Nine Heavenly Towers

244: January is like a dream

As the sound of the big cymbal continued to echo in the secret room, the faster it was, the harsher the sound.

If you listen to it for a long time, you will have a feeling of upset.This is Xuanmu who has already cultivated to the low-level Nascent Soul. If it is an ordinary mortal, as soon as the sound is heard, he will immediately feel dizzy and his head will burst open and die.

The harm done by this sound to the human body is extraordinary. This is still just a sound attack, without adding any spells.

If it is added with spiritual power and turned into a sound attack spell, its power will probably be stronger, at least not something a high-level beast core spirit beast can resist.

Xuan Mu still sat cross-legged in the secret room as if nothing had happened, and one could see a layer of faint green light surrounding his body, this green light was the spiritual power of body protection.

With the infusion of spiritual power, the damage suffered by Xuanmu outside his body also decreased.

Two days later, Xuan Mu's complexion was already pale, and the faint green light outside his body also gradually disappeared.His lips kept trembling with the vibrato in the air, making a vibrato that was simply incomprehensible.

In the entire secret room, it was impossible to tell which sound was the vibrato, and which sound was the sound of the big cymbals hitting each other.It can be said that the vibrato remaining in the air has completely covered the sound of the big cymbal.

Xuan Mu trembled all over, as if he couldn't stand it anymore.His body trembled, and he stood up abruptly.He held an ancient red sword in his hand, and there were two blood-colored crystals on this ancient sword.I saw him swiping the killing sword across the air, and the sword fell on the iron chain.

The golden light burst out from the iron chain, and the buzzing sound became more intense.The material of the iron chain is indeed good, but it must not be compared with the material of the killing sword in Xuanmu's hand. When he pulled the killing sword, a crack quickly appeared on the iron chain.

Xuan Mu looked at this scene without any hesitation, and then cut down with his sword again.

This sword fell on the iron chain impartially, and it was still on that crack.The big cymbal immediately fell to the ground from mid-air, and a buzzing sound was heard, which was better than the sound made by thousands of impacts before.

Xuan Mu only felt that his whole body was squeezed by a huge force. He was about to put away the killing sword in his hand, but he felt dizzy, his chest felt tight, and his eyes went dark. Passed out.

When Xuanmu opened his eyes again, two days had passed.He opened his eyes and saw that the big cymbal was still inside the secret room, knowing that this was still the second floor.Just when he was about to stand up, a strange feeling rose in his heart, and he grabbed the killing sword in his hand.

When he had just grasped the Slaying Sword, the scene around him had changed rapidly.There are no longer eight white walls around, but landscape paintings on the walls. This landscape painting is quite wonderful.But I saw that the mountains and rivers were constantly changing.

With the continuous transformation of the landscape in the painting, the subtle sound of flowing water can be heard.The sound of running water was flowing slowly, Xuan Mu actually had a feeling of lingering.

He didn't know what this test was about, he thought it was still a test of his body's ability to resist Yin Lang's attack.So he still sat cross-legged in these three floors. As time passed, it had been three hours.

Xuan Mu suddenly felt that his blood was flowing faster and faster with the sound of water, which made Xuan Mu a little puzzled. With the acceleration of blood flow in his body, the sound of water also seemed to be rushing.

His eyes were a little hazy, staring curiously at the landscape paintings on the eight walls, which seemed to be gradually changing.

There are mountains and water in the painting.There are more flowers and trees, but no one.But in Xuan Mu's feeling, there are not only flowers and trees, landscapes, but also people in the landscape painting, who is there?That was himself, because at this moment he felt that he was already in the dream of the landscape.

All of these seemed so wonderful, Xuan Mu just entered, and he never wanted to get out of this landscape painting.

The blood in his body flowed faster, and he felt more refreshed.This feeling is indescribable, but it is really rooted in his heart.It was a very passionate and intoxicating feeling.

Time gradually passed for seven days, during these seven days Xuanmu was intoxicated by the wonderful sound of the mountains and flowing water, lingering in the beautiful scenery of the flowers, plants and trees.He couldn't extricate himself, and he couldn't extricate himself.As seven days passed, his feeling now was completely different from the feeling he had when he came here seven days ago.

He was suddenly very curious about the landscape in this painting, and he seemed to have a particularly familiar feeling.The more you look at the mountain, the more it looks like the snow peak of the Kunlun School, and the more you listen to the water, the more it sounds like the sound of running water after the melting snow on Kunlun Snow Peak Mountain.

That very familiar feeling made him fall into it, unable to extricate himself.He kept searching in this landscape, he wanted to find that feeling that was more familiar than familiarity.

