Nine Heavenly Towers

394: Black Hole White Light

Apparently, Ye Wei's attainments in prohibition exceeded Lin Mu's estimate, and he still seemed quite surprised.In just a moment, the restriction has been completely lifted.

"That's right, it seems that your restraint technique is even better than mine." Lin Mu admired from the bottom of his heart.At the same time, he took a step forward and landed at the place where the restriction was lifted just now.Then he scattered his consciousness and merged into the next set of restrictions, his eyes flickered with deduction.

With his eyes flickering, he had fully understood all the combinations of this set of restrictions, and then played a set of restrictions to cover the set of attack restrictions, and the attack restrictions collapsed again.Seeing this scene, Ye Wei's expression also became a little weird, with a faint hint of excitement.

With a move of her consciousness, she also began to slowly integrate into the matter of lifting the restriction.


A piece of restricted light curtain was untied by two people. This was the first time for them to untie a group of restrictions at the same time. However, after untiing the restriction, both of them couldn't help but gasped.It turns out that there is a dark passage hidden within this restriction.

The passage is dark, not only invisible to the naked eye, but also unable to penetrate too deep with the spiritual sense. From time to time, there are bursts of roaring sounds in this dark passage, followed by earth-shattering piercing roars.Both of them frowned, obviously they didn't know what was inside.

"Do you dare to go in?" Seeing this, Lin Mu frowned and asked tentatively.

Ye Wei's expression was a little weird, with a hint of anxiety. She looked at the trees and said, "I can feel a dangerous aura emanating from it. Let's not go in, let's go up!"

Lin Mu looked at the iceberg hundreds of feet high. However, there was a towering iceberg on top of the ice. From a distance, it seemed that the iceberg was suspended in the air, and there was a faint gray mist inside it. He frowned and said, "How did Panyou think of coming here?"

He just inherited Pan You's memory, and what Pan You Cannian did was absorbed into the killing sword along with that Cannian, so he naturally couldn't know.He has no way of knowing what is there that is worth letting that Pan You come here.Unless there is something precious here.

——But, what kind of treasure is there?

Lin Mu thought to this point, decided to go in to find out, and asked: "I want to go in and have a look, if you don't want to, then forget it."

When he said this, there was a hint of contempt for Ye Wei in his words.Ye Wei obviously sensed Lin Mu's tone, and she didn't care about Lin Mu's tone, but she faintly felt Lin Mu's distrust for her, since Lin Mu said he was going in, she had no choice but to follow in.She didn't want to be troublesome at first, but if she continued to go up by herself, if she encountered any danger, it would be troublesome.One more person, after all, one more guarantee.If there is really any treasure in this channel, it is not worthwhile for her to come here hundreds of thousands of miles away.

"I would like to go with you, let's go."

Lin Mu sneered when he heard this, and immediately released the restriction in front of the dark passage. After the restriction was released, the roaring sound from inside became more intense.The voice was like a human's voice, but also like a giant beast's voice. In comparison, both of them liked the voice of a giant beast.

Because everyone wants a decent fairy beast, and just when Lin Mu was about to step into the passage, the snake egg on his back gradually showed a blue light, these lights came from that Cracks in the eggshell.

"Are you a snake?" Ye Wei said in surprise, before the egg hatched, she didn't know what it was inside.However, when she felt the ferocious aura emanating from the egg, she was surprised to find that it was the egg of a snake.

Among the immortal cultivators she has seen, only the immortal beast of Immortal Emperor Lei Meng is a snake. "Could it be that husband, you are the son of Raymond?"

Hearing this, Lin Mu frowned and looked at Ye Wei, without saying a word, turned his head and continued to look at his egg that was about to crack completely.He stared at the egg with all his attention, watching the shell crack one by one.When all the eggshells fell to the ground, Lin Mu was stunned, and there was still a blue egg inside.However, there is still a strong breath of snakes exuding.

Seeing this egg that was only seven inches in size, Lin Mu looked a little surprised. Just as he was about to put the cyan egg into the storage ring, a snake's head suddenly protruded from the cyan egg, rushing towards it. Lin Mu stuck out his tongue.

Lin Mu's feet were so frightened that he seemed to fall down. The blue thing was not an eggshell, but a layer of blue film covering the snake's body. It scared Lin Mu quite badly. Knowing that now, his His face was still ashen. "Be honest with me."

