Nine Heavenly Towers

305: Electric pulse coagulation

"Oh.... What does Fellow Daoist Zhuo mean, is there a countermeasure?" The head of the Strange Poison Sect said with a sneer.

"Why do we need countermeasures? With the Slaying Sword, it's not easy to kill the Flame Demon?" Zhuo Wenqin said with a smile, in his tone, it seemed that he was full of confidence after possessing the Slaying Sword.

"Okay, with your words, I will feel at ease in the decisive battle tomorrow." The old woman showed a look of relief.

The outside of Yinyuan Mountain was completely blackened by a big fire. Looking from a distance, one could see streaks of black smoke rising into the air.

In the distance, within a large flame.

It can be seen that a bald boy is sitting cross-legged in the flames, the flames are raging wildly, and the strange red lines of fire are all converging towards the place where the bald boy is.The red light emanating from this young man's body can actually prevent his fiery red robe from being burned by the flames.

The youth's cultivation base is at the top-level Nascent Soul stage, and he can break through his cultivation base and ascend to the third heaven at any time.At this moment, he suddenly opened his eyes, a red flame flickered in them.When his eyes flickered, two groups of flames forced out from his eyes.

Around this group of flames, there are one or four monks.They are at the same level as the young man in the Nascent Soul Stage, but the coercion and suffocation emanating from them cannot be compared with this young man.Four of them were two women and two men.Both women looked like girls.The two men looked like middle-aged strong men, with their upper bodies naked, and there was a totem of flame behind both of them.

The young man is the Flame Demon, and his and Master Yan Wu's cultivation can be said to be among the top figures in the entire Flame Dance Kingdom.

Flame Demon said slowly: "It is said that Xuanmu is dead?"

"Yes, I was beheaded by a monk named Zhuo Wenqin." A charming girl with fiery red hair was sitting cross-legged in the north of Flame Demon, and she quickly replied.

"Then who is Zhuo Wenqin?" Hearing this, Yan Mozi frowned, and a fire blazed from his eyes immediately.Mixed with the fire is the virtual fire.

The fiery red-haired girl slowly replied: "Zhuo Wenqin, this person is a cultivator of the electric system. He was originally a disciple of the Shenlei Sect. After his cultivation reached the high-level Nascent Soul stage, he became a casual cultivator after leaving the Shenlei Sect. Finally, ten years ago, he became a real monk of the electric system. At the same time, he founded his own sect. The sect is called "Silver Electric Sect". This sect has only been established for ten years, so there are only 20 disciples so far. "

"What a Zhuo Wenqin, the old man underestimated him. Are you ready for tomorrow's decisive battle?" Flame Demon's tone was full of sullen anger, and the fire in his eyes was always flickering, extremely dazzling.

"Sect Master, everything is ready." In the west direction of Flame Demon, another red silk woman replied.This woman has clear features, white hair, and is calm and automatic.When dancing, it looks like a white flame.Its cultivation is also at the top-level Nascent Soul stage.

Yan Mozi nodded when he heard the words, and said solemnly: "The primary target of the five of us tomorrow is this Zhuo Wenqin. If Zhuo Wenqin is killed, those two old poisons don't have to be afraid."

"Yes. I will understand." The four said in unison.

In the vast sea kingdom, in the deepest part of the sea, under an altar.

Long Ye was sitting cross-legged when a woman in a blue shirt flew to kneel down in front of him.

Long Ye opened his soft and beautiful eyes, which emitted a faint blue light.Looking at the woman in the blue shirt, he smiled and said, "Any news?"

"Master, according to the news from the fantasy kingdom, that Xuanmu has..., has..." The woman did not continue to speak up to this point.She was worried, not knowing whether she should say this sentence or not.

"What's the matter? You just say it's okay." Long Yedai frowned slightly, and said calmly.

"It is said that he is already dead." The blue-shirted woman said these words anxiously, and her whole body felt a little stagnant for breathing.

"What?" Long Ye immediately raised his brows, looking quite surprised, and asked: "What you said is true? He died?"

"It is rumored that this is the case!"

"Oh...!" Long Ye looked thoughtful, and after thinking for a while, she said, "If that's the case, then do you know how he died?"

"It was beheaded by a monk named Zhuo Wenqin." The woman in the blue shirt replied respectfully.

"Zhuo Wenqin? Do you have this person's information?"

"The disciple branded that person's information on the jade slip, and the master will know it at a glance." The woman in the blue shirt said, took out a jade slip from her skirt, and handed it to Long Ye.

Long Ye's consciousness swept across the jade slip, sneered, and said: "This person is interesting, I only know that this killing sword is useful. Hehe..., I really want to thank this person."

"Ah?" The woman in the blue shirt opened her mouth wide in surprise, looking a little bewildered.

"Nothing, you go down first." Long Ye waved his hand with a smile, and then walked towards a large hall behind the altar.

"Master, Long Ye has something to report."

