Nine Heavenly Towers

194: Piano Flute 2 Schools

After swallowing so many elixirs, Xuan Mu's body stepped towards the sky again, one step after another.

Ten days passed, Xuanmu relied on the power of this elixir to climb up to a height of more than two hundred feet.And there are not many pills in his storage ring.

Looking at Jujian Peak, which was still more than a hundred feet away, Xuanmu felt like a clown.He had no choice but to do so in order to gain a foothold in this second heaven.This time he rested cross-legged for three days, and the Nascent Soul in his body was also much weaker.

This kind of forceful rush is extremely exhausting.And the spiritual power is closely related to the Nascent Soul. When the spiritual power is depleted again and again, his Nascent Soul will also be depleted.

He stared blankly at the pill in his hand, a little dazed.After his eyes flickered, he stepped up again.He closed his eyes tightly, and this step went directly ten feet away, and he slowly opened his eyes showing disbelief.It turned out that he had really merged with that invisible force.

"Huh?" At this time, the old man who was sitting cross-legged on the seventh floor of the Seven Star Building suddenly opened his eyes, staring at Xuan Mu standing halfway up the Jujian Peak, showing a very surprised expression, and exclaimed Said: "This son is extraordinary, it seems that the old man misjudged him."

"The old ancestor is right. This son is indeed extraordinary, and his heart is firm. The disciple is also very ashamed!" Xu Yunchong always spoke with great awe when he talked to the old man with long white beard.

"Don't say it's a will, his understanding is quite high. You have to teach this kid well. After ten years, whether you can escape that catastrophe or not depends on him." With a touch of sadness.

"The disciple knows that he will definitely not treat him badly." Xu Yunchong said respectfully, and flew out from the seven-storey attic.

Xuan Mu closed his six senses again, and moved his mind again and again.After taking more than ten steps in a row, his body appeared on Jujian Peak in an instant.

"Hehe..., my little friend has a very good will. He was able to directly climb up this giant sword peak. This old man is really convinced." Xu Yunchong appeared in front of Xuanmu in time, and said with a smile.

Seeing the old man's smile, Xuan Mu always had a creepy feeling in his heart, so he could only say modestly: "Where, where. Since this is the test of getting started, young master... oh no, disciple, the disciple naturally has to go all out !"

It is really difficult for Xuanmu to change the title of 'Master'.In order to join this Miaoyin sect, he also had to change this habit.

"What's your name?" Xu Yunchong asked Xuanmu on the way, leading Xuanmu towards the Miaoyinmen.

"Xuanmu." Xuanmu replied lightly, his eyes were scanning the giant sword peak.It can be seen that there are no four seasons on Jujian Peak, and verdant green trees tower into the sky. Few of these green trees can truly become dryads.

This place is no better than the ancient forest in the first layer of heaven. It has enough pure wood-type aura, and there is no tree spirit to take care of it and teach it to practice.There is another reason, because the trees here are higher level than the trees in the first level, so if you want to cultivate into a dryad, it is not as easy as the first level.

Like these high-level ancient woods, it is the best thing to use for making utensils.For example, these ancient woods are used to make Fuxiqin.

While walking and chatting along the way, Xuan Mu had a general understanding of Miaoyinzong. Although Miaoyinzong's sect is not very big, its long history can be traced back thousands of years.Thousands of years ago, the ancestor of Miaoyinzong founded the Miaoyinzong because of a Guqin.

Later, the Miaoyin Sect gradually grew, and 300 years ago, it was once one of the few sects in this fantasy kingdom.And with the soaring of generations of talents, Miaoyinzong has not fallen down now.Although they are still divided into two schools of Qin Xiao, there are only more than thirty Nascent Soul cultivators.

Most of these thirty or so Nascent Soul cultivators are elementary Nascent Soul cultivators like Xuan Mu.There is only one person who is really at the upper level, and that is the person Xu Yunchong led Xuanmu to meet.As for the seven-color Nascent Soul that can be condensed at the top level, there is no one at all.

Coming to the gate of Miaoyinzong, Xuanmu was still shocked by the tall gate of Miaoyinzong.The entire mountain gate of the Miaoyin Sect is connected by ancient woods that are more than ten feet high. These ancient woods are as large as one foot. If it is placed in the mortal world, it is more than a hundred times stronger than a city wall built of stones and bricks. .

Looking at a purple gold plaque with the words 'Miaoyinzong' written like flowing clouds, Xuanmu seemed to see how glorious the Miaoyinzong was thousands of years ago?

After stepping into the gate, he could clearly see the situation inside.On both sides of the square inside the mountain gate, there are peach trees planted one by one. These peach trees are all spiritual trees, which are different from the peach trees in the real fairyland.

Seeing the bright red peaches hanging on the tree, Xuanmu felt quite emotional.I remembered the scene when I first entered Kunlun, but the peach in Kunlun was bigger than this peach, but the spiritual power contained in it was far less rich.

He walked straight along the corridor. In the Miaoyin Sect, dozens of nuns were sitting cross-legged in a garden at this moment, holding fuxiqin, erhu, pipa and other playing instruments in their hands.The bursts of melodious strings made Xuan Mu's mind a little quieter.

Seeing this scene, Xuan Mu was a little lost in a daze, he was not fascinated by looking at those female cultivators.Instead, he looked at the magic weapon in his hand.He seemed to think of his Yulan Qin.That is Yin Su's most cherished treasure. If so, he doesn't need to reveal the secret of his killing sword in the second heaven.Instead, you can take out the Yulan Qin and explore its usefulness.

The faces of several female cultivators turned red when Xuan Mu looked at them. Seeing this, one of the girls with a pretty face turned gloomy. She picked up the Fuxiqin in her hand and played it towards Xuan Mu. The one who practiced it turned out to be an ice-type weapon, as soon as he played it, he saw a white ice blade shoot out from the strings and hit Xuanmu.

Xuan Mu's body flickered slightly, he dodged lightly, and then followed Xu Yunchong to continue walking forward as if nothing had happened.

"Xuan Mu, did you fall in love with that girl just now?" Xu Yunchong said with a smile while walking.

"No, I just took a look at the magic weapon in their hands." Xuan Mu shook his head and said lightly.

"Oh, look, here are the disciples of our Xiao sect practicing knives." Xu Yunchong said, pointing Xuanmu to look northeast.Xuan Mu's gaze swept away, and in a garden with a size of a hundred feet, there were more than a dozen men sitting cross-legged on the ground, blowing on the magical instruments in their mouths.The instruments are different, either flute or flute.There are also partial instruments such as xun as magic instruments.

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