With a straight face, Lin Mu reprimanded him, and the little snake immediately hung in the air obediently, motionless.He didn't even dare to stick his tongue out.

Seeing the little scorpion obediently not moving, Lin Mu's expression gradually calmed down.A gust of wind gushes out from the dark cave, what kind of world is it?This made Lin Mu and the two of them very curious, and without any hesitation, they walked into the dark cave without any hesitation.

As soon as they stepped into the black hole, the two of them felt a strong smelly wind blowing towards their nostrils, and there was a strong hostility in the smelly wind.

"Huh...!" An obvious panting voice came from the black hole, and echoed in the black hole for a long time. Lin Mu grabbed the little snake beside him and stepped forward slowly. What is the sound of breathing?Can it echo for a long time in this black hole?

"Lin Mu, do you feel that time is passing by so fast?" Ye Wei said suddenly in the darkness.

Lin Mu frowned slightly when he heard this, he didn't feel this kind of thing when he stepped into the black hole, probably because he cared about the little rattle snake beside him, so he didn't notice this kind of thing. abnormal.Under Ye Wei's reminder, Lin Mu immediately felt that way.

Originally, the passage of time was difficult for any monk to feel.However, in this black hole, the two of them can clearly and obviously feel that time is passing quickly.

This feeling is not due to the sun rising in the east and setting in the west, nor is it due to the transformation of people's age.It doesn't seem to be affected by any external objects, because it's pitch black here.However, the two of them had this feeling from the bottom of their hearts.

In the time between the two of them, they seemed to be very familiar with this black hole, as if they had lived here for more than ten years.

"I understand." Lin Mu said, his eyes lit up, and he stepped forward.

"I also understand that it's not because of the change of time, it's because we feel more and more deeply about this place, and we feel that time is passing by quickly." Ye Wei also understood why she felt that time passed here so quickly .

The two continued to step forward. In this dark hole, they could not see anything, and their spiritual consciousness could not be dispersed.They can only continue to walk forward based on perception.Suddenly, Lin Mu's body backed up quickly, grabbed the little snake in his hand and threw it into the air, only heard the sound of roaring, Lin Mu frowned, as expected something was attacking him just now, fortunately, he had already Unexpectedly, he threw the little Teng Snake out in time.

Obviously, the thing that attacked him had already been bitten by the little Teng snake, and Lin Mu grabbed it towards the little Teng snake.The little Teng Snake appeared on Lin Shu's hand.

"There is a strange beast here, I don't know what it is. I haven't found any information about this place in Panyou's memory." Lin Mu said hurriedly, and at the same time, a silver light flashed from the center of his eyebrows. As soon as the light came out, Immediately illuminate the distance of tens of feet nearby.

There was also a blue light flashing from the center of Ye Wei's brows. Under the light of these two lights, the two of them were almost taken aback. Although they could see everything nearby, it was almost as if they hadn't seen it.It was still pitch black all around, not only was it dark around them, but it was also pitch black above and below them.

That is to say, they are deep in a pitch-black space, and this space does not seem to be in the iceberg. If they are in the iceberg, they will not feel the passage of time, but should be a chill that hits their nostrils.

"Where is this?" Ye Wei frowned, and just as she spoke, she heard a roar coming from all directions.The sound was deafening.

"It seems that the two of us have suffered a lot today. No matter what the place is, let's search for it first." Lin Mu sneered, without any fear, he grabbed the little snake and walked towards the future Step away.Seeing Lin Shu like this, Ye Wei felt less worried, and followed Lin Shu closely.

Suddenly, just as the two of them took dozens of steps away, there was a white light behind them. Through this white light, the two of them seemed to see the outside world.

"Is this still in the space crack?" Lin Mu turned his head and stared at the white light with doubtful eyes, but no matter how he looked at it, the white light didn't look like a light that could lead to the outside world, but like a mirror.

It's just like, it's not a mirror.What exactly is it?What would happen if he stepped into that white light?Lin Mu suddenly looked very curious, and with a flash of his body, he was about to step towards that ray of white light.Although the teleportation technique cannot be used here, he also has his own method of escape.

"Lin Mu, be careful." Ye Wei's face seemed a little unnatural, and many worries were deeply hidden in her heart.After all, no one knew what that ray of white light was. If a huge fairy beast rushed out of that ray of white light suddenly, the trees would be in danger.

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