Nine Heavenly Towers

317: Waiting for the young master

His two consecutive swords were cut almost at the same time, and they also landed on the same position.

The first sword quickly broke through the light curtain, and then, the second sword glow bombarded the second light curtain.Seeing that the first light curtain is about to condense again.But the second light curtain suddenly collapsed at this moment.

As the second light curtain collapsed, the first light curtain collapsed suddenly when it condensed.

Without thinking, Xuanmu raised his killing sword again, and cut it down with one stroke.Without thinking, he would know that the second light curtain would condense again soon.He didn't have time to think too much.If the second light curtain condensed, the consequences would be beyond his imagination.

His sword was slashing towards the third light curtain.At the critical moment, this blood light rushed directly from the fusion gap of the second light curtain, and directly bombarded the third light curtain.The huge force knocked the third light curtain open a gap.

Then, countless cracks appeared on the third light curtain.The cracks spread rapidly, and in a short time, the entire light curtain was covered like a giant net.When the crack could no longer expand, the entire light curtain also dissipated in the air.

Xuan Mu's body moved, and soon came to the sky above the large square where Yin Su was.He stared blankly at Yin Su's Nascent Soul, in a daze.

At this time, a red figure was dancing in the sea of ​​flames.The figure was two feet tall, and its appearance was almost the same as Yin Su's.The way he danced and danced followed a strange pattern.No one can understand this law, only the cultivator who manipulates Yin Su Yuanying can know.

Xuan Mu did not get angry, but stared at Yin Su's Nascent Soul indifferently.His eyes flickered, as if he was thinking about something.

The nine fire trees around them shrank again, and turned into a tree only forty feet high.Seen from a distance, it still looks lush and leafy.The height of the tree has decreased, but its shaking has not decreased at all.On the contrary, it became more and more intense.

Yin Su's Nascent Soul grew one foot taller again at this time, but the appearance of three feet tall was enough to compare with a normal child.Xuan Mu looked at this scene with a thoughtful expression.He said to Chong Peng who came behind him: "You have been in the Kingdom of Flame Dance for a long time, do you know what kind of ** this is?"

"This? Could it be the Fire Spirit?" Chong Peng looked puzzled, obviously, he was not sure.

"Fire spirit? You mean someone is going to refine Yin Su into a fire spirit?" Xuan Mu couldn't believe it, and the pupils in his eyes shrank suddenly.At this moment, his anger had reached its limit.

Someone is going to break ground on Tai Sui's head.

"Break ground on Tai Sui's head, isn't this a suicide attempt?" Xuan Mu laughed wildly, his expression almost ferocious.

While speaking, a blood-colored jade piano appeared in his hand.As soon as the piano came out, there were waves of evil spirits.One of his hands began to stroke the jade qin, and the qin sounded.Immediately, there was a drastic change in the entire sky.

The change came too suddenly, and it wasn't just that there was a change in the sky.And in front of Xuan Mu, there was an extremely strange change.Streams of water rush out from the strings of the Yulan Qin.With the turning of its tone, it jumps up and down quickly.

——The second song is overwhelming.

When this song came out, it really turned all the rivers, lakes and seas upside down.With its sound more intense and rapid.It can be seen that there is a trace of green light twisting rapidly between its fingers.All the spiritual power in his body is poured into this piano.

The water flowing all over the sky rushed backwards towards Yin Su's body, and it was able to engulf the spreading sea of ​​fire.

However, at this moment.Yin Su Yuanying, who was dancing in the sea of ​​fire, suddenly grew up and turned into a four-foot-tall fire man.It can be clearly seen that his eyes are looking at Xuan Mu quietly, without any expression in his eyes.

It was this look that gave Xuanmu a familiar feeling.He seemed to smell something.It seemed that he really felt something, the feeling was very faint, but it also made him a little uneasy.

He glanced at Yin Su's Nascent Soul with a look of reluctance, he really couldn't do it.Therefore, the speed at which his fingers plucked the strings couldn't help but slow down.

Yin Su's Nascent Soul has gradually turned into a fire spirit, and his body is stepping towards Xuanmu in the sky step by step.One step fell in the air, and another step fell.Looking at the torrential water in the sky, he punched out suddenly.Then, he opened his mouth wide, and the sea of ​​flames surrounding his body was quickly swallowed into his stomach.

The sea of ​​fire seemed to disappear into the air in an instant, but suddenly appeared from the air.The flame was actually spit out from his mouth.If a person may not be able to swallow so many flames, but if it is a fire spirit refined by a Nascent Soul, then such a situation is not uncommon.

The sea of ​​fire collides with the water flowing all over the sky, water and fire are originally incompatible.Under this collision, it quickly collapsed and scattered.The flames disappeared from the air foot by foot.And the same goes for water flow.

