Nine Heavenly Towers

139: Battle Fox Clan Beast Emperor

After the frog beast swallowed one of the refined beast pills, its eyes showed excitement, with a faint and greedy light, and swallowed the remaining several refined beast pills into its stomach in one breath.

After a while, Xuanmu still refined some beast pills in a leisurely manner.

After the frog beast devoured these beast pills, it gradually showed some signs that it seemed to be advancing.It's just that I have been a little restless, but I don't really want to touch it.

It was not until the next morning that Xuanmu led the frog beast to the northwest.

The frog beast behind him cheered and jumped, as if he had been doped.

Xuan Mu, who was dressed in a white shirt, walked forward. At this moment, he suddenly heard a burst of roaring sounds, as if a huge team was rushing towards this place.

Xuan Mu was stunned for a moment, standing motionless, he stared into the distance with shining eyes, and immediately understood the general idea.

He grabbed the frog beast and flew towards the east.

Behind him, tens of thousands of fox clan spirit beasts were running towards here in heavy armor.

The leader was the Beast Emperor of the Fox Clan. He was thinking in the air, who was so bold to let the worm canopy out.He thought for a moment, and spread his consciousness a little, but he didn't expect to find that there was something abnormal in the air around him.

As a result, the fox king spread his consciousness over a wider range. Just after his consciousness spread hundreds of feet away, his pupils shrank suddenly, and his figure hurried towards the distance. Fly away.At the same time, disperse all the spiritual consciousness to the southeast.

As the figure of the fox king flew over a hundred miles away, his expression changed suddenly, because he saw a tribe in the open, it was originally a fox tribe that should have signs of life.At this time, there is no life in it, and there is hardly a slightest sign of trouble.

The face of the fox king's face changed suddenly, and his figure galloped even faster, almost just seeing a red shadow passing by in the sky.

Xuan Mu also ran extremely fast in front, he had no room to turn back, he could only run hard, for the existence of the top powerhouse in the first layer, he did not dare to neglect in the slightest, nor did he have any strength to fight. Knowing that, as long as the opponent uses a random move, his own life may be lost.

If he was to fight against high-level spirit beasts, he was absolutely sure.If he fights against a top-grade spirit beast that is about to condense a Nascent Soul, then he is just seeking his own death.

Even if he possesses the killing sword, it is impossible for him to fight against this top-quality spirit beast.Because his killing sword can't get close to the opponent at all, and it is possible to give the killing sword to the opponent.

Besides, two fists are hard to beat with four hands. With the cultivation base of a high-level spirit beast and the strength of a high-level spirit beast, if he fights against hundreds of high-level spirit beasts, he will have absolutely no way out.

Therefore, he had no choice but to flee quickly, even to the point of being desperate.

At the same time as the fox king was flying, more than a hundred high-level spirit beasts behind him also flew towards this place.Their speed is no slower than a low-level spirit beast. Xuanmu's fighting strength has reached the level of a high-level spirit beast, but his flying speed still stays at the position of a high-level spirit beast.

When the Xuanmu imperial weapon flew hundreds of miles away, only a hundred miles away from the ruins of the Scarlet Forbidden Land, the Fox Clan Beast Emperor behind him chased him to a distance of more than a hundred feet behind Xuanmu. far.With only this distance of one hundred feet, the fox king just pointed his right hand behind Xuanmu, Xuanmu only felt a chill on his back, and suddenly found that a bone-chilling ice arrow pierced his flesh and blood behind him. among.

Xuan Mu was covered in cold sweat in shock, his body stopped suddenly for a moment, he had to stop, at this moment the spiritual power in his body was already a little disordered, and he couldn't fly towards the distance again at all.

"Haha, what a boy. He was able to forcibly take down my Emperor's move of the Xuan Ice Spike." The Fox Clan Beast Emperor had a strong fighting spirit in his eyes, he laughed and walked towards Xuan Mu.

Xuan Mu turned his head coldly, and only glanced halfway.Without taking a full glance, his body flew towards the distance again.

"Since I have been discovered by the emperor, do you think you can escape?" the fox king shouted coldly, his red fur robe fluttering in the wind.

When Xuanmu heard the sinister voice of the fox king, he felt extremely uncomfortable. He seemed to see countless air blades passing by his ears. It was a very strange feeling. It felt like he couldn't figure it out himself.

Without any hesitation, he still rushed forward recklessly.

Obviously, it was impossible for him to leave like this.The body of the Beast Emperor of the Fox Clan hit Xuanmu with a palm, and a strong wind swirled out from all around, and hit Xuanmu loudly.This gust of wind is so powerful that Xuan Mu has never seen it before.

Xuan Mu's body was immediately swept up by the strong wind, and his body seemed to be a little shaky. He tried hard to control his figure, but found it was difficult to control it at all.

While Xuanmu was still struggling, the fox emperor's right hand and left hand exchanged and made more than ten strange marks. After these more than ten strange marks were made, there seemed to be countless The cold wind was howling, and the dozen or so strange marks quickly turned into thousands of ice and snow shards, hitting Xuan Mu's face overwhelmingly.

Seeing this, Xuan Mu's expression was extremely gloomy. He had never seen such a large-scale spell. How could he not be shocked by it when he saw it today?

In desperation, he threw the frog beast and quickly backed away. The Fengyuan technique is almost useless for the fox king. If he Xuanmu also practiced some high-level large-scale spells, I believe he can still do it at this time. To protect himself, it's a pity that he doesn't know any large spells at all.

In addition to using the killing sword, killing people is just some low-level single wood-type spells.He would never use other spells at all, and now that he took out the killing sword at this time, it was absolutely impossible to injure the opponent.After thinking for a moment, he took out the purple-gold bow from the storage ring, and with his right hand, a green glow shot out, followed by a light green sword glow, but Xuanmu's spiritual power obviously couldn't compete with a top-grade spirit beast. Compared.

So, after a while, the countless ice shards all bombarded him.

The one who beat Xuanmu was staring at him, dizzy, and felt dizzy.In desperation, his body quickly rushed towards the underground swamp.

Just when he touched the water surface in the swamp, an old but slightly heroic voice came from his ears.

"Brother Xuanmu, old man Chong Peng is here." Chong Peng's unique heroic voice came from a distance, and the laughter was full of jokes on the fox king.

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