Nine Heavenly Towers

362: Wood and electricity double repair

At this moment, the purple glow bursting out from Xuanmu's body can almost be described as monstrous.Thirty purple lightning lights in his body flickered continuously, and if it wasn't suppressed by his spiritual consciousness, the purple light would be more intense.

Then he sat down cross-legged slowly, and began to circulate the immortal essence in his body.Nascent Soul also opened its mouth wide, and swallowed a flash of lightning in one gulp. Although the lightning was huge, it shrunk a lot after it merged into Xuanmu's body. Guo Xuanmu's body spilled out.

The moment he sat down, the 29 bolts of lightning in his body suddenly quieted down, as if he had surrendered.Then I saw the Nascent Soul in his body open his mouth again, and another lightning bolt was swallowed by it. After this lightning bolt was swallowed, the immortal essence in his meridians also began to circulate rapidly.It's like a huge running machine.

Another month has passed since he just sat down. Among them, he has completely refined the thirty lightning bolts in his body. The average speed of refining one lightning bolt a day is much faster than the three-month refining speed. The speed is a hundred times faster.

When he stood up abruptly, a large piece of purple light emitted from his body, and thick purple light also emitted from his limbs.Obviously, it has reached the amount of immortal energy in the middle stage of the immortal body. "Haha...! Today's electric-type immortal energy with the amount of immortal energy should be no problem against that silver lightning!" catch.

At this time, the silver lightning suddenly sprang up, leaped from the air, and hit Xuanmu's chest suddenly.But this time he failed, but was grabbed by Xuanmu's hands.It's like a giant python being held up.

At the same time that the silver lightning was caught by Xuanmu, there were thin streaks of lightning rushing along Xuanmu's arms towards his heart.This speed was extremely fast, and the huge silver lightning immediately weakened a lot.Looking at this scene, Xuan Mu's eyes revealed cruelty.His hands began to tremble violently, and the silver lightning also trembled violently, making a booming sound.

The booming sound echoed in the purple cloud for a long time, and the silver lightning was separated more and more, all of which were sucked into Xuanmu's body.As the silver lightning is separated more and more, the whole silver lightning becomes smaller and smaller.

At this time, even if the silver lightning had to struggle, it had no strength, and it was like a toy in Xuan Mu's hands.

"Hey...! I don't know if you are spiritual or not, but you don't have any need to struggle anymore. The young master is no longer the original young master. Practice for me...!" Xuan Mu let out a low voice, followed by As soon as the sound came out, the silver lightning appeared distorted and deformed again.

Strands of silver arcs were pulled out by Xuanmu from the silver lightning and merged into his body.In the blink of an eye, the lightning that was originally five feet long in front of him is now less than two feet long.And the silver light was quickly refined in Xuanmu's body, although the refining did not take a while.However, it counts as much as it can be refined.To avoid accidents.

In the blink of an eye, half an hour passed. In this half hour, although the silver lightning had struggled several times, it did not break free from Xuanmu's hands, and was finally completely refined.

"With this silver lightning, the power of Xianyuan will definitely increase this time." Xuanmu thought, closed his eyes, and sat down cross-legged.Continue refining.

So back and forth, a month passed in the blink of an eye.Within a month, Xuanmu had completely refined the silver lightning in his body. After refining, he clearly felt that the immortal essence in his body had undergone substantial changes. The destructive power of the electric-type immortal essence extremely large.

After refining this silver lightning, his expression finally changed.Revealing a kind of confident self-confidence, he stepped out of the air, headed towards the depths of the purple cloud, and grabbed the void in front of him with both hands.Under this grasp, two silver lightning bolts rushed towards him.

"Come on, I've tried the power of one. Let me try the power of two, what will happen?" He chuckled, holding a silver lightning tightly with one hand.Before the two silver lightning bolts touched Xuan Mu's body, he was shocked by the huge aura emanating from Xuan Mu's body.

It was obviously a kind of lightning power larger than itself, so the two lightning bolts paused in the air.Just after this pause, Xuanmu pinched his hands in the air again, under this pinch, the two lightning bolts seemed to be caught by an invisible big hand, unable to move.

These two bolts of silver lightning suddenly trembled from the air, under this tremor, the two bolts of lightning remained motionless.Then, two silver arcs were pulled out from the silver lightning.Quickly integrated into Xuanmu's body.

Half an hour later, these two huge silver lightning bolts disappeared from the sky.After devouring these two silver lightning bolts, Xuan Mu slowly sat down cross-legged.This sitting is another month.

