Nine Heavenly Towers

388: Fairy Country Snow Smoke

"Yes...!" The Golden Armored Immortal General heard Lin Mu's order, stepped out of the air, and went straight to where Ye Wei was, and then punched Ye Wei, this punch was extremely dull, However, the power contained in it cannot be underestimated.

With this punch, the immortal energy in the air changed drastically, and a ball of blue light suddenly hit Ye Wei like a huge barb.

"Fellow Daoist Lin Mu, why are you doing this? I have no malicious intentions." Ye Wei frowned, and retreated several kilometers away from the air.At the same time, he swiped his right hand into the air in front of him, and a large red forbidden light curtain appeared in front of him.

"Who is Lin Mu? I'm Panyou...!" Lin Mu murmured, then turned around and walked towards the north.His words are left in the air here - "If you still follow this deity, you will bear the consequences...!"

"Could it be that they were really taken away?" Ye Wei wondered in her heart, thinking with lingering fear.Immediately, Dai's eyebrows relaxed, and she followed closely.

Lin Mu's body paused in the air, and he shouted: "You dare to follow me again, do you want to be my slave?" As he was talking, a golden light condensed on the index finger of his right hand, which was a gold coin. leaf.

Ye Wei is very clear about what this golden leaf represents. If this golden leaf is planted in her body, it means that everything will become a cloud.However, she didn't retreat in the slightest, let alone feel comfortable, and said very calmly: "You and I are cultivating in the God Realm at the same time, how can I not know that your immortal energy has been exhausted, and you want to scare me? Besides, you are already It's just a remnant thought that can control him for a while, but it may not guarantee that he won't wake up."

"You...!" There was a trace of surprise on Lin Mu's face, with a slightly joking look on his face, and he said with a sneer, "What you said shows that you have short-sightedness. Although I can't kill you, but I can't trap you." It's not difficult. If you want to kill yourself, it's best not to mess with this deity."

"Oh? I think you need someone's help, and I'm the best candidate, because you and I are both cultivators of the God Realm." Ye Wei smiled with a very humble and respectful attitude.

"You are a cultivator of the God Realm? What do you think of this deity? Do you know that when this deity ruled the roost, your Dragon Clan was still a prisoner in Lianyun City. Now, your Dragon Clan has betrayed the God Realm. You little dragon monster , don’t you really think that the deity doesn’t know?”

"This junior realizes his mistake, please forgive me. As long as senior doesn't allow this junior to be a fairy slave, he can do whatever he wants." Ye Wei was so frightened that her face turned pale at this moment.She concluded from Lin Mu's words that this person must be an old monster who has lived for tens of thousands of years.

"Oh?" Lin Mu looked at Ye Wei with interest, and said, "The little face and figure are not bad, why don't you be the main one?"

"This matter...!" Ye Wei's face turned pale, apparently a little unacceptable.Said: "Senior, can you allow this junior to think about it?"

"Okay, okay, you have a good brain. Just think about it slowly!" Lin Mu said with a mocking smile, and stepped out in one step, appearing in the air more than ten miles away.

"Is that the fifth heaven?" Lin Mu thought to himself, his eyes were looking at a continent high above the sky.His powerful spiritual sense swept away and found that there was a fairy mansion on it. "It turns out that this is Luotian County. However, I don't have any information about Luotian County in my memory. I'd better go to Xueyan to have a look. In the sixth heaven in the extreme north, there is something that can bring me back to the God Realm."

"Let's go?" Ye Wei frowned, and followed closely.She didn't have the slightest intention to think about it. At this moment, she had no time to think about it anymore. With such a powerful monk from the God Realm here, there would be no such shop after passing this village.

"Why are you chasing after me? The deity told me that I gave you time to think about it." Although Lin Mu's figure was a hundred miles away, his voice came clearly to Ye Wei's ears.

"This junior is willing to be senior's furnace...!" Ye Wei replied very seriously with a respectful expression.

"It's late, this deity is going to Xueyan Immortal Kingdom. You know the female fairy emperor of Xueyan Immortal Kingdom, that is a good furnace, how can it be compared to you?"

"Senior, can you let Ye Wei say something?" Ye Wei chased after him, and said in a trembling voice: "This junior thinks he can't compare with Immortal Emperor Xueyan, but Immortal Emperor Xueyan may not be able to look up to senior. Senior Today's cultivation is still the most suitable for juniors."

Lin Mu's body suddenly stopped, and after turning around, he jumped up from the air, stretched five fingers of his right hand, and grabbed Ye Wei suddenly.The strength of this grasp caused howling winds to startle.Ye Wei felt that the immortal energy around her body was frozen.She frowned, showing nervousness that shouldn't have been there.

Five huge finger phantoms appeared from the air, and Lin Mu's five fingers just grabbed Ye Wei, and said with a smile: "You want to die so much, this deity will help you."

As he said that, he wanted to grab Ye Wei's body with five fingers.The force of this grasp is enough to grab all the viscera and six internal organs from Ye Wei's body.However, Ye Wei's body jerked, and a water-blue giant dragon appeared from the sky.The scales on the dragon's body were extremely hard, and five deep scratches were left on the dragon's scales under this grasp.

