Nine Heavenly Towers

201: Night of the Full Moon

"嗙" sounded.The entire strings seemed to be infused with soul, and bursts of humming sounded.

Seeing this, Xuanmu grasped it with his right hand, and the Yulan Qin immediately flew towards his position. He imitated the appearance of a girl, embracing the Yulan Qin with his left hand, hooking the middle finger of his right hand on the horn string, and Two blood-colored red lights flowed from the Dragon Gum and Yueshan Mountain of the Yulan Qin.As soon as the red light flashed, it converged toward the center of the strings, and a bloody light rushed out from the Yulan strings, colliding with the white light.

Xuan Mu then picked several times on the Gong Xian and Shang Xian, and a burst of clanking piano sounds continued to come out, and then a series of blood-colored sharp lights rushed from the strings towards the place where the girl was.

The girl's complexion changed. She never expected that Xuanmu's spiritual sense and comprehension are so powerful, every step of her playing can be clearly seen by the other party, and she has learned it well.

This is also related to the fact that Xuanmu has practiced for more than ten days. If he hadn't practiced for dozens of days, how could he have learned everything the next moment the other party played.

Seeing that Xuanmu had comprehended some tricks in such a short time, the girl's slender fingers, which were still plucking rapidly, also stopped at this moment.She didn't dare to fight Xuanmu with all her strength, because that would definitely alarm the ancestors of the sect.At that time, it will be of no benefit to anyone.

Xuan Mu also wanted to calm things down for the time being, seeing that the girl didn't make a move, he looked at the other party vigilantly, guarding against the other party's attack on him at any time.

"As long as you don't play the qin or blow the xun within fifteen hours, I won't bother you, how about it?" The girl's glamorous face shone with a faint blue light, and the blue light flowed very strangely.

"What I want to do is none of your business?" Xuan Mu said with a sneer, sitting cross-legged on the big rock.

The girl frowned, and stopped talking nonsense with Xuan Mu, and hurriedly flew towards the distance.

"What does this chick mean?" Xuan Mu's eyes showed curiosity, he murmured, and slowly dispersed his consciousness.Seeing the girl flying away rapidly, she stopped in a jungle on the edge of Qinjian Mountain ten miles away.

The curiosity in Xuanmu's heart became more intense, his spiritual sense could not be spread dozens of miles away, so he couldn't find out where the girl stopped.

If he wanted to chase after him, his life might be in danger, so after thinking about it, he decided to act as if nothing happened.

He didn't have the heart to practice the Yulan Qin anymore. He just understood some tricks, but he couldn't play a truly complete piece of music, which meant that his attack power would be greatly reduced.The only way is to get a jade slip from "Introduction to the Art of Qin" somewhere.

Xuanmu thought for a while, and finally decided that the only way to break through was the girl just now.So, his figure slowly chased in the direction that the girl was going away.

In less than a moment, his spiritual sense sensed the girl's aura.Finally, I found the girl just now in the southwest. At this moment, the girl was sitting cross-legged on the ground, with a blue light followed by a white light on her body.It is constantly circulating.

His complexion was distorted, revealing a ferocious look.He suddenly opened a pair of faint green eyes, and what flickered in the eyes was not a ghost fire, but a green light.I saw that the green leaves around it withered quickly, and layers of hoarfrost quickly condensed on the yellow leaves that were about to fall.

"What kind of body is this? It can directly absorb ice-type and wood-type auras into the body?" Xuanmu was shocked, but he absolutely did not see the true power of the girl's body.

At this time, the girl opened a mouth with long fangs, raised her head to the sky and screamed, and a burst of green energy spewed out from her mouth.

Xuan Mu, who was observing with his spiritual sense, thought that the green energy was just wood-type spiritual energy.However, he was wrong.What the girl absorbed just now was indeed wood-type aura, but after the wood-type aura circulated in her body for a week, it was no longer wood-type aura, but wood-type poisonous gas.

The woman sat cross-legged like this until the afternoon, and as she forcibly absorbed the surrounding wood-type aura, all the trees within a mile around her withered.A series of white and cyan faint rays of light drifted towards her.

As night fell, Xuan Mu was still looking at the girl with forgetfulness.He secretly calculated in his heart how much wood-type aura the girl had devoured this afternoon.

Because he himself is a practicing wood-type aura, if he can absorb wood-type aura like this girl like this, it will allow him to achieve twice the result with half the effort.

A bright moon slowly rises into the sky, which is the legendary full moon night.

The Taoist ancestor once said that the sun is Yang and the moon is Yin.A night with a full moon is called a period of soft yin, while a night without a moon is called a period of extreme yin.The magic that this girl practiced is called Muyuejue.It is one of thousands of women who rely on the soft yin period to break through their cultivation.

The period of soft yin is the best way to absorb the yin energy between heaven and earth, so many practitioners use the soft yin period to practice.Although the extreme yin is powerful, no one has ever been able to truly absorb the extreme yin energy for his own use. Therefore, among the nine days today, only the Yaozu once had a top-level demon method called "Huaji Yin Gong".

As the soft moonlight poured down, the blue color on the girl's body was gradually replaced by layers of moon-white light.The girl groaned, showing pain on her face, and then she took off all the clothes on her body, and a plump and slim naked woman appeared in the secluded forest.

The reason why the girl took off her clothes had a lot to do with what she was going to do next.Her complexion was in extreme pain, and she kept moaning loudly, prostrate on the ground, sometimes twisting, but struggling.Under the light of a moon-white light, Xuan Mu could clearly see this strange scene.

His mind suddenly tightened at this moment, and his brows immediately frowned.Muttering to himself: "This woman once said that she has an elder brother who is also in this Miaoyin sect. Could it be that her elder brother is Shen Cong?"

The girl's body changed slowly. When she was crawling forward, her jade feet seemed to be nailed in place with nails, and she didn't move at all.But its body is getting longer and longer.

"Ah..., ah..., ah...." The groaning sound continued, and her beautiful cherry lips became eerie and terrifying at this moment.

Xuan Mu closed his eyes and sat on the spot, his spiritual sense was still observing the scene closely, but he had many doubts about the identity of this woman in his heart, these doubts made his brows always frown involuntarily.

While the girl's body was constantly elongating, her lower body had gradually turned into a long snake tail.The color of the snake tail is white, just like the moon white.

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