"What's the matter?" An old woman with an old face said slowly while sitting cross-legged with her eyes closed.

"Long Ye would like to ask Master to do a favor for his disciples. I wonder if Master is willing to go to Dreamland?" Long Ye said respectfully.

"Oh?" The old woman finally opened her eyes, showing a look of surprise, and then sighed: "Oh, little girl. Master, this old bone can't bear your tossing like this."

"Master, if you are unwilling to help the disciple, then the disciple will only be in danger alone." Long Ye said with a smile.

"Forget it, I will let Long Chun go with you." The old woman said, and began to mutter something, as if she was muttering something.

After the old lady finished talking, Long Ye respectfully said: "Thank you, Master."

"You just thank her, don't you intend to thank the old man?" A middle-aged woman flew to the front of the hall and stopped.Said with a laugh.

Long Ye looked back, chuckled, and said, "Senior Sister Chun is really getting younger."

"Let's go." Long Chun didn't talk nonsense, called Long Ye, and flew towards the south.

In the entire fantasy country.All sects are busy resisting the army of Yanwu Kingdom.

In Yinyuan Mountain, the drums of war were raging, and the sound shook the heavens and the earth.

This shows the ingenuity of the sound attack technique of the disciples of Miaoyinzong. Forty-five Miaoyinzong monks and 45 big black iron drums were forged into one, and they were placed horizontally in the sky.

Along with the sound of the drums, the whole world changed in an instant.

A black light rushed out from the 45 black iron giant drums. These black lights filled the sky and the earth, causing the sky and the earth to change color.All the monks in the Flame Dance Kingdom were amazed when they saw this scene.They had never seen such a spell before, so they naturally felt quite mysterious.

"Blaze Devil, do you dare to fight this old man?"

As soon as this voice sounded, it echoed in the sky for a long time.From the tone of voice, you can feel a hostility spreading with the voice.

"Who are you? I don't want to fight with you, an unknown person, so you call the old poison out." Yan Mozi said in a long voice with a calm expression.

"Too much deceit." This is what Zhuo Wenqin said in his heart. As soon as the anger rushed up in his heart, he felt a little restless in his heart and soul.There seemed to be a faint anger brewing.Then he shouted sharply: "Flame Demon, poor Taoist Zhuo Wenqin, I'm here to kill you today."

Zhuo Wenqin said, with a wave of his right hand, he took the lead in stepping into the air.In the blink of an eye, he had already stepped more than ten feet away.All I saw were brown figures left by people in the air, and the leading shadow had already appeared tens of feet away.

With a sudden wave of his right hand, a purple lightning suddenly appeared from midair.Suddenly, he slashed towards the top of the Flame Demon's head.

The Balrog quickly backed away.Unexpectedly, he didn't dodge the blow, being blasted by the lightning, his whole body felt numb for a while, and then he lost consciousness, except that his eyes were still staring at Zhuo Wenqin slightly blurred.

Zhuo Wenqin pulled out the killing sword from behind, and threw it at Yan Mozi.But he found that the degree of control of the killing sword was different from what he had imagined.He frowned, and thought: Why can Xuanmu use this sword to kill monks of the same rank?Why is this sword out of control in my hands?

While thinking about it, he strengthened his divine sense to control the Slaying Sword.

At this time, the two men and two women who had been standing beside the Flame Demon suddenly stepped towards Zhuo Wenqin. One of the middle-aged men waved his right hand, and a majestic flame bombarded Zhuo Wenqin.The flame totem from behind suddenly twisted.

Along with this flame, a gust of scorching air quickly spread in the sky, making the air within a radius of one hundred feet hot.

A white-haired nun clasped her slender hands tightly at this moment, and made some strange seals.A tuft of white hair was immediately cut off from the center.This white hair is like a white flame, and a white flame tens of feet high quickly sprang up, the white light was blazing, and it was even more scorching.

At this time, a red-haired woman also wears the final mark, and her fiery red hair is also cut off from the center.The red hair immediately shot out flames, and the flames quickly twisted in the air, turning into a stream of flames.The fiery red stream of flames is surprisingly similar to the fourth piece of Xuanmu's Jiuqu Shenyin.

Another middle-aged strong man opened his bloody mouth wide, and the flame totem behind him squirmed quickly, shining with a strange red light.As its flame totem squirmed more violently, it took a deep breath and sprayed a rich crimson firework towards Zhuo Wenqin.The fireworks were so overwhelming that they almost sealed Zhuo Wenqin's body up, down, left, and right.

If it is an ordinary physical body, under this flame.Almost instantly, it will be burned to ashes.But Zhuo Wenqin was different, he was a top Nascent Soul cultivator, the purple light of the body protector quickly spread out, covering his body without any damage.

Zhuo Wenqin sneered, if Xuanmu was there, the five monks would surely die.Now that Xuanmu has died in the hands of Zhuo Wenqin, why is he afraid of these few fire monks?He grabbed his right hand towards the air, and a brown cloud quickly transformed into a cloud.

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