Feeling more familiar than familiar?what is that?It can only be described in two words - real.

In this landscape painting, it is impossible to find the real feeling.It is also absolutely impossible.However, Xuan Mu didn't care so much, he had already forgotten that he was in this landscape, following the sound of water, he kept walking, walking, he didn't know where he went.

In fact, he was still sitting cross-legged on the third floor.

At this moment, Jiang Zhao has broken through the mechanism on the seventh floor and flew down from the seventh floor smoothly.Seeing Jiang Zhao's appearance, the senior brother surnamed Huang who was sitting cross-legged smiled, and said, "Junior brother Jiang, let me wait a long time."

"Senior Brother Huang, I'm really sorry. Brother, we are innately blunt, and it took us a long time to break through the mechanism on the seventh floor." Jiang Zhao also smiled warmly and said.

"I don't know when Junior Sister Wei will come out." Senior Brother Huang looked at the tower and sighed.

"Senior Brother Huang, do you mean to wait for Junior Sister Wei to come out?" Jiang Zhao asked suspiciously.

"Yeah, everyone is from the same sect. As for that kid Xuanmu, we don't have to wait for him." Senior Brother Huang said lightly.

"Senior brother Huang is right." Hearing this, Jiang Zhao also sat down cross-legged slowly on the side.Seeing this, the two middle-aged people behind him also sat down cross-legged.

At this moment, the three of Limo who were on the seventh floor were all frowning deeply, and there was also a stone table in front of the three of them, which looked rather weird.

"This stone table? What could it be?" Shen Lan asked melancholy.

"This building should be on the seventh floor. Could it be that this building is really just a place of trials, without any treasures?" Shen Cong asked in confusion.

Li Mo stared at the stone table thoughtfully, only to hear her muttering to herself: "This strange rune can actually make a sound, could it be related to this sound?"

While talking to herself, she took out the blue lyre she was carrying behind her back, and began to play the melody of the sound.

Half a month passed in the blink of an eye, and Xuan Mu was already lost in the landscape.Although his body was still sitting cross-legged and motionless, his Nascent Soul was already wandering.At this moment, his Nascent Soul is constantly searching in the mountains and rivers.

What he was looking for was that familiar aura, which was the aura of a woman.He is most familiar with that breath, more than ten years ago, it was the woman's breath that accompanied him for more than ten years, and for these ten years, he has been inseparable from that woman's breath.

That was Yan Xiaomei, he looked at the mountains all over the sky and the water flowing all over the mountains.He has forgotten everything, there is only one thing worth doing, and that is to look for Yan Xiaomei.

He wandered quickly, but found that the mountains and rivers had no end.Suddenly a light flashed in his mind, the light was so weird that his Nascent Soul stopped moving forward for a moment.His Nascent Soul stopped in the landscape.

At this moment, his originally cautious character made him stop his relentless pursuit.He suddenly sat cross-legged, sitting cross-legged in that piece of landscape.He seemed to remember that during this long, long time, he did nothing, but kept looking for that woman.

people?Who is here?His Nascent Soul looked around, but suddenly found that not only was there no one here, there were no animals of any kind.

Xuan Mu's body sitting cross-legged suddenly trembled at this moment, feeling trembling all over.At this time, his Nascent Soul quickly returned to his body.He looked around coldly, there were still eight landscape paintings hanging on the wall.He frowned, stood up, and walked towards one of the landscape paintings.

When he came to the front of the landscape painting, he didn't say anything else, he grabbed it with his right hand, and wanted to grab the landscape painting in his hand.However, just when his hands touched the landscape painting, the landscape painting unexpectedly disappeared into the white wall at this time and disappeared without a trace.

"Damn it, it turned out to be an illusion..." Xuan Mu cursed bitterly.

As soon as his cursing voice fell, the picture in front of him changed again, and he came to the fourth floor of the tower in the blink of an eye. On this fourth floor, Xuanmu was the first to see The bells on the roof, these bells make a humming sound with the wind.

Then I saw streaks of colorful rays of light emanating from the bell. These colorful rays of light are extremely strange and quite dazzling.

Xuan Mu, however, glanced at the bells hanging on the roof vigilantly, he took out the killing sword from the storage ring without saying a word, and then slashed at the bells hanging on the roof with a sword. go.

The sword fell, only a bell fell to the ground with the sound, and then disappeared on the ground.

Just when Xuanmu was astonished, the bell appeared on the roof again, still shaking uncomfortably, and there was a "dang ding" sound from the bell.

"This bell is indeed a bit weird, what exactly is he honing?" Xuan Mu murmured, curious about this strange bell.

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