Nine Heavenly Towers

345: The Old Ghost's Conspiracy

Five days have passed, and Xuanmu has been sitting cross-legged in the cave for five days.Don't talk to Mo Beihan, and don't touch those restrictions.

Mo Beihan opened his eyes while meditating, and started talking to himself with a smile. "This kid, you can really hold your breath. Five days is about the same. It doesn't make much sense to keep you any longer." As he spoke, he raised his sleeve with his right hand and waved, the door of the cave suddenly opened , Xuan Mu sitting cross-legged inside can be clearly seen through the red light curtain.

He quickly approached the front of the red light curtain, and pressed heavily on the red prohibition combination with his right hand.Under this palm, the brilliance in the restraint skyrocketed rapidly, and surrounded Xuanmu's place.It was about to surround Xuanmu into a ball of dumplings.

Xuan Mu suddenly opened his eyes at this moment, showing a rare smile, which in Mo Beihan's view, was simply mocking him.He couldn't see what the smile meant.

A giant cauldron appeared at this time, Xuan Mu's body jumped into the giant cauldron.But seeing his hands tightly sticking to the inside of the giant cauldron, streaks of silver lightning flashed out from the giant cauldron, making a 'beep beep' sound.

"That's right, it turned out to be both wood and electricity. The old man likes it." Mo Beihan licked the corners of Tian's lips, and greed appeared in his eyes.His right hand was pulled away from the restraining light curtain, allowing the restraining light curtain to shrink.The ten fingers of his hands changed rapidly in the air, and dozens of red forbidden light marks were shot in an instant.With the rapid combination of these prohibition lights, a group of larger and more complex prohibitions filled the entire cave.

Xuan Mu gritted his teeth and roared.Two dense flashes of lightning rushed out from the giant cauldron.A foot-wide silver lightning bombarded the forbidden light curtain.No matter how powerful the restraint light curtain was, it trembled violently.Bursts of 'click' sounds came from the cave.

"Explosive." Mo Beihan roared with a grim look on his face.He raised his right hand, and the prohibition groups surrounding the giant cauldron exploded one by one quickly. The force of the vibration was so powerful that it blasted Xuanmu's giant cauldron into a disfigured shape, and big holes appeared on the giant cauldron. .

Through the big hole that was blown out on the giant cauldron, one can see that Xuanmu's expression is still playful.And Xuan Mu also saw the old man's excited expression.He danced excitedly and bared his teeth and claws.How does this look like an octogenarian who is approaching old age and dying?He was simply a seventeen or eighteen-year-old boy full of vindictiveness.

The fighting spirit in Xuan Mu's eyes was also ready to move at this moment, and he was relatively clear about Mo Beihan's strength.He is naturally much stronger than Xuanmu.It's not just that monks have to be two levels higher.But all comprehensive strengths are a level stronger than Xuanmu.

Even if he has a heaven-defying magic weapon like the Killing Sword, even if he knows a huge group attack spell like Jiuqu Shenyin.Even if he is the electric monk with the fastest attack and the best attack effect.He also couldn't compare with Mo Beihan, who was more sophisticated, knowledgeable, experienced, and cultivated than him.

so.Only such an opponent can arouse Xuan Mu's fighting spirit.

And within this forbidden light curtain, it is absolutely impossible to cast a spell as powerful as Jiuqu Shenyin.Therefore, Xuanmu can only break the deadlock by relying on the Slaying Sword in his hand and the electricity spell.The first fight just now proved that Xuanmu's restraint technique was far from being comparable to Mo Beihan's.

During these five days of cross-legged meditation, he was studying the restrictions all over the cave all the time.Hope to break this restriction with the way of restriction.But he wasted five days of languorous, still to no avail.

"Young man, do you feel tightness in your chest? Do you feel a heart-piercing pain?" Mo Beihan asked excitedly, his eyes flickering.Its look is like a urchin who got a new toy.

Xuan Mu saw the fire through Mo Beihan's eyeballs. It was not red fire, but white flames dancing and dancing under the giant cauldron.And the bronze under the giant cauldron was also burnt to a miserable white.

The wood cultivator is most afraid of fire, and Mo Beihan, who is a wood cultivator, knows this best.And using this refined nameless fire to deal with wood-type monks is his unique move.I have dealt with many wood-type monks before, and it has been tried and tested.

"Old guy, it's just for fun. You really want to burn the young master, how can it be as easy as you think?" Xuanmu said contemptuously, and punched the ground with his right hand, a silver lightning shot from the bottom of the giant cauldron Come out, abruptly blowing away the nameless fire.

This is just a blast, but not annihilation.The white tinder was obtained by Mo Beihan by chance.He could not remember how many monks of various departments he had killed with this kind of fire.