It dissipated too quickly, but Yin Su Yuanying's expression was still indifferent.

Xuan Mu didn't want to kill Yin Su, so he had to say to Chong Peng: "You stand up to him, I'll find him and come out."

"Who?" Chong Peng couldn't help asking, while walking towards Yin Su.He made several weird seals with his hands, and saw a flame grow out of his hands.His hands danced in the air, and the flames did not linger in his hands, but burned rapidly in the air.

who is he?Regarding this question, Xuan Mu himself was quite curious.He put away the Yulan Qin, grabbed the Slaying Sword and flew towards Yanyang Mountain.

The fiery trees all over the sky swayed uneasy at this moment, Xuan Mu howled angrily at the fiery trees.A faint primitive aura emanated from his body, although Xuanmu didn't know what this aura was.But it can be guessed that this is the breath of pandemonium.

As soon as this breath came out, the entire Huoshu on Yanyang Mountain became quiet in an instant.It was as if everything had come to a standstill.

Xuanmu's spiritual consciousness is still searching the entire mountain.Suddenly, his brow wrinkled.The killing intent in his eyes frantically escaped, but he laughed out loud.This smile made him a little scared, because even he himself didn't know whether it was happy or sad.With his murderous eyes and smile, he naturally looked weird.

His consciousness stopped on an extremely strange building.The reason why this building is said to be weird is because the aura of the five elements on it is too strong.Nothing else special.It's just a house made of flame stone.

His spiritual sense failed to break through the restriction attached to the outside of the flame stone house, so naturally he couldn't see clearly the picture inside.It's not just this one house that has restrictions, but all such buildings in the entire Yanyang Mountain have restrictions.

Xuan Mu laughed more ferociously, raised his killing sword and slashed towards that house.

At this time, a strong flame rushed towards this side, it was Yin Su's Nascent Soul.At this time, it is no longer a Nascent Soul, but a Fire Spirit.He can figure out the purpose of rushing towards here with his toes.

However, Yin Su's speed couldn't stop Xuan Mu's attack at all.

A loud bang shook the entire world.The house of flaming stone was shattered by the slaying sword.Then, I saw countless rays of light radiating away.

Xuan Mu didn't even look at him, but instead looked at Yin Su with cold eyes, put on a harmless smile, and said, "You're late. Let me tell you, I'll count to three, and you If you don't come out..., then it will be too late for you to regret."

Huoling Yin Su paused in the air, then stepped towards Xuanmu, shook his hands, and then danced rapidly in the air, only to see a huge fireball appear between his hands.The fireball rushed towards Xuanmu's direction suddenly.

"Three..." Xuan Mu turned a blind eye to it, and groaned slowly in his mouth.

Everything was still the same, except that the flame shot by Yin Su, the fire spirit, exploded impressively at this moment, and the flame spread and burned rapidly in the air.

"Two..." Xuan Mu still looked the same as before, because the fire spell cast by Huo Ling Yin Su couldn't hurt him at all.A thick cloud-like white light suddenly burst out from outside its body.

The flames quickly wrapped around Xuanmu, with a melancholy look on his face.More regret and disappointment, he shook his head, moved quickly in the air, and murmured a word at the same time - "One..."

As soon as his voice fell, he had already appeared in the ruins.It was a ruin surrounded by flames, only a voice came from nowhere, the voice was hoarse and dull.Then it turned into a thin female voice and said a word.

——"If you have the guts, come and find this old man...!!"

This voice pushed the anger in Xuanmu's heart to the extreme, and he stepped into the ruins.

"Kaka..., Kacha...!!" The voice kept ringing.

He walked calmly, step by step into the ruins.The whole ruins collapsed again, and a large teleportation array appeared in front of Xuanmu's eyes.Xuan Mu looked at the teleportation array with a strange expression, this teleportation array was the same as the teleportation array in Yinyuanzong.It is used for two-way teleportation, so there is no need for fairy jade, as long as there are spirit stones, it can be teleported.

"Okay...! Old man, you wait for me." Xuan Mu replied viciously, and with a wave of his right hand, rays of light rushed out of his hand.A total of eighteen spirit stones were respectively embedded in the nine pillars.

With a flash of brilliance, Xuanmu has already rushed into the teleportation array.

Huo Ling Yin Su wanted to rush into the teleportation array, but was blocked by the worm tent.Seeing this, Huo Ling rushed towards the worm canopy without thinking about his own safety.Chongpeng was also not afraid at all, and the two fire spirits it controlled were also stepping forward from the air at the same time.

His fire spirit is different from Yin Su's. These two are condensed with the blood and spirit power in his body, and they don't have any spirituality.Unlike Yin Su, Huo Ling Yin Su has reached the strength equivalent to a high-level Nascent Soul cultivator.

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