Nine Heavenly Towers

161: Dragon King's Nascent Soul

The powerful beast bodies of dozens of dragon beasts slammed into the body of the Dragon Emperor's beast.

Under the strong impact, the Dragon Emperor Beast's body was distorted.The energy and blood in his body surged, and the five-color beast pills changed dramatically, appearing in bursts of distorted deformations.In the sky on this coast, bursts of five-color clouds gathered towards this place, making bursts of roaring sounds.

At this time, the sea water in the sea is also tumbling uncomfortably like a living thing, and the water-blue filaments that seem to be pulled out of the sea water by a pair of invisible big hands are more and more numerous, one after another like dense rain. Attacking towards the light curtain on this side.

The filaments quickly condensed and rushed towards the Dragon Emperor's body, and the beast core in the Dragon Emperor's body twisted more violently, sometimes stretching and sometimes shrinking.

"This..., the Dragon Emperor actually conceived a baby?" A high-level dragon beast said in disbelief.

"What? Is this the practice of infant formation?" Countless dragon beasts gasped after hearing the words of this high-level dragon beast.One by one showed a look of panic.

"Isn't it possible to ascend after being born with infant cultivation?" Among them, many dragon beasts showed envious eyes.

But Long Ye, who was in front of the Dragon Emperor, had gloomy eyes, she shouted: "Ten Elders, stand up for me. As long as we get past his baby, we can have a way out."

After hearing this, all the dragon beasts had a glimmer of hope for survival in their eyes.Huge dragon beasts slammed towards the Dragon King one after another. They were not afraid of death. In order to find a way to survive, they had no choice but to grit their teeth and push forward.

At this time, under the violent impact, the Dragon Emperor's body no longer had any abnormal images.Like a giant stone black iron, the pain brought to him by the beast core in its body when twisted is also fully revealed.His eyes were fierce, he kept roaring, and his body was trembling constantly.Streams of strong dragon power blasted out from his body.

The strongest beast bodies of more than a dozen high-level dragon beasts can't shake the Dragon King. One can imagine how strong the Dragon King is bt?

At this time, Xuan Mu also rushed towards the Dragon Emperor like a hungry wolf, holding the killing sword in his hand, and slashed towards the Dragon Emperor's head.

But his cultivation base can't hurt the Dragon Emperor, who is already strong enough to conceive a baby.A streak of red light flashed across, but to no avail.

At this moment, the chrysanthemum suddenly pounced on the Dragon Emperor's head, as if stuck to the Dragon Emperor's head, but it was still shaken away by the dragon's power emanating from the Dragon Emperor's body several feet away.Chong Peng showed unwillingness on his face, and rushed towards the Dragon Emperor again.

Countless high-level dragon beasts also slammed towards the Dragon Emperor at this time.The Dragon Emperor roared up to the sky, the beast core in his body was still changing rapidly, as if there was something inside, trying to break free from the beast body at any time.

The Dragon Emperor already had a ferocious face, obviously in great pain.Its two claws grabbed a dragon beast, that dragon beast was only a high-level cultivation, under the grasp of the Dragon Emperor, it seemed that the spiritual power in the body was out of control for an instant, and could no longer be condensed.The Dragon Emperor threw the dragon beast that was tightly held by him towards the distance, and the dragon beast's eyes turned white in an instant, and its body slammed on an ancient castle.

After seeing this scene, all the dragon beasts in front of the Dragon Emperor involuntarily showed fearful eyes, and retreated slowly behind them.

The Dragon Emperor laughed wildly, grabbed another dragon beast with both hands, and threw it towards the distance without mercy. This dragon beast was smashed to pieces, and was dying.

When the meridians are cut off, the spiritual power in the body cannot function at all, and it is impossible to display any natural combat skills.This means that this cultivation base is completely lost.

The Dragon Emperor's madness is still continuing, this time he caught a high-level dragon beast.Fortunately, his cultivation base is high-level, and he reacted very quickly to transform his body into a human body. Only then did he narrowly avoid the catch. The Dragon Emperor failed to catch this high-level dragon beast, and once again rushed towards a high-level dragon in frustration. The beast catches it.

The high-level dragon beast was about to hide, but he didn't expect that the grasp was extremely fast. With a tight grasp, he no longer had the strength to resist, and his muscles and bones were broken by the Dragon King's claws. , Throwing towards the distance.

The high-level dragon beast whimpered and couldn't move anymore.

All the dragon beasts of the Dragon Clan Alliance had red eyes at this time, and each of them showed madness. They desperately displayed their natural combat skills on the Dragon King.This time he didn't dare to use the strongest beast body to hit it again, so he could only use his natural combat skills on the dragon beast at a safe distance.

At this time, Xuan Mu, who was hiding in a corner, secretly hit 150 restraints with both hands, and those 150 restraints hit the Dragon Emperor with the air killing technique.

The Dragon Emperor was in severe pain and almost went crazy.Naturally, he couldn't avoid Xuanmu's Yuanfengjutsu. At the moment when Yuanfengjutsu hit him, his eyes suddenly became clear for a moment, and the beast core in his body was no longer so distorted at this time.Just after he came to his senses, all the innate combat skills bombarded him.Without the protection of spiritual power, his powerful beast body was blasted out with scars.

Pieces of dragon scales fell from the body in mid-air as if they had been peeled off by a strong wind.

The Dragon Emperor realized something was wrong at this time, but soon he fell into madness again.Whether it was the beast body outside the body or the beast pill inside, there were bursts of severe pain.The five-color clouds in the sky turned into a five-color ray of light, penetrating towards the light curtain at this time, directly submerged and hit the Dragon Emperor's head, and rushed straight from Tianling to the divine tower.

After the five-colored rays of light rushed into the five-colored beast pill inside the Dragon King's body, the beast pill started to rotate rapidly, emitting five-colored rays of light, and the five-colored rays of light quickly penetrated the body of the Dragon King, emitting five-colored rays of light on the huge body of the Dragon King .

At this time, the beast pill exploded inside the Dragon Emperor Divine Tower like a balloon.A small translucent baby body instantly appeared at the divine tower, this is the Nascent Soul of the Dragon Emperor.The little Nascent Soul shook his body and nodded.The appearance of the little Yuanying is no different from that of the Dragon Emperor.

After the Nascent Soul appeared, the Dragon Emperor's cultivation reached an unfathomable level.All dragon beasts felt an irresistible force pressing on their hearts.The Dragon Emperor just grabbed it with two claws, this time it was not just a huge dragon beast, but a huge body of a dragon beast with one hand.

Immediately there was a 'click' sound coming from the bodies of these two high-level dragon beasts.The meridians, muscles and bones in the bodies of the two dragon beasts were all crushed. The Dragon Emperor roared and threw the bodies of the two dragon beasts into the distance. Suddenly, he saw two buildings built in troubled times. The ancient castle was directly bombarded and turned into ruins.

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