Nine Heavenly Towers

293: Grass Valley Medicine Fairy

Even so, Xuanmu's Nascent Soul is unusually sober.Qi Yuanying quickly sacrificed the Ice Soul Sword, and a set of Ice Soul Eighteen Cuts slashed towards Yaoxian.

"Small tricks...!" The old man Yaoxian sneered, grabbed the huge cauldron with his right hand, and the huge cauldron was withdrawn from the air in an instant.Forcibly blocked by the Ice Soul Sword, under the Ice Soul Sword, the giant cauldron did not suffer any damage at all.

The inner bones of Xuanmu's body gradually recovered, and the broken bones condensed into one under the fusion of his spiritual power and thoughts.The wounds above the flesh also gradually healed.After seeing Yaoxian's hand-wind spell, he was shocked.

He has only seen this old man of the medicine fairy who can combine the wind blade and the storm technique to produce such a huge power.Other than that, there is no other person.

Even so, Xuan Mu still had enough confidence in his heart to kill the old man.With his eyes slightly closed, he held the Yulan Qin in his right hand and plucked it quickly. This is the third song of the Nine Songs Divine Music—Destroying the Storm.

Together with the tune, you can see a black storm quickly condensing in the midair.This black storm made Yaoxian's pupils shrink suddenly. He is a monk who practiced wind spells. Naturally, he can see the power of this black storm. Although the principle is different from the white storm he just cast, it is powerful. But not much.

Yaoxian's face was ferocious, and his right hand grabbed the void behind him, and another blue storm condensed from the five fingers in his hand.But seeing his fingers trembling, the five fingers of his right hand were peeled off layer by layer by the storm in an instant, and traces of bright red blood quickly merged into the storm.

The moment the blood merged into the blue storm, an extremely strong evil spirit emanated from the blue storm. Not only that, Xuanmu even felt that there was a soul-shattering power in the storm.This power is something he can't resist now.

He gritted his teeth and plucked the Yulan Qin more quickly.The black storm also condensed more quickly, and pale ripples appeared in the surrounding air immediately.This is the air being pulled out by two huge storms.

It can be seen how huge the power of the storm is, and the Yinyuan Mountain under the two of them made muffled noises and trembled endlessly.It seems that it can't bear the tearing of these two huge forces, and it will collapse at any time.

The two storms were almost condensed in a few breaths, and they were also bombarded together in a few breaths.The violent tearing force stirred up all the clouds in the sky.Even the huge ancient trees on Yinyuan Mountain were uprooted by this powerful tearing force.

Looking at this scene, Xuan Mu took the Yulan Qin away.He has already performed the two strongest songs of Jiuqu Shenyin, although he couldn't cause serious damage to Yaoxian.But it also exhausted Yaoxian's spiritual power, and he also saved his life under Yaoxian's strongest two blows.

This is impossible for any high-level Nascent Soul cultivator.However, he Xuanmu did it.

After he took the Yulan Qin, he swiped his right hand across the air and took out his trump card—the Execution Sword.An ancient blood-colored sword, and two blood-colored spar on the ancient sword are unusually conspicuous.The third blood spar also had some faint red light flashing out.

"This time, I will ask you old man to condense the third spar for me." Xuanmu said through gnashing of teeth, raised his long sword and slashed at Yaoxian.

With the sound of the wind, the red sword glow of several tens of feet slashed towards Yaoxian.This sword light slammed onto the blue storm that was still spinning rapidly in front of Yaoxian.That blue storm was suddenly cut into two pieces, and then quickly collapsed in the air.

"What is this?" Yaoxian felt something was wrong when he saw Xuanmu take out that bloody ancient sword.When he saw the blue storm he condensed was broken by one of his sword lights, his heart was full of thoughts.He sneered and said: "You baby, don't you want to give this old man such a big gift?"

As Yaoxian said, he stepped towards Xuanmu.His right hand volleyed towards the killing sword in Xuan Mu's hand and suddenly grabbed it.

Xuan Mu felt his hands tighten, and he couldn't swing the killing sword.He already knew that Yaoxian wanted to grab the Execution Sword in his hand.He originally wanted to stab with his sword like this, but if so, the old man might not easily fall for it.

After thinking for a moment, he gripped the killing sword tightly with both hands.He tried his best to raise the killing sword inch by inch, and kept raising the long sword above his head.Just when he was about to slash the old man Yaoxian with his sword.Yaoxian couldn't wait to step towards him, the Ice Soul Sword suddenly moved in the air, and the Ice Soul Eighteen Cuts slashed towards Yaoxian one after another.

Eighteen moon-white ice ridges with a length of more than [-] feet condensed from the mid-air. Their goal was only one, and that was Yaoxian.

Seeing this, Yao Xian didn't care about the Bing Po Eighteen Cuts.Instead, he thought about the bloody long sword in Xuanmu's hand.