On this day, Xuan Mu, who was cross-legged, trembled all over.After his body trembled, a silver lightning flashed out from the divine tower in front of his chest, the silver light was extremely dazzling.The immortal energy in his body was even more majestic, and at the same time of refining, it quickly filled all the meridians of his limbs.His meridians were originally condensed in the electric abyss, but the meridians at that time were different from those of today.Those meridians did not contain electricity-type immortal essence, but were condensed by electric arcs.

Obviously, at this time Xuanmu has advanced to the Immortal Physique Mahayana stage.After the Mahayana period, Xuanmu's expression changed again. This time, he did not try to grab the majestic silver lightning again.Instead, it sank into the depths of this electric realm.

In the depths of the Electric Realm, there are countless silver lightning flashes and flickers.There is no need to reach out to grab it yourself, there will be lightning bombarding towards you by itself, and the power of the lightning inside it is greater than that of the lightning outside.

Xuan Mu's body galloped through the air, and stopped at 20 li in the electric field.With a vertical body, he quickly sank into the depths of this electric realm.In the depths, countless electric lights flickered, but after seeing Xuanmu's appearance.Almost all the silver lights will involuntarily avoid him.

Soon, Xuan Mu's body sat cross-legged in the depths.Following Xuanmu's breath, the surrounding purple clouds seemed to be stirred by an invisible big hand. The moment the clouds were stirred, the clouds and mist between the sky and the earth kept stirring, so the lightning also began to feel uneasy. .

A series of silver lightnings blasted towards Xuanmu quickly, but they were all separated by a burst of protective light outside Xuanmu's body, just when those lightning bolts wanted to blast towards Xuanmu again.The lightning actually seemed to freeze in the air.Strands of electric arcs were pulled out from the lightning surrounding his body, and converged towards Xuanmu's body.

And Xuan Mu sat cross-legged on the ground, slowly circulating the immortal essence in his body, and began to refine it at a steady pace.

Two years later, a young man in white stepped out of this purple cloud.A faint mark of lightning appeared between the youth's brows.There is even a circular silver arc flickering in its binoculars.

"Wood, you came out? Why can't I see through your cultivation? Could it be that you have reached the peak of the fairy body?" At this time, Yin Ning in the ice cave opened a pair of phoenix eyes, which were full of tenderness. Looking at stepping out from the purple clouds.

A slight smile appeared on the corner of Xuanmu's mouth, and he wiped his right hand on the center of his eyebrows, and the mark of lightning in the center of his eyebrows quickly disappeared. "Peak of Immortal Physique, let's try to see how it works." Xuan Mu murmured, pointing to the air in front of him with his right hand.

On the piece of sky pointed by his right hand, black clouds transformed and quickly gathered.All of a sudden, ten silver lightning bolts can be seen bursting out from the black cloud.

"Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang...!"

When ten silver lightning bolts struck the ice and snow, the sound suddenly sounded.There were endless ice flowers rising all over the sky, and this ice flower suddenly rose, covering the sky several miles away from here.However, Xuanmu clearly saw with his spiritual sense that ten dark ice caves appeared on the thick ice and snow.In this ice cave, there is a huge crack protruding out, and the crack stretches continuously, spreading out like a ground net for more than ten miles around here.

Seeing this scene, Yin Ning's delicate body trembled, and she turned to reveal surprise, looked at Xuan Mu from a distance, and exclaimed: "Your cultivation has improved again?"

"Well, the immortal essence of the electric system has reached the peak of the immortal body." Xuanmu nodded, and now he only needs to be enlightened to ascend to the immortal world.He didn't want to take Yin Ning to the fairyland, after all, he didn't know what the fairyland was like, if he took Yin Ning, if something happened, wouldn't it be troublesome?But keeping Yin Ning, he didn't know who to entrust it to.

Therefore, he only needs to take Yin Ning to the outlet and let Yin Ning cultivate to the peak, so he can feel at ease.After all, with the escape speed and attack power of a wind monk.He didn't have too many worries.

"Go to the air outlet? Are you going to the air outlet, and you are leaving?" Yin Ning was puzzled, looking disappointed.

"No, I will guard you until you reach the peak of Immortal Physique." Xuan Mu still smiled and said softly.This smile, falling into Yin Ning's eyes, seemed extremely forced.

"Is it because I have cultivated to the peak of the Immortal Physique, and you are leaving?" Yin Ning lowered his head, but raised his head slightly, looking at Xuanmu expectantly. "Will you take me there?"

"Don't worry, I will make proper arrangements. Besides, it's not so easy to understand." Xuanmu replied with an unnatural expression, sighed, and took a step towards the air in front of him. "Girl, don't think too much. Let's go."

"Did I think too much? I know what you're thinking, you won't take me away." Yin Ning didn't say this, but she wanted to say it very much.With a lonely face, he followed Xuan Mu's footsteps, stepping forward with a seemingly numb expression.

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