Nine Heavenly Towers

196: Introduction to Curse

"What's wrong? Could it be that you can't blow it?" Xu Yunchong asked with a frown when he saw Xuanmu's expression.

Xuan Mu shook his head, suppressed the feeling of vomiting in his heart, and said in his heart: My master has killed countless people before, because he has the killing sword, he has never smelled such a strong smell of blood.It's time to smell it today.

He said in his heart, showing a look of intoxication, took a deep breath, and blew it slowly.Only the whistling wind was heard, but there was no sound of xun.

"That's not how you blow it. You have to pay attention to skills when blowing it." Xu Yunchong said while showing Xuanmu a demonstration.

Seeing this, Xuan Mu nodded his head if he realized something.Then, it started to blow up.As the wind blows, the sound is melodious, as if returning to the Han Dynasty 600 years ago.Hearing this sound, Xu Yunchong showed joy, and said, "As expected of the person that the ancestor favored, he really has extraordinary aptitude."

"The suzerain is overwhelmed. I don't know what's so special about the 'Nine Songs'?" After hearing Xu Yunchong's praise, Xuan Mu couldn't help becoming interested in the "Nine Songs" said by the old man with long beards. asked curiously.

"That nine-quy long song! It consumes too much spiritual power, so I decided not to let you take risks easily." Xu Yunchong said coldly.

"Xuan Mu thanked the master for his thoughtfulness." Xuan Mu said, and gave Xu Yunchong a teacher's salute.

"This 'Qisha Xun' is yours, come out with me." Xu Yunchong said, leading Xuanmu towards the stone room.

As Xu Yunchong turned left and right, he came to the garden where all the male disciples were just now.In the garden, the disciples of Miaoyinzong who were wearing dark yellow Taoist robes were all practicing their own tunes with indifferent faces.

"Master, didn't the ancestor tell you to teach him personally?" Xuanmu couldn't help asking when Xu Yunchong led him here.

"That's right! The patriarch meant that I would teach you personally, but he didn't say that I would teach you personally, right?" Xu Yunchong, an old fox, knew the meaning of Xuanmu's words as soon as he finished speaking, and immediately complained. Said.

Xuanmu was so angry that he couldn't speak, holding the Qisha Xun in his hand, he walked towards an open space in the garden with a disappointed expression.

Xuanmu chose an open space and sat down cross-legged.At this time, Xu Yun rushed from a room.

After a while, Xu Yunchong came out of the room again, holding two jade slips in his hand, handed these two jade slips to Xuanmu, and said: "This one is "Introduction to Musical Notes", and the other is "Introduction to Qufa" You should take a good look at it yourself, and you can ask me if you don’t understand.”

After he finished speaking, he walked towards the corridor, sat down cross-legged, and took out a Xun, but his Xun seemed to be much stronger than the Qisha Xun in Xuanmu's hand.

After Xuanmu took the jade slips, his spiritual sense penetrated into the jade slips, and he saw scenes that had already been imprinted on the jade slips.

An extremely ethereal voice rang in his ears, introducing the recognition of musical notes, and how to make the most powerful attack of the composition.Here are some tips on using musical instruments such as Xun, Di and Xiao.

After half an hour, Xuan Mu pulled out his consciousness from the jade slip, and his eyes showed a look of enlightenment.But, at this moment, the jade slip in his hand dimmed immediately, Xuanmu probed his consciousness into it in amazement, and found that it was empty.

"Damn it, you can only use it once?" Xuan Mu had already cursed in his heart, and then picked up the Qisha Xun in his hand and began to play.

He didn't know the tune, so after practicing for a long time, he finally grasped every scale clearly.

Another day passed, and Xuan Mu just sat cross-legged in this garden all night.It wasn't until the next day that he penetrated his spiritual consciousness into the jade slip that was engraved with "Introduction to Qufa".This time it took him a whole day to withdraw his consciousness from the jade slip.

After what happened yesterday, he knew that the jade slips were all one-off, and he didn't memorize the music by heart, so he didn't dare to pull out his consciousness easily.

The night is approaching, this is Xuanmu's second night in this Miaoyinzong.All the male cultivators beside him went back to their respective rooms, while Xuan Mu was lying in the flowers and watching the moonlight with great interest.

"Ah...!" An exclamation came into Xuan Mu's ears, his body moved a little, his consciousness spread out, and he saw a woman with a graceful figure, looking in his direction with a look of shock .

Xuan Mu didn't bother to turn around, and said lightly: "Have you seen a ghost? Could it be that you can also see ghosts in the Second Heaven? It's a miracle...!"

"Who told you not to go back to the room at night, it's scary to be here." The woman recovered from the loss of color just now, and said a little coquettishly.

"I'm admiring the moon, I don't know if it's obstructive, I'm really sorry!" Xuanmu said with self-deprecation.

"Appreciate the moon? Aren't you going back to your room to practice?" The woman frowned and asked suspiciously.

"Huh? Why do you care about this matter? When I came that day, I remember that you treated me as if you killed your father and your enemy." Xuan Mu still looked at the bright moon in the sky, and said lightly.

"Hmph, what's the big deal." The woman snorted coldly, and walked lightly towards the end of the corridor.

"Do I look so much like your father-killing enemy?" Xuan Mu said with a loud voice on purpose.

"Your father just died." The woman's figure had already gone away, only a voice of coquettish anger was still lingering around here.

"My father?" Xuan Mu murmured, looking at the moonlight with misty eyes, he thought of his grandfather, those people and those things in the mortal world.When he thought of what happened in Chang'an, his heart ached like a thousand cuts.


The next day, Xuanmu opened his eyes early in the morning.He looked indifferently at the male cultivators who came one after another around him. These days, he knew all the names of these seventeen male cultivators.

Early in the morning, that senior brother smiled at Xuan Mu and said, "Young junior brother is always the first to arrive."

The elder brother is called Shen Cong. During the conversation with Shen Cong, Xuanmu learned that Shen Cong used to be the beast emperor of the snake clan.Seeing Shen Cong's smile, Xuan Mu felt quite warm, and said with a smile: "Where, Junior Brother, I meditated here last night."

"Eh? Junior brother, don't you know the rules of the sect? The ancestor strictly forbids disciples to meditate here." Shen Cong asked in feigned surprise.

"The ancestor told me that he specially allowed me to practice here." Xuanmu was startled when he heard this, and immediately said with a light smile.

"In that case, senior brother, I can rest assured. It seems that the treatment of you by the master is extraordinary, and this will be returned to Qisha Xun. We will have to rely on the care of the younger brother a lot in the future." Shen Cong's words, although He said it with a smile, but the intention was to make Xuan Mu feel a chill in his heart.

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