Nine Heavenly Towers

366: Father is an immortal emperor?

A ray of light pulled away from Xuan Mu's eyes, the first thing he saw was neither the sky nor the earth.But a ray of colorful light.

After the colorful light gradually dissipated, a rather familiar voice came. "Son, daddy is here to pick you up."

This voice was that of the middle-aged man. Although he had never met him before, he was very familiar with this voice.The moment the sound disappeared, Xuanmu saw an ancient road, and he even saw invisible forces emanating from this ancient road.

As soon as he took a step, he felt a tightness in his chest.He replied sharply: "Who are you talking to? My father is long gone, don't lie to me...!" If it wasn't for the fact that the voice had helped him understand, he would never have spoken to it so politely.

"Hehe...!" Xuanmu felt a burst of laughter in his heart, and then returned to silence again.

He sat cross-legged on this ancient road, and he seemed to see a huge force on this ancient road.It seems to be an extremely strange rule. If you are not familiar with this rule, it will be difficult to step out again.

A young man like a shepherd boy came slowly towards here from the west side of the ancient road. The shepherd boy held a flute in his hand and played a tune that Xuan Mu didn't even understand.Wisps of light came out from the flute hole, watching the light turn around, Xuanmu suddenly fell into memory.

He remembered the scene in Miaoyinzong, and then he slowly stood up. "This way...!" He only said two words, and then fell silent.He repeated in surprise: "Dao."

"This way, does it mean to merge with my way?" Xuan Mu was surprised, but his expression was still indifferent.He asked himself to enter the Tao with eternity, and since then his heart has died and he has been ruthless since then.

"What's the difference between this Tao and the Tao in my heart?" He murmured again, and soon, a glint of enlightenment flashed in his eyes.With his eyes closed, his consciousness quickly spread along this ancient road.

"Since eternity is my way, if this way merges with my eternity, is it my way? If it is my way? Then, can I walk?" At this moment, Xuanmu's heart suddenly became enlightened. "In this case, let my eternity be integrated into this Tao."

As he thought about it, he grabbed his right hand from his body, and a series of invisible evil spirits were condensed by it.

"This evil spirit is the disease of my heart's death, and the murderous spirit is the expression of my ruthlessness. Since the heart's death is eternal, and ruthlessness is eternal. Then, let me let this evil spirit be the beginning of my eternal way...!" Xuan Mu seemed to be Talking to himself, it seems to be singing.As soon as the sound came out, the condensed black evil spirit quickly dispersed from his body.Go up toward that ancient road.

"What will happen if I take another step?" Taking a step forward, it seems that the ancient road has been opened, and there is no hindrance.He stepped away again, and the eternal dao realm represented by the evil spirit radiated from his body. "It's really all right, I finally understand why monks need to understand the Tao before they can ascend to the fairyland. If there is no way, it is difficult to move an inch in the fairyland...!"

At this time, in the sixth heavenly emperor's city of Leiyuan in the fairyland, a beam of purple thunder quickly shot into the air.Flying towards the direction where Xuan Mu was located at the fourth heaven at an extremely fast speed.

Xuan Mu was dressed in white, and there was a gentle breeze.Stepping forward slowly towards the seemingly ancient road.On the way, he wanted to fly several times, but found that he was beyond his power. It seemed that it was quite difficult to fly in the fairyland.

"Master Yunlan once said that to practice and practice is to sit and practice, and to walk. In this case, I will take a walk and have a good understanding...!!" Xuanmu's heart seemed to have become a dead silence, Only the Eternal Dao Realm emanating from his body became more and more concentrated.

As the Dao realm on his body became more and more intense, the place his eyes looked at became farther away.It's as if the surrounding fog was pushed away by his whole body with his hands.

He saw the scene of swirling lotus leaves, and there were many golden rays of light embellished in the vast green.

"This is Xianlian? I also have...!"

He looked at this scene calmly, without a single ripple in his calm heart.The corner of the mouth seemed to spit out these words unintentionally.

The mountain appeared in Xuanmu's eyes when Xuanmu's Dao realm became stronger.He looked at the distant mountain peak and saw a jade tablet at the intersection under the mountain peak.

I don't know which immortal carved the five big characters of 'Bangmang Gudao Mountain' on the jade tablet like a ghostly axe.A bloody red color appeared on the words, and when Xuan Mu looked closely, he seemed to smell a violent breath.

"This...! I've smelled this breath before on Chong Peng, but it's not as strong. Could it be the blood of a fairy beast?" He pondered for a moment, then shrouded his consciousness behind the stone tablet.

——This mountain is the first mountain in the boundary between Leiyuan of Immortal Kingdom and Dayu of Immortal Kingdom, and there are many ferocious immortal beasts in it.

"Immortal general's cultivation level? What is an immortal general's cultivation level? It really is the blood of immortal beasts." Xuan Mu lightly sniffed the violent blood energy, and then felt dizzy in his head.

