Nine Heavenly Towers

150: Fighting Dragons

Seeing this, the aged dragon beast flickered, found a direction again, and wanted to escape.

However, Chongpeng's body also appeared at this moment, blocking him in front of him.At this moment, the dragon beast's gaze became extremely cold, and it shouted angrily: "You three, must you kill them all today?"

"Do you still keep you?" Long Ye said with a sneer.

"I want to keep you, but my two friends don't agree." Xuan Mu glanced at Chong Peng and Long Ye, and said lightly.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's die." Chong Peng shouted loudly, and with a wave of his arms, a cloud of blood mist condensed from between his hands, hitting the aged dragon beast.

This dragon beast has already dried up its spiritual power, and the spiritual power in its body has reached an unsustainable level.So he had no choice but to fight to the death or blew himself up.Naturally, he would not choose to blew himself up, he chose to continue fighting, only to see his dragon's mouth open wide, and a wave of energy hit Xuanmu, who had the lowest cultivation level.He quickly unleashed his innate combat skill Dragon Soaring Four Seas, and in an instant he saw an air dragon rushing out of his body, hitting towards the seemingly inferior insect.After using this combat technique by him, the effect is several times stronger than that of those high-level spirit beasts.

The dragon beast's true self rushed towards Longye, and Longye returned a blow to Long Tengsihai at the same time, hitting towards the dragon beast.

And the blood mist condensed from the worm canopy also quickly hit the air dragon, and a blood man quickly condensed.

The fastest one belongs to Xuanmu, because this dragon beast mistakenly thinks that Xuanmu's cultivation base is the weakest, even with a long whistle, Xuanmu can't make a move.But, his idea was wrong, Xuanmu directly blasted away the qi lang almost when Long Xiao qi lang had just condensed.

The qi lang dissipated into the void and turned into air.Even though the old spirit beast had sensed the drastic changes on Xuanmu's side with his spiritual sense, it seemed impossible for him to find time to stop Xuanmu while fighting against the two high-level spirit beasts, Chongpeng and Longye.

Xuanmu held the Slaying Sword with both hands, condensed a sharp red glow, and struck towards the aged dragon beast. When the dragon beast felt the abnormality behind it, its body shook, and the dragon scales outside its body were instantly shattered. The pieces fell in mid-air.

When the wind picked up, the dragon scales seemed to be flying with the wind, and countless dragon scales flew up rapidly at this moment.Hit the three of Xuanmu respectively.

Xuanmu slashed across with his sword, and hundreds of dragon scales shattered in the air, turning into powder and dissipating into the sky. The beating of the old dragon beast caused the blood in the body to surge.For a while, I felt a little dizzy.

At this time, the blood man condensed from the worm canopy just happened to hit the dragon beast with a punch. The punch was extremely majestic, and layers of blood-red aura blasted on the old dragon beast's body.Almost knocked the old dragon beast down from mid-air.

At the same time, Long Ye also hit the old dragon beast's head with one blow.Xuan Mu hit the iron while it was hot, turned into a high-ranking Kunlun beast, and slammed into the old dragon beast that was already scarred.

The chrysanthemum pounced towards the old dragon beast without slowing down.

Before the old dragon beast had time to react, Xuan Mu directly pierced his chest with the single horn on his forehead.He was also hugged tightly by Chong Peng behind him. At this moment, he no longer had the spiritual power to maintain the flow of essence and blood in his body, and finally he became sleepy and confused.His eyes rolled over, and they turned black.

This battle is finally over.Long Ye didn't want all the panacea, she just gave a word of advice before leaving. ——"Let's go quickly, it's not suitable to stay here for a long time."

Xuanmu and Chongpeng cleaned up the corpses of these dragon beasts, and buried many dragon skins and bones in the cave.Then all the planted spirit grasses were pulled out.

This time they took out a three-color beast pill and nine high-level beast pills.After Xuanmu put it into the storage ring, he thought about refining the pill in the future before swallowing it.

The two flew towards the blood sea swamp with the frog beast, and they planned to pass through the blood sea swamp and return to the green grassland.

At this time, on the Earth Spirit Island, Dragon Emperor and Su Yue looked at the ground with wry smiles on their faces.The Dragon Emperor's heart hurt like a knife, it was a high-level dragon beast and nine high-level dragon beasts.Just like that, he was killed in vain.

"Damn it, if this old man finds the two of you, he will surely smash them to pieces and refine their souls." The Dragon Emperor let out a roar, the sound shook the sky, and echoed in this piece of heaven and earth for a long time.

"Dragon Emperor, I think they are not far away, why don't we split up and chase towards the west?" Su Yue pondered for a moment and suggested.

The Dragon Emperor nodded, agreeing, and then galloped away.

Less than half an hour.The Dragon Emperor has already discovered the traces of Chongpeng and Xuanmu fleeing, following the traces he can quickly catch up with Xuanmu.The Dragon Emperor's speed was surprisingly fast, almost drawing long phantoms on the sea water, and then disappeared.

"Not good." An extremely bad feeling suddenly rose in Xuanmu's heart, and he turned his head slightly.

"What's wrong, the old man's speed, is there anyone else who can catch up?" Chong Peng said with a bit of complacency.

Originally, Xuan Mu only turned his head slightly, but under this turn, there was a hint of strong surprise in his eyes.He said in a cold voice, "Look at that water mark, there must be something wrong."

Just as he finished speaking, the water mark was only a hundred feet away from them.And it's still coming in a straight line towards where they are.

"No, that's the Dragon Emperor's water escape technique. How could this old man forget about it?" Chong Peng said in surprise, and at the same time, his words were full of annoyance.

"Water escape technique..." Xuanmu looked at the water pattern coldly, murmured with a thoughtful expression on his face, and then sneered: "Since they are coming to see you off, let's wait for a while, or Nothing is impossible."

"Wait a minute? Are you looking for death, kid?" Chong Peng said in a furious tone, puzzled.The body flew towards the distance more rapidly.

"Don't fly anymore, he's already chasing you." Xuan Mu's tone was very flat, completely opposite to Chong Peng's furious look. "Since this battle is inevitable, let's wait for work with ease."

After Xuanmu's words came out, Chongpeng understood Xuanmu's meaning, and his figure also stopped.

Xuan Mu grabbed it with his right hand and grabbed the frog beast, regardless of the frog beast screaming and resisting, it threw it towards the bottom of the sea.He closed his eyes and sat cross-legged on top of the flying ants, waiting for the arrival of the Dragon King.

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