Nine Heavenly Towers

400: Planting Immortal Roots

Above the sky is still a grid woven of endless silver lightning, and sometimes there is a loud 'chi chi' sound coming from the grid.Lin Mu's body flashed within the silver lightning, and when his body came to a standstill, he had already appeared in front of the ninth-level fairy beast Snow Fox.

This snow fox has been witnessing Lin Mu beheading its companion with a sword, and the anger in its eyes has risen to the sky. At this time, it hates Lin Mu even more.The animal blood in the body boiled uncontrollably, almost wanting to swallow the tree into its stomach, but it could only stare blankly.

Just when Lin Mu held up the killing sword in his hand, two white lights and shadows in the distance rushed towards this place rapidly. Seeing this, the pupils of Lin Mu's eyes shrank suddenly.There was a slight pause, and the snow fox in front of him suddenly jumped up when he saw this, and bombarded towards the forest with both claws.

At this time, all the surrounding air was disturbed, not only that, but the lightning also showed signs of collapsing at any time.Lin Mu's reaction was not slow at all. At this moment, he slashed out with a sword, and the bombardment force from the sword glow collided together, and suddenly exploded from the air.

"Where did Ye Wei go? Could it be that she has...? Probably not, I have already practiced dual cultivation with her, if something happened to her, then I should be aware of it!" Lin Mu frowned, and quickly backed away Seeing this, the four monks from Xueyan Rong's family behind him wanted to attack the trees, but at this time, after seeing the two huge snow foxes appearing, their expressions could not help but twisted a little, and they hurried towards the forest. Cast teleport away from a distance.

They used teleportation, Lin Shu was not slow, and at the same time, the killing sword in his hand slashed at the four people one after another.

Those four people were only focused on fleeing, but they didn't expect that Lin Mu had already used the teleportation technique to chase after them. They didn't look back until they noticed a gust of wind coming from behind them, and quickly avoided the several attacks that Lin Mu had cast. After the sword glow, anger and greed rose in his heart, and he couldn't help besieging the forest.

Even in the situation where Xuehu was threatening his life, he had to try to see if he could snatch the killing sword from Lin Mu's hand.

"Planting immortal roots...!" Lin Mu murmured the immortal essence in his body, pointing his right hand towards one of the middle-aged men in white clothes. Apparently, the middle-aged man in white clothes was the oldest among them, and his cultivation level the tallest man.

With Lin Mu's finger pointing out, a golden leaf appeared from the air in an instant, and flew towards the middle-aged man in white.

The middle-aged man in white didn't know this technique. Seeing this, he just showed a hint of sarcasm, and said with a smile: "This little guy is interesting. He obviously has the Slaying Sword and doesn't need it, but he wants to use some kind of rubbish fairy technique. See This fairy art is known to be practiced by a certain family's beginners. He even used it to make a fool of himself!"

As soon as the middle-aged man in white said this, the three people behind him also laughed, with a strong disdain in their smiles, but it was nothing more than a three-turn cultivation of the divine tower.Compared with their cultivation bases, there is not much difference.Naturally, don't take it seriously.

Since they were laughing crazily, they each took out their magic weapons and blasted towards the trees.At this time, Lin Shu's expression was indifferent, as if he hadn't seen it, he fled towards the distance.

At this moment, the golden leaf directly broke through the light shield of the white-clothed middle-aged man, and was about to pierce into the white-clothed middle-aged man's body. He struck the golden leaf with a palm, and endless white light radiated from his hand. The white light was extremely dense, but it was still directly broken by the golden leaf.

With a snort, Jin Ye directly broke through the body of the middle-aged man in white, and directly sank into the body of the middle-aged man in white.

The three people who followed behind the middle-aged man in white all looked at him in surprise, with a hint of doubt, but did not speak.

The immortal essence in the middle-aged man in white changed drastically at this time, and at the same time he felt that something was wrong, the golden leaf had turned into a small tree and grew in his body.The light in his eyes gradually dimmed, and his sanity also seemed to be wiped away by an invisible force at this moment.

"Brother, are you alright?" At this moment, the gray-clothed middle-aged man finally showed a nervous expression, and asked with concern.

"I'm fine." At this moment, the middle-aged man in white said very slowly, as if he hadn't reacted yet.Those three people immediately realized that something was wrong, and immediately retreated.The gray-clothed middle-aged man stared at the distant trees with a gloomy expression. He wiped his right hand from the storage bag, and a sound-transmitting magic weapon appeared from his hand.He said to the sound transmission magic weapon: "Father, the eldest brother was killed. Quickly send someone to the south to intercept the young man. My child, I will report the information on this man. This man is dressed in white. It is the biggest feature, and the second is that this person is a person who cultivates both wood and electricity, and also practices the art of attacking immortals with sound."

