, it was her uncertainty. "I'm afraid I'm the third person, the third person besides you and the others."

"The third person?"

"Yes, whether it's intentional or not. I don't want to be anyone, especially the third person between you and others."

"You think Yichen and I..."

"I don't think that's the reality," she said. "You were engaged to her, and now I'm with you. There shouldn't be anything more absurd than this, right?"

"Ariel and I's engagement is based on the fact that we both get what we need."

"And then? Are you going to use this method to mature your parents forever?"

"At least for now."

"I thought you could handle everything properly, at least not in this way to solve the immediate problem."

Ji Xiyin was a little disappointed because of his response to this matter.

"If I don't do this, I will have to be forced to go on a blind date. Do you want me to face different women every day, and have fun talking and laughing with them?" He frowned, trying to observe carefully from her face What came out.

"I didn't say that, but you can handle it in your usual style, can't you? Usually..."

"You don't know them yet." They, his parents.

"I really didn't have a chance to find out."

"Can I take it as a complaint?"

"Just the truth."

"If you want, I can take you to meet them right away, before they leave the country." After all, he really planned to take her out of the house.

Ji Xiyin only said that she really wanted to see them, it was too sudden at this moment!She is not prepared!And how to introduce it then?

Just during lunch, she clearly understood Yichen's position in their hearts.The identified daughter-in-law, if she appeared, wouldn't she become a vixen in a bad marriage?

This first impression is simply rotten to the extreme!

"What?" She suddenly pulled him back, preventing him from moving forward.

"I don't want to bother them."

"It won't take long."

"I'm not ready yet." Her feet seemed to be fixed in place, refusing to move forward.

For this reason, he had no choice but to give up.Or in other words, he had expected it.

She was dissatisfied with his determination, but the truth was that she didn't have the courage either.None of them can blame anyone.

"If they find out about you, I think it will be very troublesome." He sighed silently.

When she heard this, her heart ached.Hard, numb pain. "It turns out I'm so shameless." She knew her current identity and was very embarrassed.But hearing him say that himself, she really couldn't help but think wildly.

"No, it has nothing to do with you. If they discover your existence, I think you will become their latest prey."

"Huh?" Prey? !

"But if you're not worried about getting married and having a baby so early, and you say you're pregnant out of wedlock...ah!" He moaned in pain as his chest was attacked.

I saw Ji Xiyin becoming angry from embarrassment, staring at him who was making nonsense!

"I was serious."

"It doesn't look like it anywhere."

"You'll know when you meet them." Fortunately, he is in good shape, otherwise he was beaten by her brute force, and he probably wouldn't run away after a day or two of pain. "During lunch, they urged Yichen and me to give them a grandson."

"Then you're all set."

"Aren't you jealous?" He half-closed his eyes, his smile was just cunning.

"There are too many two-legged men in this world."

"But I only have one." After he finished speaking, he pinched the tip of her nose lovingly.

"Smelly." She seemed to be cursing, but there was a smile on the corner of her mouth.

People who are in love are always in love.After considering the time, please also consider the location.

Look, the figure who was about to go downstairs was forced to go back to the room by Shengsheng.It's not good to be blind at night, and to ruin other people's good deeds, but you will be punished!

"Do you know that there is a new group called - limitless recently?"

"Is it the group that Pusen Entertainment is planning to debut?"

"Ahhh! It's them! I've watched documentaries about their life and practice online!"

"I saw it too! They are so handsome!"

"And work hard!"

In the streets and alleys, in every place, there is no lack of gossip in any circle if there are girls.Especially, the entertainment industry!

Ji Xiyin followed the address all the way to find the restaurant owned by Jiang Jingyan's aunt, and heard news about Pusen's new combination.

Yes, she had heard it before.

After all, it is an opponent with my company, and because of the limitless, g. s. Fairy's debut plan has stalled.Pusen clearly wants to fight against them!

But so what?Shopping malls are like battlefields.

"Excuse me—" When Ji Xiyin realized that she seemed to be getting more and more strange as she walked, she seemed to be lost.I had no choice but to grab a passerby and wanted to ask.

Unexpectedly, the enemy's road is narrow!Oh no, it can also be said that they came to meet each other by fate?Nonsence!Destiny is also evil!

"It's you!"

"It's you!"

The two pointed at each other almost in unison and exclaimed!

"Why is it you again?" Immediately afterwards, Ji Xiyin made a regretful voice.

"Hey, what's your tone?"

"I'm sorry, it's the tone you heard." She didn't bother to talk to him, as if avoiding the plague god, or simply turned a blind eye and was going to ask other passers-by for directions.

"What a coincidence, I didn't expect to meet you here."

She didn't expect that he would just pester her like this!

"Coincidental? I don't think there are people wherever there is a road. Or do you doubt your race? Besides, this strike-up line is a bit old-fashioned. I advise you not to continue saying, "Coincidentally, we are going to the same place ".Otherwise, "What time is it?""

"You are very eloquent, but I don't remember offending you. This lady seems to be very prejudiced against me." He folded his arms around his chest, looking interested in dealing with her.

"I'm sorry, it's not a prejudice, but I hope to turn a blind eye. Of course, if you dress more low-key, I think it will be more convenient for you to cooperate with my unique martial arts."

"It's interesting what you said." Not only was he not shunned by her straightforward words.On the contrary, he became interested in her because of this, whether it was in her or in her personality, that is open to question.

"Not as interesting as you." She even smirked perfunctorily.

Then suddenly a group of people ran towards them, she jumped three feet almost without thinking, and then pointed at the group of people and pointed at him!

Finally, he understood why she treated him so harshly.It's nothing more than remembering the grudge from last time...

Unfortunately, this time it's really none of his business.

She didn't understand until she realized that the group of people were just running past them.

But this town is quite lively, and there are quite a lot of people.


"What happened last time, I didn't expect to involve you. Even if we don't know each other yet. By the way, what's your name?" Remembering that he didn't know her name yet, he felt that it was really strange.Two people who don't know each other, because of the absurd way of meeting the first time, and the second accidental meeting, still don't know who the other is.

"Should I have the right not to answer?" She didn't have the heart to talk to him, she kept stretching her neck and looking ahead.

That group of people didn't seem to be good at it, they looked like the loan sharks in TV dramas.

"You have the right to..."

Before he could finish speaking, she suddenly ran in the direction that group of people were going!

Because, she heard Jiang Jingyan's voice!

There was chaos ahead, and there was the sound of pots and pans being smashed.It's exactly like the scene of triads finding fault in Hong Kong dramas!

It was the first time Ji Xiyin saw such a scene in reality!

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