When Nan Jin detoxified Liusu, Xuanwu Xuanbei and Abi arrived in Huadu with Bingyue Palace and other people.

They set off one day earlier than Nan Jin, but were delayed by another storm at sea, arrived two days later, and also landed in the inn where Nan Jin was staying.

The people from Bingyue Palace would come, as early as Ruyu had expected, Nan Jin vaguely knew that he was planning to intervene in her daughter's internal affairs on the first day she came to Daughter's Country.Ice Moon Palace is his most powerful right-hand man. Nan Jin is in Daughter Country, and there are many dangers. Even without his order, the people from Ice Moon Palace will arrive as soon as possible.

Ruyu told them that Nanjin had taken Tassel to the snow mountain, and Xuanwu immediately went to find the former spy in Daughter's Country.Xuanbei Abi enters the palace.

It was already noon when Xiao Jue returned to the inn. When he came back from the palace, he passed Xuanbei's Abi, but they didn't meet each other.Ruyu said that the people from Bingyue Palace came, but he didn't have much reaction, as if everything was expected.

In the past two days, he was in a bad mood, and he hid it well in front of Xiaobai. As soon as he left the palace, endless hesitation swept over him. The brows of a man who has always been strong look very tired. The previous scenes flashed in the memory, sad, happy, regretful...

It is said that the past is like smoke, and he has never been a man who can afford it and cannot let it go. It has been five years, and everything is different. He has been persistent, suffered, and worked hard. , all in vain.

Tiredness swept over like a blizzard, Xiao Jue closed his eyes heavily, sometimes he was sober, sometimes confused, and often fell in love with the feeling of being alone at night, blending into the surrounding darkness.

give up……

What a simple word, but a sharp arrow pierced his heart, dripping with blood, what a heavy decision!

What is Liusu doing with Feng Nanjin?

Has her Gu poison been cured?

He couldn't help thinking, unable to control his thoughts, if he wasn't afraid that Long Xueli would be bad for Xiaobai, he would have gone to the Snow Mountain long ago.

This time Liusu lost her memory, everything was like starting from scratch, but when she met them for the first time on the street that day, she obviously forgot everything but was familiar with Feng Nanjin, this realization made Xiao Jue's heart icy cold.

As the years passed, he should gradually fade in Liusu's mind, and one day he suddenly remembered that he had appeared in his life, but he couldn't remember his face.

Just thinking about it made him unable to breathe in pain.

"Susu, what should I do with you?" Xiao Jue murmured in pain. He thought that if Liusu fell in love with Feng Nanjin this time, he would just let go and stop being attached to her.

Ruyu said that he was redundant between them.

Ruyu said that Susu's heart is full of Nan Jin.

Ruyu said that being perfect silently is also a kind of love.

But Ruyu didn't tell him, who will help him?

Suddenly looking back, Xiao Jue suddenly discovered that half his life had been ups and downs. Power and status were already vain things. What did he get in the end?

He seems to be such a strong existence, as if everyone needs him, but now looking back, it seems that everyone no longer needs him.

He lived half his life, for what?

He spent five years repaying the mistakes he made during his frivolous hatred.

At that time, he thought that the whole world was in the palm of his hand and he could do whatever he wanted, but when he suddenly realized, the whole world had abandoned him.

The quiet wind leaked in through the screen window, and he felt a little cold!

"Xiao Jue, don't look like you're going to die, come and eat!" Ruyu put the tray heavily on the table, and set the food. Seeing that he was still motionless, the woman raised her eyebrows and walked over without kicking. Kicked politely, "Hey, are you deaf?"

Ruyu has never seen such a stubborn person. During those six months in the palace, her opinion of Xiao Jue completely changed. In fact, he is not as bad as she imagined.Watching him miss Tassel day after day and take care of the camellias in Wutong Garden carefully, she discovered that he also has a soft side.

"It's not a matter of a day or two for you to be abandoned. There's no need to be so infatuated again. Drink what you should drink and eat what you should eat. No one can live without anyone. No matter how sad you are Susu Can’t remember you, can’t see you, get out of here!” Another merciless kick, Ruyu stepped on his wound specifically.

Xiao Juehu straightened up from the bed with a grimace, swung his fist and smashed it, Ruyu flashed past cleverly, smiling like a flower, extremely monstrous, "You are really rough, you become violent when you become angry, no wonder Susu doesn't want you , if such a ruthless fist hits her, her life will be gone, why can't you learn to be gentle after all these years?"

"I will be gentle with you when my brain is kicked by a donkey!" Xiao Jue stood up and walked to the table with a gloomy face. He was starving.Just eat without saying a word, if Ruyu doesn't stimulate him for a day, he will feel uncomfortable, and she will pick on his sore spot, not polite, let alone show no mercy, it seems that she feels a sense of accomplishment when she sees him get angry, now she looks at her monster He had the urge to close his eyes because he couldn't see his face.

