Nine Heavenly Towers

143: Dragon Leaf

These days, in the sea of ​​thousands of miles, waves of investigation storms have been set off.

No matter where, even in a corner, a group of dragon beasts can be seen checking.Wherever they went, there was no place left behind.

On this day, more than a hundred nautical miles east of the unnamed island where Xuanmu and the others were located, there was a small underwater tribe.

This tribe is called the Xiami tribe, and in this Xiami tribe, countless low-level spirit beasts are running around.A very busy look.

From a distance, this tribe is in a submarine plain.Because the aura of the water system contained in the water is relatively strong in this submarine plain, that's why they established this tribe on this submarine plain.

In this tribe that is all made of stones, there is a more ornate castle standing in it.This castle is where the great elder of the Xiami tribe lived.

In a ravine hundreds of feet deep below the ancient castle, a young woman with white hair sat cross-legged on a pile of water spirit stones that shone with blue light.This woman is the disciple of the great elder of this tribe, and it is said that this woman is only a mortal cultivator.

At this time, the sea water around the woman suddenly rolled, and white bubbles rolled out from around her, and the pile of spirit stones under her, which were still shining with light blue light, now dimmed.It ended up being a pile of useless rubble.

This woman is dressed in a blue palace attire, which is extremely simple, and what is quite eye-catching is the round shuangfeng on her chest, which is about to come out, making people want to untie the shuangfeng at a glance.

After absorbing all these spirit stones, she slowly opened her eyes, and faintly three-color rays of light flowed out from her eyes.

"Today I finally untied the knot in my heart. It turned out that the ancestor sealed the memory of my previous life." The woman let out a long breath, and chuckled softly to herself.

This ravine was specially opened for this girl by the great elder of the Xiami tribe.The spiritual beasts in the water have to absorb the spiritual power in the water, and the distribution of the spiritual power in the water is deeper underwater. The deeper the sea, the purer the water-type spiritual energy in the water.

In order for this girl to advance quickly, the Great Elder did not hesitate to use his own power to open up this ditch hundreds of feet deep for her.

As the woman spoke, she moved towards the castle above.She flew out of an ancient well, and then sat down in the old castle, only to find that in this room a slightly fat middle-aged man was sitting on a crystal coral chair in the old castle.

The fat middle-aged man narrowed his eyes slightly, almost forming a straight line, staring at the woman's chest, and said with a smile: "Xiaoye, your cultivation has finally broken through the bottleneck of high-level spirit beasts and reached the realm of high-level spirit beasts." .That's right, the old man didn't misread you."

"Long Ye's cultivation is thanks to you, Great Elder, for your cultivation!" The woman said with a smile. "I don't know why the Great Elder is not retreating today? And he came to Longye so early?"

"In two days, the Dragon Clan brigade will come to our tribe to investigate. Then you have to hide for a while." The middle-aged fat man said with a serious expression.

"Dragon Clan Brigade? Could it be that you know my identity?" Long Ye said to himself, with a smile still on his face, and said, "Is it from the Dragon Palace?"

"It seems to be from the Dragon Palace. They seem to be looking for some spiritual cultivators with unknown origins. Although you have no unknown origins, but your cultivation is advancing too fast, I'm afraid they will suddenly become suspicious of you, so you'd better It's better to go out and avoid it for the next few days." The middle-aged fat man said with a slightly wistful expression.

"Okay then. Long Ye will follow what the elder said. Go and avoid it." Long Ye's sleeves fluttered, and he flew out of the tribe after speaking.

After Long Ye left, the busy signs of this tribe gradually disappeared, showing a peaceful and peaceful appearance.

Long Ye kept flying towards the west, and she stopped in front of the island where Xuanmu and the others were.

This day, Frog Beast was bullied by Chong Peng, so he came to the beach in a rather depressed mood to enjoy the sea breeze. After yelling 'Wow' twice, he jumped into the sea in pain.

At the moment he just jumped into the sea, he suddenly looked up and saw a dusty woman in a blue palace dress flying out of the water, with long white hair like a waterfall.The wet seawater fell drop by drop.

This is Long Ye who came here. After seeing the island, her consciousness quickly dispersed.Her pretty face changed instantly.She laughed immediately, she was very beautiful when she smiled, and a small dimple could be clearly seen on the left side of her face.

The frog beast seemed to notice it, and it was smiling at him.His eyes immediately turned white, and he felt dizzy.

But at this moment, Long Ye grabbed the frog beast's body out of the water with his right hand.She asked with a charming smile, "Little frog beast, where did you come from?"

Long Ye has consulted many ancient books of the Sea of ​​Thousand Miles, and knows everything about the races of the Sea of ​​Thousand Miles. He can tell at a glance that this little frog beast is definitely not a spirit beast of the Sea of ​​Thousand Miles.

The frog beast yelled 'Wow' in horror, but Long Ye couldn't understand what the frog beast was saying, so he smiled and threw the little frog beast to the ground.

Long Ye walked towards the forest on this small island, and as she gradually approached, she also smelled a tangy fragrance like Xuanmu that day.She followed the fragrance and looked to the ground, and she saw small blue worms, and there were three blue veins in the body of the worms, and these veins seemed to be able to circulate around the sky by nature.

"This..." Long Ye originally had a charming face, but at this moment, he opened his mouth wide and covered it with his hands, and the unbelievable look in his eyes turned into madness.She took out a cyan worm casually, examined it carefully, and found that her breathing was gradually getting heavy, and she didn't even dare to take a breath.

"This turned out to be..." Long Ye didn't finish talking to himself.

At this time, there was a red light stabbing towards her, and her delicate body, which could be blown by the wind, flew more than ten feet away in an instant.

However, the red light behind her was not slow, stabbing towards her directly.

When Long Ye's pretty face turned gloomy, it was even more interesting.With a wave of her right hand, a white light shot out, which actually fixed the killing sword in the air.

"Demon girl, what kind of demon technique did you use?" Xuan Mu shouted loudly.He wanted to take back the killing sword, but he still couldn't move the killing sword.

"I'm using a high-level demon technique!" After Long Ye finished speaking, his small mouth curled up, and he thought to himself: Why should I answer this for him?Can he still know what a high-level demon technique is?Then he asked coldly: "Who are you? How did you appear on this Earth Spirit Island?"

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