Nine Heavenly Towers

343: The Inexplicable Master

"Then who is Mo Qiufeng?" Xuanmu asked coldly. He had been staring coldly at the Taoist monk. As long as he dared to move, he would kill him with a sword without hesitation. Today Even if it is death, he is not afraid.

"The lord of Senmo City." Yue Fei replied.At the same time, he looked cautious and did not dare to act rashly.This is no different than those monks in Solitary Castle.There are so many masters in Senmo City, and there are more than a hundred monks at the peak of the Immortal Physique alone.If you are not careful, your life will be here.

Yue Fei's answer reminded Xuan Mu of someone, he thought of Mo Beihan.And Mo Beihan was not Mo Qiufeng.Xuan Mu didn't know that the old man covered in patches was named Mo Beihan.

"Then ask Mo Qiufeng to come out and speak." Xuan Mu said lightly, and his face gradually revealed an impatient look.

Hearing Xuan Mu's words, the Taoist robed monk was a little surprised at first, then lifted the Taoist robe on his body and greeted Xuan Mu.He didn't cast large spells, but his Taoist robe was not simple.As the black and white Taoist robes on his body danced, a black and white ray of light rushed out.

Xuan Mu's eyes closed, and he looked at the monk with a mocking look.The right hand inadvertently wiped the storage ring on the left hand, and a giant cauldron appeared in front of him.

Seeing that this fierce fight is about to break out.Chenzu hurriedly stepped forward to persuade: "This is their territory, and the strong dragon will not overwhelm the local snake. Let's bear with it and talk about it."

Hearing Chenzu's words, Xuanmu put away the giant cauldron in his hand, and took several steps back from the air.He said coldly: "Are you deliberately finding fault because you want to kill yourself?"

"Hehe...!" The Taoist robed monk smiled coldly, and the murderous intent in his eyes disappeared, as if nothing had happened, he looked at Xuanmu with a normal face. "You killed Duguao, I don't accept it. When you came to my Senmo City today, dad said let me greet you well."

At this time, all of this was in Mo Beihan's eyes.He murmured: "This kid is quite courageous. At the beginning, the old man wanted to keep him for three months. Now I can't do without changing the plan. I hope Rui'er won't let me down."

The Rui'er that Mo Beihan was talking about was the Mo Yurui who was wearing a Taoist robe and was making things difficult for Xuanmu.

"Who were you scolding just now?" Xuanmu saw that Mo Yurui had calmed down, but he couldn't.The giant tripod under his feet spun rapidly.

"Joke, so what if I scold you? Could it be that you really dare to do something in my Senmo City?" Mo Yurui looked mockingly, and glanced at Xuanmu with contempt.Grabbing a compass-like thing in his right hand, he launched an attack like lightning.

I saw him inject a little immortal essence into the compass in his hand, and a green light flashed.Immediately around Xuanmu, a series of forbidden light curtains appeared, and the light curtains all hit towards Xuanmu.Xuan Mu's body did not retreat, but grabbed the giant cauldron under his feet, and slapped it with his palm.Huge forces collided together, forming an extremely strong explosive force.

"Why do you use your eyes? Do you still need the boss to do it yourself? Do it quickly." Seeing this, the monk with a long knife greeted him quickly.Immediately, the eight monks immediately surrounded the Xuanmu trio, sacrificed magic weapons one after another, and cast magic attacks.

Not so much, when dozens of monks saw that Mo Yurui, the son of the lord of Senmo City, was making trouble, they quickly gathered around to help.

At this time, Li Wu rushed towards here with more than a dozen monks who were in the middle stage.He flickered in the air again and again, seeing that there was already a fight here, he shouted decisively: "Who dares to fight in Senmo City? What do you think of me as Senmo City?"

"Where did you come from? It's none of your business, go away...!" Mo Yurui turned around in disgust when he heard the voice, and waved his hands impatiently and scolded.

"Mo Yurui, don't think that because you are the son of the city lord, you can be lawless in Senmo City. Senmo City does not belong to your family." Li Wu gritted his teeth and walked towards this place furiously, filled with righteous indignation. come.

After all, the battle failed. When they saw Li Wu coming, several of Mo Yurui's subordinates had already stopped casting spells.They all looked at Li Wu with provocative eyes.They all opened their mouths and cursed contemptuously.

"Boy Li Wu, what are you? You don't take a piss and take care of your own virtue. How dare you touch our boss's mold?"

"Boy, if you're tired of living. Tomorrow, we'll go to the Valley of the Five Demons to fight one-on-one... we." Perhaps because of lack of confidence, the monk couldn't help adding two important words after he finished speaking—— us.

"Li Wu, it's your good fortune that old man Mo Beihan values ​​you. Don't let yourself not cherish it. When the time comes, you won't be able to blame the brothers if your cultivation is ruined."

"Even if that old man Mo Beihan thinks highly of you, what's so good about you? Our boss is here to teach people a lesson and do your football business? Get lost...!"