Xuan Mu's fingers trembled suddenly, the fingers trembled because the killing sword was shaking non-stop.Obviously, with Yaoxian approaching, it was difficult to control the Killing Sword.He originally wanted to use the Ice Soul Eighteen Cuts to distract Yaoxian, but now it seems that it is obviously not possible.

Only when Yaoxian is happy and careless can he have a chance to sneak attack.Since he wants to kill the sword, I will give it to him, young master.When his hands trembled, he gradually let go.The killing sword flew towards Yaoxian like a sword that was off the string.

At this moment, an icy ridge directly fell on Yaoxian's body.A burst of white light radiated from Yaoxian's body, and that icy edge shattered inch by inch in the air.

Yaoxian's eyes glowed with greed, and he grabbed at the killing sword even more forcefully.

Two orange light spheres appeared out of thin air from Xuan Mu's hands. As soon as these two orange light spheres appeared, they blasted towards the Yaoxian.

"This is the sun and moon double poison beads of that old ghost Xun Wenzhong?" When Yaoxian saw the two orange light spheres, his expression changed, and he stared at the two orange light spheres vigilantly.

"Sun and Moon Double Poison Beads?" Xuan Mu looked thoughtful after seeing Yao Xian's expression.However, he quickly returned to normal. With a wave of his right hand, the killing sword suddenly moved in the air, and it was almost in front of Yaoxian in an instant.

Yaoxian's spiritual power was majestic, and the white glow on his body suddenly dispersed at this moment.However, as soon as the white glow on his body dispersed, it was broken by the red glow of the Slaying Sword.Yaoxian's gaze was still fixed on the sun and moon twin poisonous beads flying straight towards him, and he grabbed the killing sword in front of him with both hands.

I saw bursts of white awns emitting from his hands, and the white awns protected his hands, and he just grabbed the killing sword.

This was the first time Xuanmu saw a monk who was able to grab his killing sword, and it was quite normal after thinking about it.After all, there is too much difference in the cultivation bases of the two, the other party is the top-level Nascent Soul cultivation base, and he is only the top-level Nascent Soul peak.It would be considered a miracle if the other party was only a high-level Nascent Soul cultivator, and he was able to grab his Slaying Sword.

Another two icicles directly fell on Yaoxian's body.Yaoxian ignored the two icicles, because those icicles could not cause substantial damage to his body.His eyes were still on the sun and moon twin poison beads.

These two poison pearls contain strange poisons, the so-called doctor and poison belong to the same family, others don't know, but he is very clear about poison.At this time, he couldn't let go of his hands, and naturally he couldn't cast spells. Frowning, his consciousness quickly locked on the great cauldron in the distance.

With a movement of consciousness, the cauldron quickly became smaller, and then flew towards the direction where Yaoxian was.

At this moment, five radiant lightning balls suddenly bombarded Yaoxian.Jiang Zhao's body also stepped out of the air again and again, coming towards here.

Zong Peng had even cast the spell to condense the fire spirits, and the two fire spirits condensed from the flames also slammed towards Yaoxian at this time.The two of them, like Xuan Mu, were both in the upper-level Nascent Soul cultivator, but because they were blood cultivators and thunder cultivators, their strength was already comparable to that of ordinary high-level Nascent Soul cultivators.

At this moment, two monks with high-level Nascent Soul strength surrounded him, and Fang Yu suddenly stepped forward at this time. The two banners behind him had already soared into the sky, and thick fog flowed from the two banners. Out of the house.

Xu Yunchong and other Miaoyinzong monks also quickly surrounded him at this time, no matter what, they were all facing Xuanmu, as long as Xuanmu's red sword pierced Yaoxian's belly, everything would be over.

The thunderballs exploded in the air, and the series of attacks couldn't cause any substantial damage to Yaoxian, but it caused Yaoxian's consciousness to scatter quite a bit.

Seeing this, Xuan Mu, who was in front of Yaoxian, stepped towards Yaoxian with one step, and then stepped down several steps.Every time he took a step, his control over the killing sword became much stronger.Just when he took the eighth step, the killing sword flashed red.Like a prehistoric beast, it blasted away the protective light from Yaoxian's whole body.It pierced into Yaoxian's body abruptly.

Yaoxian's complexion suddenly changed, and then changed again.He became bloodless, and under the flash of red light, he was no longer a living monk, but had turned into a withered body.

At this time, inside the Slaying Sword, a black and white light suddenly trembled.And Yaoxian's Nascent Soul also turned into a white light and quickly merged into the black and white light.

There was also violent shaking outside the killing sword, and Xuan Mu's face suddenly changed. What the killing sword brought to him before was only the murderous aura rushing into his heart.As his cultivation gradually increased, this murderous aura was gradually overwhelmed by his will.

At this moment, he felt that there was still a trace of hostility hidden in the killing sword.Although this breath is very weak, there is another consciousness contained in the hostility.Although that consciousness is very weak, it also makes the killing sword a little uncontrollable.

Xuan Mu pulled out the killing sword from Yaoxian's belly, and the third spar on the killing sword gradually condensed a trace of blood.

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