Nine Heavenly Towers

381: Great Yu Immortal General

Just when the immortal guard looked bewildered, the blood-red glaring light had already entered his body.Then he saw that the body of the immortal guard suddenly dried up, and all the immortal essence in his body was sucked by the killing sword in an instant.

Lin Mu grabbed the Killing Sword with his right hand and started his way of killing again. The other thirteen immortal guards looked shocked when they saw this scene. They had never seen such a strange immortal sword.

The 13 people looked at each other and shot at the tree without hesitation.Completely holding the idea of ​​fighting to the death.Thirteen shining fairy weapons were sacrificed in the air, and majestic coercion pressed down on Lin Shu.

"Hey...! Look at the young master's sword." Lin Mu straightened his body, and the slaying sword flew in the air, the light flickered, and there was a loud bang.The fourteen sacrificial artifacts were cut into pieces by the Slaying Sword one after another, and Lin Shu put all the discarded immortal artifacts into his storage bag.

He thought that these materials could still be used after refining them.

The Thirteen Immortal Guards were completely stunned at this moment, looking at the chopped-up fairy artifact, their hearts ached.Without the fairy artifact, they became extremely depressed in an instant.Even possessing a fairy weapon can't fight against this monk, let alone the fairy weapon has been destroyed at this time.

The other immortal guard looked sluggish, and his right hand, which was grasping the spear in his right hand, couldn't help trembling.

A kind of sorrow and fear welled up in the hearts of these fourteen immortal guards, however, an accident happened suddenly at this moment.Another bolt of lightning appeared from the sky, and the light of the lightning quickly sank into the body of a fairy guard again. This fairy guard's expression froze, and the muscles on his face twitched uncontrollably.Unspeakable fear emanated from his eyes.

Lin Mu's right hand pointed casually, and a majestic blood glow emanated from the ancient sword. It seemed to be greedy, and the fairy sword quickly pierced towards the body of the immortal guard.Its speed was so fast that it almost sank into the body of the immortal guard like lightning.

Another immortal guard died under the sword of the monk in white.The immortal guards present were caught off guard. They originally wanted to escape quickly the moment the immortal weapon shattered. However, this sudden change made it too late for them to take action to save people.He could only watch helplessly as the immortal guard was turned into a mummified corpse by the strange killing sword.

And the immortal guard who was fighting with the scimitar used by Lin Mu had already discovered the strangeness of this scene, his mind was shocked, and he had a feeling of being scattered when he lost his defense.At the moment when he lost his mind, a silver lightning suddenly fell from the sky, fell from his head, and quickly sank into his body.

At this time, the immortal guard has lost all consciousness, and the immortal essence in his body has been imprisoned.The only thing that could be seen was the deep fear in his eyes.He stared blankly at the white-clothed monk in a daze, and said with a divine thought: "Let me go, please. As long as you let me go, I can do whatever you want."

"No need...!" Lin Mu looked indifferent and ordinary, grabbed the long sword in his hand and pointed in the air, the long sword buzzed and trembled, revealing a strong sense of greed.But seeing red light flashing in the air.I saw a hole appeared in the monk's chest again.

A transparent hole, if a hole appeared in the chest of a fairy guard, he would not die.It's just a serious injury.However, it wasn't just that there was a hole in his chest, the immortal essence in his body was also drained and exhausted in an instant.

Xianyuan is held by the power of Xianxiu, and if the Xianyuan is drained, it means that this Xianxiu has lost all vitality.Turned into a mummy.

The occurrence of all this can only be described as extremely fast, and the other twelve immortals and guards all made loud humming noises in their minds.It was as if a shocking thunderstorm had shattered his brain.It's too scary, no one can know who will die in the next breath?

At this time, the remaining twelve immortal guards no longer have any fighting spirit.With disappointment on their faces, they all fled towards the distance one after another.

Lin Mu was just a pawn, so his movement speed couldn't compare with those fleeing fairy guards.Looking at the immortal guards fleeing everywhere, they didn't intend to chase after them.

After all, the phrase 'don't chase the poor' is a wise saying.He quickly stepped towards the direction where Lei Peng and the two were located.Pointing to the sky with his right hand, a bolt of lightning suddenly appeared from among the clouds and struck down.

"Electricity cultivator?" Seeing that a bolt of lightning was about to blast down from his head, the fairy envoy looked surprised, and waved his right hand upwards, a large purple light curtain quickly appeared on the top of the fairy envoy's head .That lightning bolt bombarded that light curtain and shattered together with the light curtain.

The fairy envoy looked at the forest with a mocking look on his face.Lin Mu looked surprised, seeing that the fairy envoy was not looking at him out of the corner of his eye, so he frowned, as if he had discovered something strange.Frowning, he suddenly turned around.He suddenly found that the place where the fairy envoy was staring at was covered by clouds and fog, and the spiritual consciousness of ordinary monks could not clearly see the situation inside.