"I'll give you time to count to three, and get out of here with your little guy. Otherwise, don't blame us for killing you."

"Three...!" More than twenty monks shouted in unison.The sound shook the surrounding sky.It attracted hundreds of monks to come and watch.

"Two...!" Suddenly, the number of monks surrounding Mo Yurui changed from the initial twenty to fifty.They shouted excitedly in unison.

"One!!!!" The voice shook the sky, not only attracted thousands of monks to watch, but also made most of the monks who were in retreat in the entire Senmo City open their eyes, and their spiritual consciousness locked on this place tightly.

"Hehe...!" Li Wu laughed fiercely, and said viciously, "What are you guys? Mo Yurui, I, Li Wu, am standing here today. If you dare to touch a single hair of my hair, my master will take it How about you? You can't handle this matter unless your father comes forward. "

As soon as Li Wu said this, Xuan Mu had a slight liking for him.He couldn't help leading the three people behind him to move closer to Li Wu.

"Junior Brother Xuanmu, Master said that you have come to Senmo City, let me pick you up." Li Wu clasped his fist at Xuanmu and said with a smile.

"What? Who is your junior brother?" Xuan Mu was still extremely disgusted with this kind of random approach, and immediately frowned. "Who is the master you are talking about?"

"Master didn't say anything, you should know when you go to see me." Li Wu bowed and smiled, then looked at Mo Yurui coldly, and said sharply: "This is my junior brother, if you touch the two of us , Think about it for yourself.”

"Hehe, Uncle Mo is old-fashioned now, isn't he? When I asked him to be my master back then, I f*ckingly refused it. Now that he picks up a random monk and becomes his disciple, isn't it too contemptuous of my nephew?" Although Mo Yurui called Mo Beihan his third uncle, he didn't show any respect at all.

"What did you say, kid?" An extremely majestic voice enveloped the vast sky, like a thunderclap.All the monks felt like their hearts were beating violently.

Mo Yurui's face also turned livid at this time, he gritted his teeth and said, "Third uncle, I'm just kidding with you, let's go." Then, he led the dozen or so monks behind him towards the city lord Fly towards the government.

Although this scene seemed to be safe and sound, Xuan Mu, who took all this into his heart, revealed a faint look of suspicion.

"Junior brother, what are you thinking about?" Seeing that Xuan Mu was a little distracted, Li Wu hurriedly asked with concern.

"Oh. I was wondering who the master is!" Xuan Mu came back to his senses and smiled.

"Hehe...! You will know who the master is after you go to see it. I will take you there." Li Wu smiled brightly, and immediately flew towards the giant tower in the center of Senmo City with the three of Xuanmu.

Following Li Wufei to the bottom of the giant tower, Xuanmu tried to use his spiritual sense to investigate, but found that there was a forbidden light curtain outside to prevent the entrance of the divine sense.

Li Wu stretched out his hand and pushed open a ten-foot-high wooden door. The wooden door opened, and the inside was full of brilliance. There were many wood-type spirit crystals and spirit stones inlaid in the tower. into carpet.There was a faint soft green glow on the carpet.That's green aura.

Looking at this scene, Xuan Mu showed a very surprised expression.He didn't expect that a powerful and powerful monk would find such a luxurious cave in time.The heaven, material and earth treasures in this room have at least a 10% training bonus effect for monks.

"Don't be envious, you will be the master's apprentice in the future, and you can also practice here. Come with me." Li Wu smiled and walked downstairs with Xuan Mu.

"Is our master that old man in patched clothes?" Xuan Mu asked cautiously.

"Hehe, Junior Brother Xuanmu's question is so strange. You can go down with me and have a look." Li Wu smiled mysteriously, but did not tell Xuanmu the answer.

Xuan Mu couldn't help laughing in his heart, why is it necessary to be so mysterious?In Senmo City, besides that old ghost, who else can I know?Do you really think Xiao Ye is an idiot?

After following Li Wu five floors underground, Xuanmu appeared at a place where the roots of a tree intertwined, and saw the old man in a patched body sitting cross-legged on a tree root.From the roots of the tree, a faint green light flowed towards the old man.

"Disciple pays homage to Master." Li Wu quickly knelt on the ground when he saw the old man.

"Get up." The old man waved his right hand, then glanced at Xuanmu, but didn't speak.

Xuan Mu didn't speak, and after standing for a while, he found a tree root and sat cross-legged. He just silently looked at the old man in patches.

The old man looked normal, but kept staring at Xuan Mu's eyeballs.He was also silent.The two seem to be engaged in a confrontation.

Xuan Mu looked slightly interested, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.Heart said: "This old fox, I don't believe that he really has no ghosts in his heart."

"Little fox, you're really cunning. However, these tricks of yours are nothing but tricks in front of the old man." The old man said inwardly without moving his eyes.He really wanted to see something in Xuan Mu's eyes.Even a trace of dodge and fear.But the result disappointed him greatly.

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