It has been planted in this place by him, and it has not been used for a long time. The backlog of power in the flame is the strongest one he has used so many times.

"Congee it up for the old man and burn it up. I like to see this big fire burn up. The hotter it is, the more prosperous it is. How good is it?" Mo Beihan was so excited that he even said it out The words are a little crazy.He grabbed the white flame with his right hand, and the flames immediately condensed together, and groups of raging white flames quickly condensed together, burning crazily.

Xuan Mu felt that the immortal essence in his body was dissipating, which was not a good sign. "Old ghost, you have dissipated the immortal energy in my body like this. Let me see how much immortal energy you can absorb with the Essence Devouring Divine Art? Why don't you know how to cherish it at all?"

"Don't worry, within the restriction of this old man, nothing will flow away. This old man is still waiting for this sumptuous meal, you are too worried." Mo Beihan smiled, and he couldn't help his hands while talking compare them.

"Really? Then I don't know how much immortal yuan you can get after the young master blew himself up?" Xuanmu said with a sneer. Although the words seemed to be threatening, he couldn't tell that he cared at all.On the contrary, it's more like saying that the parents are short-lived.As he said that, he grabbed the killing sword in his hand with a normal expression, and stabbed towards the restriction with a sword.

His consciousness swept over the tens of thousands of restrictions on this restricted light curtain one by one.Once he finds suspicious restrictions, he will stab out with a sword without hesitation. Many restrictions are triggered by the whole body.

"Tsk tsk tsk...! Look at your delicate skin and tender flesh, what a pity it would be if you blew yourself up? At that time, the old man will only be able to boil paste and drink it." Mo Beihan said with a distressed and regretful look, his hands and ten fingers again The air twisted strangely.

It is impossible to see clearly how he cast each restriction, only to see the red prohibition light prints flying out of his hand shadow, landing on the inner wall of the cave one by one.He was not at all ambiguous.

Suddenly, Xuanmu's eyes flickered with a little light, and he saw that he stabbed the killing sword in his hand towards one of the seemingly ordinary restraints.

The pupils of Mo Beihan's eyes shrank when he saw this scene, obviously a little surprised.He didn't expect Xuanmu to discover the location of the Forbidden Eye so quickly.

A sword pierced through that restriction, and then a sky-shattering roar resounded in the cave.Suddenly, all the prohibitions related to this prohibition on the entire prohibition combination exploded, and even the ground on the cave mansion shook violently.Several ancient trees are leaning down at this moment.

The loud noise shook the sky, and Mo Beihan laughed loudly, and said, "Young man, if you want to seek death, why bother? You can force out the immortal essence in your body now, and the old man promises you not to hurt your essence." infant."

"What you said is bullshit. If I believe you, then I have been practicing for more than a hundred years." Xuanmu said disdainfully. Before the third set of restraining light curtains were completely covered, he He grabbed the giant tripod and threw it towards the entrance of the cave.

"Buzzing...~!" A humming sound came from the giant cauldron.The entire giant tripod is embedded in the entire hole.

"This old man is frightened, you are a big or small guy. The old man can't stand your tossing like this." Mo Beihan muttered and said very dissatisfied.At the same time, with a vertical thrust, he passed through the giant cauldron and landed in the cave.

However, just as he landed.There was a more intense roar coming from the cave, like thunder that shook the sky.And his body just stopped in front of the restriction.The restriction exploded suddenly, like a heavy punch hitting his heart.

Xuan Mu's face was stern, the force of these several ban blasts were all bombarded on his body.Although the bones in the body have been remodeled once, and they are maintained by immortal essence.He still felt a sense of fatigue welling up in his heart.The distorted pain rushed into his mind from all over his body.

He paused, and then his chest seemed to be hollowed out by a punch, and a big hole burst open.A stream of green celestial energy turned into dots of green light overflowing from the chest.

Mo Beihan was surprised at first, he didn't expect Xuanmu to break through the forbidden light curtain he set up for the third time so quickly.He thought that Xuanmu's first restraining light curtain could not be broken, and the second restraining light curtain was just a coincidence.

Xuan Mu's understanding of the restriction has exceeded his imagination.When he used the forbidden light curtain for the second time, Xuanmu had already guessed some ways based on the research results of the previous five days.When he cast the forbidden light curtain for the third time, Xuanmu had already found the forbidden eye.He broke through the second forbidden light curtain without hesitation, and then broke open the forbidden eye of the third forbidden light curtain with lightning speed.

He should have been extremely annoyed at first, but when he saw that the forbidden bombardment force directly blasted a big hole in Xuanmu's chest, the annoyance on his face quickly disappeared.A regretful expression quickly appeared on his face.With his right hand, he grabbed the immortal yuan flying in the air.

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