Nine Heavenly Towers

308: My chapter is here

The white figure in the distance made the eyes of these two people a little strange, and both of them stopped casting spells and attacks.

"It's the aura emanating from Xuanmu's body." Long Ye couldn't help opening his mouth wide, and moaned softly.

"This person?" Zhuo Wenqin's eyes widened in astonishment, with an inexplicable expression and an expression of disbelief, he murmured, "How could this person not die? How could he not die even if he fell into the silver lightning?" What's going on?"

When Zhuo Wenqin was astonished, the killing sword behind him couldn't help shaking violently, and bursts of buzzing sounds came from the sword.

That white shadow slowly raised his right hand, just grabbed the Zhusha sword, the Zhusha sword trembled as if seeing its master, and rushed towards Xuanmu's place quickly.

Zhuo Wenqin finally got angry, his eyes widened, and he roared, "Slaying Sword, come back to me...!"

This voice almost roared out, echoing in the sky for a long time.Xuan Mu's body became clearer and clearer, and he could only hear him jokingly laughing: "Friend Zhuo, what's the matter with you? I'm back, are you unhappy? Don't be too angry, you must know that anger will hurt your body." .”

"You... What's the matter with this killing sword?" Zhuo Wenqin roared, he didn't want to believe such a fact.However, the facts had already happened, and he couldn't help but not believe it.

He didn't know that Xuanmu's blood essence had already been fused with the killing sword, and the magic weapon for recognizing the master by dripping blood was naturally beyond his control.

Behind Xuan Mu, there was another figure.It was an old man in a green robe, Zhuo Wenqin recognized him at a glance, he was the head of the Yindian sect.

"You, how did you find my Silver Lightning Sect?" Zhuo Wenqin raised his eyebrows at this moment, his eyes flickering with murderous intent.But when he remembered that the killing sword had returned to Xuan Mu's hand, the fear in his heart gradually rose.The fingers of both hands trembled uncontrollably.

Long Ye's expression was a little confused, this was the first time she felt an aura in Xuan Mu's body that she couldn't see through.What it was, she had no way of knowing.

"Old man, do you know why I brought you here?" Xuan Mu looked at the head of the Silver Electric Sect with a sarcasm and asked with a smile.

"This junior doesn't know, and I still look to seniors for guidance." After hearing Xuan Mu's words, the face of the head of the Yindian Sect was obviously distorted.Obviously, he had already guessed what Xuan Mu wanted him to do.He only asked pretending not to know.

"Do you really not know or pretend you don't know?" Xuan Mu sneered.

The head of the Yindian Sect was a little taken aback, and then said respectfully: "This junior really doesn't know. I still hope that the senior will give me some pointers."

"You are so ignorant, you still need my advice on such a simple matter?" Xuan Mu said angrily.

"This junior understands what senior means." Hearing this, the head of the Yindian Sect turned pale in an instant.Turning to staring at Zhuo Wenqin with a gloomy gaze, he shouted: "Bold Zhuo Wenqin, dare to sneak attack my master. See how I can destroy you."

After the head of the Yindian sect said this sentence, he looked back at Xuanmu with some fear.Then, with a righteous look on his face, he attacked Zhuo Wenqin.

Xuan Mu showed admiration, secretly thinking that this person is quite interesting.He looked at Long Ye and showed a knowing smile.Said: "Long Ye, we meet again."

"Unexpected! You still won't die." Long Ye sighed and said with a smile.

"You are not dead, how can I die?"

"Why do you want me to die? Could it be that you and I have a deep hatred?"

"Are you a cultivator in the God Realm? Why did you appear in the First Heaven?"

"You asked too much, and there are some things you shouldn't know."

"However, because you know too much. That's why I asked you. Besides. You may not be my opponent."

"I may not be your opponent? You think too highly of yourself!"

During the conversation between the two, Zhuo Wenqin had already killed the head of the Yindian sect with one blow. There was no need for such a person to stay.He said in a long voice to Long Ye: "You and I join hands, whoever kills Xuanmu, the killing sword will belong to him. I don't know what you want?"

"You and I join forces? Okay...!" Long Ye's words fell into a chord, and a water dragon condensed out. The water dragon radiated seven colors of light, and suddenly blasted towards Xuanmu.

Zhuo Wenqin also shot towards Xuanmu at the same time, and saw lightning flashing between his fingers, and a lightning bolt more than ten feet long rushed out from between his fingers.

When Xuanmu saw this, his body moved suddenly, and the killing sword was instantly sacrificed by him.A bloody light shot up into the sky, and this bloody light was heading towards Zhuo Wenqin.

For Long Ye, Xuan Mu suddenly had a thought that he dare not kill him.This thought came up suddenly when he asked Long Ye what he said.He didn't know how that feeling came from.Perhaps because of Long Ye's strength, he had confronted Long Ye several times, and he understood a truth that Long Ye could not be killed.

The forces behind it are too powerful, if it really pushes Long Ye into a hurry.Maybe Long Ye forcibly raised his cultivation level again. At that time, Xuanmu's own life would be in danger.

Therefore, the only person he wanted to kill, the one he really wanted to kill, was Zhuo Wenqin.

