Nine Heavenly Towers

117: Centaur General Forum

The general altar of the Centaur Clan is not too big, but it is not too small either.

At least compared to the White Crane City, it is still much smaller, only half the area of ​​the White Crane City.But it is also a place with a very strong western fantasy color. It cannot be regarded as a city, it is not big, and it cannot be regarded as a tribe, because it condenses the beliefs of dozens of centaur tribes.

When Xuan Mu followed Yin Ning to the main altar of the Centaurs and Horses, what he saw was this kind of ancient castle with a very strong romantic color, and some stone houses.Xuan Mu seemed to have returned to the Kingdom of He, and to the city of Rome.

It was as if all this had a familiar feeling again, but he was no longer the Xuanmu who only had a mortal body back then.

The spirit beasts of the centaur clan were busy with their own jobs in the city, some selling pills, some selling magic talisman materials, and some selling various meteorites.There are also silk and jade articles for sale in various colors.There are also teahouses and restaurants, and there are spiritual liquids brewed from spiritual tea in the teahouses.There are so-called low-grade immortal wines in the restaurant.

What surprised Xuanmu the most was that there was actually a 'Yiqing Building' here.The centaur females in front of the 'Yiqing Building' are all dressed thinly, revealing a pair of exquisite bumpy figures.Their voices are soft and delicate, perhaps for centaurs and beasts, their looks are not bad.For people like Xuanmu, the concept is different.

He looked at the group of centaurs with horses on their heads receiving the guests in a graceful manner, and he felt like throwing up.

And Yin Ning, who was flying in the sky, also wanted to fly away in a hurry when he saw this scene.After all, there is no such place in Baihe City, because there are many races in Baihe City, and it is impossible for different races to mate. Since they cannot mate, then such a business cannot continue.

There are very few customers in places like 'Yiqing Building'. After all, if you meet a relatively high-level centaur spirit beast who has practiced secret techniques in the room, then not only will you not be able to replenish Yuanyin, but you will lose Yuanyang and pay for it. To pay for Lingshi.

Yin Ning led Xuanmu and walked eastward towards the main altar avenue. At the end of the east, the castle that shone with light green was one of the destinations of their trip.

When I came to the front of the castle, I saw the five big characters "Saint Temple of the Centaur" engraved on the castle. Inside the city gate on these five big characters, there were more than a dozen warriors of the Centaur tribe in black iron armor, walking back and forth with spears in their hands. .

One of the male centaurs in a red robe saw Xuanmu and Yin Ning coming, and hurried down, opened the black black iron gate, and said respectfully: "The young general Ma Yuqing welcomes Princess Yining."

"Well... get up. I'm here to find your patriarch." Yin Ning said lightly, and flew towards the castle.

Xuan Mu followed closely behind, stepped into the castle, and came to a large hall.

As soon as he entered the main hall, Xuan Mu saw a relatively elderly man in shape. The old man was slightly fat, and his eyes were slightly squinted, as if he would never be able to open them.

A ray of light came out from a thin slit, and glanced at Yin Ning and Xuan Mu.The old man then said with a smile on his face: "His Royal Highness Yin Ning is here, I am not far away to welcome you. Is this my little brother?"

"My name is Xuan Mu, I don't know what to call senior?" Xuan Mu said without asking.

"Brother Xuanmu, my name is Ma Li." The old man also enthusiastically talked to Xuanmu.Then he hurriedly greeted: "Your Highness, take your seat with little brother Xuanmu."

"Well, how is the battle ahead?" Yin Ning asked the key point.

The old man gave Yin Ning a detailed introduction to the battle situation in the past few days, and Xuan Mu was also listening.

Seven days ago, the Fox Clan and the War Wolf Clan gathered at the border of the Blood Sea Swamp with lightning speed, preparing to invade the Green Grassland.All the outposts were killed by them, and then they quickly besieged more than ten tribes of the Centaur tribe on the eastern border at a speed of thousands of miles a day.

Six days ago, a total of fifteen tribes were occupied by the army of the Wolf Warriors and the Fox Clan.More than [-] people and horses were killed by them, and the beast pills were distributed to the brave warriors of the two tribes as spoils of war.

There are also many resources of the Centaur tribe that have been plundered by them, at least many items such as spirit stones, armors, and magic weapons have become their trophies.

So, six days ago, they quickly sent a letter to the Crane Clan, asking the Beast Emperor to send out part of the Crane Spirit Beast Army to help in the battle.The running speed of the people and horses is not slower than the flying speed of the cranes.They can travel thousands of miles a day, or even farther, but cranes may not be able to reach such a speed.It was already three days ago when the horses of the people and horses arrived at Baihe City.

That is, three days ago, the Beast Emperor ordered Yin Ning to come here to play the striker first.After all, he is still very relieved about the strength of Yin Ning, who is close to the strength of a high-ranking spirit beast.

The old man did not expect that only two spirit beasts, Yin Ning and Xuan Mu, would arrive.

Until now, there are still two tribes with more than 90 spirit beasts still fighting, and the main altar has also sent [-] fast horses to support them.These [-] fast horses are [-]% of the strength of the entire Centaur Clan team, which means that if the Crane Clan does not come to support, the Centaur Clan may come out in full force.

Even a high-ranking spirit beast like Patriarch Ma Li seemed to have to make an appearance.

After learning about the situation on the battlefield, Xuan Mu didn't speak, he just looked at Yin Ning indifferently, he was not very interested in this so-called war.

If it weren't for the fact that there were beast pills to seize, he wouldn't bother to care about such things.

Yin Ning's eyes were deep in thought, and after a while, he slowly said: "Clan Chief Ma Li, you should take all the garrison troops in the main altar to the front line. I think I need to go to the scene to see."

In Xuanmu's eyes, this little girl who has always been unruly, willful, arrogant and unreasonable seems to have changed today.She turned into a capable general, which made Xuan Mu a little impressed.

"That's fine, the old man will arrange it right away. Please wait a moment." After Ma Li finished speaking, he hurriedly walked outside the hall.

"Yin Ning, did your father send that crane beast army to help?" Xuan Mu asked suspiciously after Ma Li left.

Yin Ning immediately became angry, and said coquettishly, "Aren't you talking nonsense? After all, the Xianhe clan is also the ruler of this green grassland. How can you see your land being occupied by other clans?"

Xuan Mu immediately stopped talking, and with Yin Ning's words, he was relieved, and he followed Yin Ning to the battlefield with confidence, after all, he didn't want to be cannon fodder.

After a while, Ma Li arranged everything properly, and led a thousand fast horses and the Xuanmu towards the Qiluo tribe where the battlefield ahead was.

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