His spiritual sense couldn't find out what was inside, but he felt that there seemed to be some similarities with the clouds and mists in the back mountain of Miaoyinzong.With a movement of his body, he used teleportation, and quickly moved towards the place surrounded by clouds and fog.

Seeing this scene, the fairy envoy's eyes widened immediately, showing crazy disbelief.In a daze, a purple light curtain in his body was suddenly broken by a flame from Lei Peng, and the hiss of cracking silk suddenly sounded from the air, which was especially ear-piercing.

After being injured, the fairy envoy hastily cast a few spells to block Lei Peng's spell attack, stepped rapidly in the air, and disappeared in the air in a flash. go.

"Grass, don't run away if you have the blood...!!" While Lei Peng cursed, he also chased after the fairy envoy.He couldn't believe that Lin Mu could fight against an angel by himself.

Suddenly, Lin Mu's body stopped in the air.The pupils of his eyes narrowed slightly, and he murmured: "This breath...! Not good!" He clearly felt that within the cloud, there was a very strong breath emanating, which can only be detected by immortals like Long Ye. Possesses four rounds of breath.

"It really is a teleportation array within the cloud and mist, and some immortals are coming." After feeling the aura, Lin Mu quickly sent a divine thought to Lei Peng.At the same time, it quickly casts a teleport and flies towards the direction of the boundless ancient road mountain.

However, the direction that Lin Mu fled was exactly where the fairy envoy was chasing.The fairy emissary naturally also noticed that there was a fairy general coming to support him, and the surprise in his eyes was immediately buried, and an extremely strong murderous intent suddenly emanated from those cold eyes, staring at Lin Mu coldly. , mockingly said: "Your time of death has arrived...!" As he spoke, his hands formed seals in the air, and a large purple light condensed from the air.

The purple light quickly transformed into a phantom of a giant beast. When Lin Mu took a closer look, the purple phantom was a purple-winged fairy bat.More than ten paw prints scratched towards the top of Lin Shu's head.

Seeing this, Lin Mu grabbed the Execution Sword and slashed down at the giant fairy bat. The blood radiated into the sky and collided with the purple light emitted by the purple-winged fairy bat.

"Lin Mu, run quickly...!" Seeing this, Lei Peng wanted to besiege and kill the fairy envoy together with Lin Mu.However, he has already discovered that it is too late.A gray light and shadow has come out of the teleportation array, and a fairy general in dark blue leather armor is rushing towards here aggressively.

Seeing this, Lin Shu flashed his body, cast teleportation, and ran away frantically.

Seeing this, Lei Peng quickly shot out a light blue flame from the air, using it as a cover for the trees.The fairy envoy was afraid of the flame that Lei Peng cast, but he was unwilling to let Lin Shu escape like this.He frowned slightly, with a greedy look in his eyes, and he swooped towards Lei Peng. He casually pointed his right hand in the air. The sound resounded from the air, and a stream of stench came out from the mouth of the purple-winged fairy bat.

The thick stench rolled up the purple mist and filled the air. Lei Peng's face suddenly turned livid. The purple mist was obviously poisonous.With a flash of his body, he quickly disappeared into the sky.Appeared hundreds of feet away, but without any hesitation, continued to run away crazily.

Lan Zixin raised a drop of blue crystal liquid, but saw countless blue lights flickering, and suddenly covered the whole body of the opponent's fairy envoy.The fairy envoy looked horrified, and a strong panic rose from the bottom of his heart. He flashed his body and wanted to use the teleportation technique to escape.But he didn't expect that when his body moved, he stopped helplessly five feet away.

He couldn't teleport out from the surrounding of this blue light at all, and that blue light had already wrapped his whole body like a gangrene.The blue light turned into water lines again, and suddenly rushed into the armor of the fairy messenger, and then actually got into the body of the fairy messenger, but saw that the fairy messenger's body was distorted, and huge holes emerged from the fairy messenger's body. Appearing in his body, the immortal essence in his body flowed endlessly towards the air.

Lan Zixin, who saw this scene, showed satisfaction, collected the soul and military badge of the fairy envoy, cast teleportation and fled in the direction of the forest.

"Want to escape? Hmph...! Do you really think that I am alone?" A cold hum echoed in the air for a long time, and the three of them felt their hair stand on end when they heard it.He didn't even dare to stay for a while, and fled in the direction of the boundless ancient road mountain regardless of his own safety.

The fairy general in dark blue leather armor turned out to be a female cultivator, but her voice was extremely thin.There was an uncontrollable anger, as if a ghost was roaring mournfully.The other three were terrified, and they ran the immortal essence in their bodies with all their strength, and they had escaped four or five miles away in the blink of an eye.

The voice was still echoing in the air, but the fairy general's teleportation speed was extremely fast, and almost when the voice reached the ears of the three, she had already appeared in the air two miles away behind the three.Her expression was indifferent yet slightly ridiculous, and she only needed thirty more breaths before she could catch up to the three clowns.At that time, if you catch it, you can play with it to your heart's content.To vent her hatred.

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