She swept away all the nostalgia and sadness just now, and now she can't wait to drive this monster out of the house.

He has tolerated her for a long time!

But the strange thing is that he didn't even open his mouth to drive her away. Every time he was stabbed by her miss tassel, the pain in his heart would disappear and turn into a raging anger.

"You have such an attitude, no wonder no one loves you, girl, let me tell you a truth, in a family with two children, parents generally like the younger one, do you know why?" Ruyu's expression was absolutely coaxing, like The witch is seducing the child with an apple, smiling so brightly.

Xiao Jue didn't raise his eyes, he didn't bother to respond, she would continue to talk anyway, but as expected, Ruyu stretched out her leg and kicked him again, scolding with a smile: "Why don't you give me a little reaction, otherwise my play How to sing?"

"Stop kicking, your feet are swollen from kicking! You have to sing and go to the stage!" Xiao Jue said coldly, staring at her angrily, warning her not to go too far.

Ruyu smiled, "You are really uneducated, your brain is so stubborn because of the stones in the latrine, let me tell you, parents generally like the younger one because the younger one can act like a baby, very cute and understandable I don't understand, you have such a stinky face, anyone who sees it will run away!"

"Why didn't you run away?" Xiao Jue snorted heavily, counterattacking in a distasteful way, although he vaguely knew what it was for, but he wasn't too sure.

Every time he faces her, he has to put up all his energy to deal with it. Among the women Xiao Jue has met in his life, Ruyu is the toughest and most difficult to deal with. She stomped all over her body.

Ruyu was stunned, and showed a devilish smile, "If I leave, won't I not be able to appreciate the splendor of the lord's sorrow, what a loss!"

Xiao Jue's eyes were full of anger. Ruyu was right in saying that he was stabbed by her only when his brain was blocked by a stone. Ruyu smiled and admired him breathing out fire, and provocatively said, "Are you angry again? I said Xiao Jue, take it easy, you are not young, and you still breathe fire like this all the time, it will affect your body, be careful of your short life!"

Xiao Jue felt depressed. If she didn't stab him often, would he breathe fire?Xiao Jue is notoriously ruthless, with a frozen face all year round.

"You mean I'm old?" He squinted his eyes and asked dangerously. He was very old, and this age happened to be the age when a man's vitality was at its peak. Bar?

"My lord, you are getting cuter and cuter. Isn't it only women who care about your age? Why do you care about a man?" Ruyu curled her lips.

Xiao Jue was at a loss for words, how could he talk to Ruyu, everything he said was wrong, and everything she said was right, even untruths can be turned into truth, why can't he just shut up and eat?

"Don't tell me I really forgot, Ruyu, Miss Ximen, are you 21 this year?" Xiao Jue showed a friendly smile for the first time, as if he was a matchmaker who came to propose marriage.

Ruyu is terrified, what is wrong with him?

"At your age, you can't get married, right? You're an old girl, who would want you? What a miserable life!" Xiao Jue sounded like that. After getting along with Ruyu for a long time, he was always She stimulated, and finally there was a day when he could fight back, Xiao Jue felt so relieved.

The chef cooks this soup really well, it's delicious!

In a good mood, everything is good!

Ruyu smiled even brighter, "Who told you that a woman must marry someone? I don't care for girls. Any man who marries me means that his ancestors have accumulated virtue in eighteen lifetimes. Who has such good luck?"

The soup that Xiao Jue drank in his mouth almost didn't spit out, Ru Yu Xing stared, Xiao Jue smiled even more happily, he has seen thick-skinned ones, but he has never seen such thick-skinned ones, he has learned a lot, "I think it is Eighteen generations of ancestors are all shady, right?"

Ruyu kicked him again. Xiao Jue learned to be smart this time, so he avoided it vigilantly. It will be so painful, slowly, it will fade away.

"By the way, Xiao Jue, Xuanwu Xuanbei and the others are here. I think you should avoid entering the palace. The more people know Xiaobai's identity, the worse it is. Although the people in Ice Moon Palace are trustworthy, walls have ears. Long Qianyue and the others know that it is bad for Xiaobai, and Long Xueli will not let go of such a good opportunity, and then there will be an earth-shaking struggle." Ruyu said calmly, not forgetting to pay attention to Xiao Jue's words complexion.

"Have you ever seen me so despised my father?" Xiao Jue's eyes darkened, his tone was sullen, he didn't understand the truth, he was a female slave, and thinking of Xiao Bai made him feel tender.

The father's love that was missing for five years, I wish I could make it up to her overnight.

"Isn't it better to have no light than to have no light at all?" Ruyu smiled lightly, stood up, and turned around gracefully to leave.

"Ruyu..." Xiao Jue called her, Ruyu turned around, he looked into Ruyu's eyes firmly, and said seriously: "Ruyu, don't like me!"


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