"Xiannu, let's go...!" Lin Mu's voice came from afar, the expression of the middle-aged man in white changed, his eyes stared at the south, then at the snow fox in the north, and then picked up the A strange multicolored stone in his hand was thrown towards the snow fox in the distance.

While Lin Mu's body was rushing towards the distance, the three snow foxes had already launched a bombardment towards the three Rong family members, while the middle-aged man in white fled away quickly.

"Grass. This little bastard. We are no match for these three ninth-level fairy beasts, snow foxes, so we have to run away." The gray-clothed middle-aged man shouted and made a feint, and the sky was filled with black mist Go, the whole world is shrouded in black mist, this black mist can only imprison the snow fox for a while, and it will be directly broken by the three snow foxes in a short time.

"Hurry up, we must not let that kid escape!" The gray-clothed middle-aged man said angrily, and led the three of them to use teleportation to chase towards the forest.

"Ye Wei's aura is in the southwest direction." With a thought in Lin Mu's mind, he hurried towards the southwest direction.

At this time, Ye Wei also ran towards the trees, her brows were tightly frowned, her eyes were clouded, and there seemed to be tears in her eyes, and she murmured: "Wu Mu, I'm here! You can't do anything! Please don't worry!" cannot!"

Lin Mu ran all the way, and before he had run a hundred miles, he suddenly found that the middle-aged man in gray was chasing him with two monks in white.Murderous intent flickered in his eyes.

"It's about two hundred miles away, so we should be able to meet Ye Wei. At that time, the three of them will die!" Lin Mu whispered, and I stepped forward quickly.The immortal energy in his body has already been consumed in large quantities.At this time, the remaining thousand immortal jades in his storage bag were all shattered into powder.

"Xiannu, bring your storage bag!" As soon as Lin Mu said this, the white-clothed fairy slave threw the two storage bags at his waist towards Lin Mu. "This person is the head of the group, there must be a lot of fairy jade!" Lin Mu murmured, and probed his spiritual sense into the storage bag.

The middle-aged man in white was imprinted on the storage bag, and it needed to be forcibly broken open.However, Lin Mu's cultivation was far inferior to that middle-aged man in white.During the quick walk, I used my spiritual sense several times to forcefully break through, but found that it was all futile.

"Here, you open the storage bag." Lin Mu said, throwing the storage bag in his hand towards the fairy slave, who took the storage bag from Lin Mu's hand and looked at it seriously A glance at the storage bag seemed to remind him of something.He went to open the storage bag with both hands, his eyes were blank.

This scene fell into Lin Mu's consciousness, he seemed to remember that this fairy slave would not open the storage bag at all, so he said: "Give me the storage bag."

Lin Mu put away the storage bag, and at the same time glanced at the three chasing people behind him with a sneer.He continued to run forward in silence.One after another teleportation cast out.

"How could this Ye Wei be so fast? There were only two hundred miles left just now, and at this time, I have already rushed for more than a hundred miles, and I only rushed for fifty miles. It seems that I can implement my plan." Lin Mu He murmured, and ran forward with his head sullen.He looked like he was running away desperately, and he didn't even realize that the fairy slave behind him had fallen hundreds of feet away from him.

And the gray-clothed middle-aged man, who was thousands of feet away from the forest, looked at the white-clothed fairy slave with a slightly surprised expression, and a hint of worry appeared in his eyes.He murmured: "Brother, I can't blame you for this. It's only because you have become someone else's fairy slave."

While the middle-aged man in gray was speaking, he slapped his right hand from the storage bag, and a hundred fairy talismans appeared from his hand.He waved his hands from the air, and the fairy talisman in his hand immediately changed slightly, turning golden, like pieces of gold bricks.

These one hundred fairy talismans were turned into 100 yuan gold bricks and hit the white-clothed fairy slave.At this moment, the fairy slave in white suddenly turned his head, with a trace of strong anger in his eyes, staring at the middle-aged man in gray who remained motionless.

Under the eyes of this white-clothed fairy slave, the gray-clothed middle-aged man's actions suddenly stopped for a moment, as if he saw his brother's anger.The whole person suddenly became a little decadent, and murmured: "Brother, I didn't want to do this, you forced me. You forced me, I can't keep you...!"

Hui Yi said with a lonely expression, while pointing his right hand at the white-clothed fairy slave.

"Third Uncle, I can't do anything to Uncle." The young man in white said with some fear.

"What can't be done? If you don't kill him, he will come and kill us. If we are still indecisive about this matter, we might as well commit suicide!" The strong man in white said sharply. With a pat on his storage bag, a Bloodwing Bird flew out of his storage bag.As soon as the blood-winged bird came out, it went towards the white-clothed fairy slave in the forest, and spit out white light balls from its mouth. The white light balls contained strong power, and they bombarded the ground for a full five feet. sized pits.

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