Zhuo Wenqin was naturally not Xuanmu's opponent, Xuanmu just smiled slightly at the lightning attack, and with a wave of his right hand, a silver lightning bolt rushed towards the purple lightning.When the purple lightning and the silver lightning converged together, the purple lightning was rapidly refined by the silver lightning.

Seeing this scene, Zhuo Wenqin showed bitterness.He murmured: "No, how did you condense the body of electric pulse?"

He couldn't believe it all over his face, not because he couldn't believe it, but because he didn't want to believe it at all.The opponent has condensed the body of the electric pulse, which means that the opponent can also cast his own lightning spell, and he has no advantage at all. This is undoubtedly waiting to die.

Obviously, time has passed between his thoughts.A red light suddenly pierced towards Zhuo Wenqin's chest with the momentum of blasting away everything.

At this time, Zhuo Wenqin subconsciously grabbed the killing sword with both hands.This killing sword is not his at all, how can he grasp it?He couldn't catch it at all, and saw the shocking blood on his hands being crazily drawn out by the killing sword.

His face became even more distorted, gradually wrinkled, and lost all vitality.

Seeing this, Long Ye frowned, the water dragon she had just bombarded Xuan Mu's body, and blasted Xuan Mu dozens of feet away.However, Zhuo Wenqin's strength was beyond her expectation.She didn't expect Zhuo Wenqin to be killed by Xuanmu so easily.

"Fellow Daoist Xuanmu, Long Ye has offended you. I still want to see fellow Daoist Haihan and say goodbye." Long Ye said with an embarrassed expression on his face.At the same time, it flew towards the vast sea country at high speed.

She didn't know whether Xuanmu would chase after him, but she no longer dared to confront the evil god Xuanmu.Seeing Xuan Mu's crazy scene, her heart sank.Not to mention her, even all the monks in the entire Second Heaven could not fight against this evil god.

Unless there is some good formation, maybe Xuanmu can be killed by a trick.However, the Second Heaven is no different than the Immortal Realm. National wars often occur in the Immortal Realm, and naturally there are many formations.But in this Second Heaven, there are almost very few big battles.How could there be such a formation?

And in Long Ye's memory of her previous life, she was also vague about the formation.

Xuan Mu looked at Long Ye who was going away, suddenly there was a strange feeling in his eyes.It seemed that the figure was very familiar.

——The figure is already familiar.Because more than 30 years ago.They have known each other for a long time, and have fought side by side and killed each other for various reasons.Naturally, it would be very familiar, but at this moment, looking at the incomparably delicate and soft figure who fled in a hurry, Xuanmu had a very strange feeling.

He couldn't tell what kind of feeling it was, but he felt a sudden soreness in his heart.

After standing in mid-air for a long time, Xuan Mu shook his head and strode towards the distance.

Inside the Yinyuan Sect, there was a murderous look.

After the Flame Devil was inexplicably beheaded, all the monks in the Flame Dance Kingdom became at a loss.Under the leadership of the old poison, all the monks of the Strange Poison Sect and the Yinyuan Sect seemed to be ignited by the flames, with thick anger radiating from their eyes, and madly killing the monks of the Flame Dance Kingdom.

For a moment, the entire camp of monks in the Flame Dance Kingdom was disrupted, and a large number of monks were inexplicably beheaded.Before they even had time to make a move, they were already beheaded by high-ranking monks.

At this time, Master Yanwu was encircling and suppressing Guangmingzong.He was staring deeply at the Guangming Sect's protective array, and after looking at the Guangming Zong's array for a long time, his face gradually relaxed.His expression was indifferent, and he looked up at the scorching sun hanging high in the sky.

"Guangmingzong, good! I will tell you not to see the light." As Master Yanwu stretched out his hands, the whole sky suddenly changed.Ribbons of red light were drawn out in the air as if they were being pulled out of cocoons.

As these red flame-like rays of light condensed in the air, more large expanses of purple clouds condensed towards this place.There are also many red clouds that are transformed out of thin air. After these clouds are transformed, the sky above the entire Guangming Sect is indeed darkened.

However, the radiance of the sect-protecting formation on the entire Guangming sect has not weakened in the slightest.Instead, it quickly absorbed the light from the sky into the formation.

Seeing this scene, Master Yanwu's expression twisted again, his eyes flickered, he gritted his teeth, and said: "Since the clouds can't cover the light absorbed by this formation, the old man will try with thick smoke."

When he said this, Master Yanwu said to a middle-aged female cultivator in a wine-red tulle dress through voice transmission: "Fire the fire for me and burn this area for more than a thousand miles, and condense the smoke here , this deity is useful."

When the middle-aged female cultivator heard the words, she winked at several male cultivators. The cultivation bases of these male cultivators were all in the high-level Nascent Soul Stage.It is estimated that she is also the disciple of this middle-aged female cultivator.Following the middle-aged female cultivator, she flew towards the Guangming Sect.

At this moment, Master Yan Wu's mind shook violently.A feeling of palpitation rushed from the bottom of my heart to the top of my head instantly, and the whole Nascent Soul trembled slightly.

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