"What are you looking at?" A familiar voice hit Xuan Mu's ears.He couldn't help but glance back.There seemed to be a familiar figure in the air, standing in the wind, looking rather bleak.

"You?" Xuan Mu's expression remained the same, looking at the figure peacefully. "Two hours, where did you come from?"

"Child..." There was a vicissitudes of voice in the figure.As the person gradually approached, Xuan Mu seemed to see the appearance of the person clearly.That appearance seems very familiar, but very strange.It was a middle-aged man's face, with a wide forehead and thick eyebrows, and there was a dark black thunder in the middle of his eyebrows.An aura that only kings and tyrants can possess emanated from the figure.

"Lin Mu, is grandpa okay?"

Hearing the middle-aged man calling Lin Mu, Xuan Mu's body trembled uncontrollably.But his expression was still indifferent, and he asked, "Who are you?"

"I am Hesu Leimeng. I am called Leimeng in the fairy world. I am..., your father...!" When he said this, the middle-aged man had already stood up ten feet away from Xuanmu.

"Hehe...! You're not dead?" Xuan Mu seemed a little unbelievable, his expression was still indifferent, but his eyes flickered a little.

"No, 130 years ago, I ascended to the Immortal Realm. I became the only prince of Lei Yuan in the Immortal Kingdom." Lei Meng had a bitter face.

"Yeah...! In the blink of an eye, more than 100 years have passed. Grandpa's body has already been reduced to ashes." Xuan Mu staggered back a few steps.Can't help shaking his head and sighing.

"Son, aren't you happy to see Dad?" Lei Meng's tears had already flowed out, and there was an excited smile on his face.

"Then you are from the imperial capital? How did you know that I am Lin Mu?" Xuan Mu obviously still couldn't believe it.

"I came from the imperial city, but the imperial city is very high and far away. It's not in the four heavens." Lei Meng calmed down slowly, and replied: "It's the 'spirit teleportation technique' that made me I found you. At the moment of your comprehension, when your consciousness is the strongest, I sensed your aura. At that moment, I cast the 'spiritual telepathy technique' to find you who comprehended in the third heaven. "

"Father...! I know I have a father, but why can I see you now?" Xuan Mu's eyes were extremely depressed, and his tone was almost unbelievable.Although the person in front of him has an inexplicable connection with him, he also looks strangely similar to his grandfather.

"Actually, when I set foot on this road, I couldn't help myself. When I walked this road, I didn't expect that my child would also walk this road..." Lei Meng looked up at the sky and let out a long sigh , there are some things he can't do anything about.

"Can't help it?" Xuan Mu repeated these words in a daze. "Now, I don't believe it. My fate is up to me, and I follow my body and I don't follow my fate."

"Son, stop talking. Let's go back to the palace with daddy...!" Lei Meng said softly.

"Go back to the palace with you? Can you save a person?" Xuan Mu didn't agree, but asked instead.At this moment, his dao realm has been shaken a little.

"Save who? If there is still a soul, it is not difficult. If there is no soul, the father will be helpless." Lei Meng's eyes showed a trace of joy, he seemed to want to do something for his son whom he hadn't seen for many years. thing.

"Why can't there be no soul?" Xuan Mu's face was full of doubts.

"It is absolutely impossible to resurrect without a soul, because it is impossible for a soul to be summoned from the underworld to come back from the fairy world."

"Then I don't need you. Where did you come from? Go back to where...!" Xuan Mu waved his hand and said impatiently.

Lei Meng looked worried, and said, "Why don't you go back with me?"

"Why should I go back with you?" Xuan Mu looked indifferent, sighed again, and said, "Go back by yourself."

"Forget it, maybe you don't believe me. I don't blame you. I have a storage bag here. The things in it are my heart. Maybe one day, I will find a way to prove that I am your father. Maybe one day, you will believe that I, an immortal emperor, talk to you with such a low posture, just because you are my child." After speaking, Lei Meng grabbed a storage bag from his waist and threw it to Xuan Mu.

Xuan Mu was also polite, and took the storage bag over.With a sweep of consciousness, there are indeed a few decent things inside. "Thanks……!"

"You don't need to thank me, I'll go back now. I hope that one day I can see you appear in my court, and you can become a member of my Lei Yuan general." Lei Meng turned and walked towards the distance with a slightly appreciative tone. Fly away.

"My daddy? Are you? I wish you were really my daddy, but I can't believe you are!" Xuanmu muttered to himself, but his expression was indifferent. "I'm heartbroken, I'm ruthless."

Xuan Mu indifferently probed his spiritual sense into the storage bag, looked carefully, his eyes suddenly widened.A pair of purple-gold armor was placed quietly in it, and he could clearly feel a trace of fairy energy emanating from the armor.

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