"Senior, you can't kill Ye Wei. If I don't agree, the senior will definitely not be able to extract the immortal essence from the younger body. Except for the method of dual cultivation, you have no other way. Do you really want to fight to the death? Besides, senior If there is a chance to kill Ye Wei, Long Zu will not let you go." Ye Wei said softly.Calmly, it is as smooth as flowing clouds and flowing water.

"Longzu? Don't say it's him, even if Qinglong comes in person, how can I be afraid of him!" Lin Mu's words were full of sarcasm and disdain.

"Senior is an ancient mythical beast?" Ye Wei's words were full of surprise, more of disbelief.At this time, Ye Wei suddenly remembered the ancient mythical beast Panyou, and she didn't believe it when she heard this person claiming to be Panyou several times, but at this moment, she gradually believed in it.Because Qinglong, the ancestor of the dragon clan, is an ancient mythical beast.

"Little baby, it's better to save yourself from playing these trivial tricks in front of the deity." Lin Mu sneered and grabbed the blue dragon again.At the same time, he couldn't help but sweep his spiritual sense into the storage bag of Lin Mu, and suddenly found a jade slip of double cultivation called "Yin and Yang Hehuan Jue".It's not that he's not interested in dual cultivation with Ye Wei, but that he doesn't understand the method of dual cultivation at all.

After seeing this jade slip, his body suddenly paused.Instead, he quickly read all the introductions in the jade slip. "Unexpectedly, there is such a treasure in the storage bag of this little doll, not bad."

Ye Wei's body swayed and turned into a human form.She glanced at Lin Mu vigilantly, and suddenly thought in her heart: "If it was Lin Mu this time, the result might be different. After all, Lin Mu is not as cunning as this person. I only fear Lin Mu because of his strength. However, this person Not only is he powerful, but he is also a scheming old monster who has lived for tens of thousands of years."

After thinking for a moment, Ye Wei's heart was determined.If he got entangled with this ancient beast, he might not get the slightest benefit, and his undercover work in the God Realm would be exposed.She decided to take the risk of waking up Lin Mu, as soon as Lin Mu woke up, this lingering remnant will naturally disappear.

"Haha, little girl. Follow me...!" Lin Mu laughed and waved at Ye Wei.Ye Wei's heart skipped a beat, she showed a gentle smile, and stepped out to Lin Mu's side.

Lin Mu put his arms around Ye Wei's waist and jumped towards the extreme north.

Along the way, Lin Mu didn't behave badly to Ye Wei at all.Because he is not in a hurry, he is not Lin Shu.After all, he is an ancient mythical beast that has lived for tens of thousands of years, and his scheming is extremely deep. He understands that many things should not be rushed, especially eating tofu.

The so-called impatient can not eat hot tofu.This sentence coupled with his tens of thousands of years of experience is why he is not in a hurry now.It's like fishing, knowing that the fish can take the bait at any time, it depends on who can wait more.

Ye Wei finally couldn't help it anymore, her cherry lips parted slightly and said, "Senior, where are you going?"

"Don't worry. You'll know when you get to Xueyan." Lin Mu said with a smile.

Lin Mu hugged Ye Wei's body and walked through the heavy water curtain of the Lancang Tianhe.Arriving at the border of snow and smoke, Lin Mufu immediately felt a chill coming from the north as soon as he stepped into the border of snow and smoke.

At this time, the cultivation base of the two is not high.The aura of cultivation in their bodies was also suppressed, so when they crossed the border, no immortal cultivators from the Snow and Smoke Immortal Kingdom found them.

The two galloped all the way, and after five days, they came to the northernmost iceberg in the snow and smoke.During this period, Lin Mu swallowed all the panacea in his storage bag.Obviously, the immortal essence in the body cannot make up quickly.However, his refining of these panacea is extremely fast.

Although this iceberg is high, it is not as high as the sky.Looking at the fifth heaven, there is an incomparably towering snow peak, towering into the sky, almost reaching the sixth heaven, like a pillar of the sky.

An ancient fairy beast was looking at the place where the two of them were, with red eyes shining faintly.And where they are located is the border between Xueyan, the fairyland, and Mofan, the fairyland, and Baili County, which is snowy, is above the fifth heaven.

"Senior, could it be that you want to bring this junior to double cultivation here?" Ye Wei was astonished, although the scenery here is quite nice, but that ancient fairy beast made her feel a little creepy.

After all, in the fairy world, an ancient fairy beast is comparable to an immortal emperor.The cultivation bases of the fairy beasts in the fairy world are ranked from the first level to the ninth level, which are divided into three levels.The ranks of immortal beasts in recent times are generally from the first to third ranks.Medieval immortal beasts are fourth to sixth-level immortal beasts, and ancient immortal beasts are seventh- and eighth-level immortal beasts.The ancient fairy beasts are ninth-level fairy beasts.

"That is the eighth-level ancient fairy beast Ice Bear King. You really know how to pick a place." Ye Wei said with a wry smile.

"If it wasn't for an eighth-level fairy beast, why would I have waited for you? Our mission today is to kill the Ice Bear King. If it succeeds, I will double cultivate with you. If it fails, you can rest in peace." Lin Mu laughed.Saying that, he pointed his right hand at the Ice Bear King above the ice peak, clearly provoking him.

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