Nine Heavenly Towers

417: Ancient Fierce Beast

As soon as the ancient beast's wings opened, there was a howling wind rushing out from the beast's wings, the wind inside its wings was extremely strange.A strong black gust of wind suddenly rose up, and was about to blast towards Ye Wei.

Seeing this, Ye Wei looked calm and took several steps from the air.The position of his footsteps is quite strange, almost according to the seven-star footwork.As her last step fell, the silver stream of water around her suddenly seemed to come alive, dancing out of the air very nimbly.Just like a silver dragon, the sound of roaring and roaring sounded immediately, and suddenly, the two black gusts of wind were directly broken.

Seeing this scene, the ancient strange beast's eyes revealed a fierce light.He didn't care about this silver dragon-like water flow at all, and there was a hint of disdain in his eyes.Immediately, he straightened his body, jumped up suddenly, and rushed towards the silver dragon.


An earth-shattering loud noise came from the sky here, and the silver dragon collided with the body of the ancient beast.The ancient fierce beast was directly knocked into the air by the earth-shattering bombardment force, and the animal skin on the beast's body immediately had cracked wounds, and these wounds were dripping with blood, which was shocking.

Xueyan Wenjing slowly raised her hands, and two snow dragons rushed out above her hands, and endless white light quickly radiated out.The white light completely enveloped this place, and the ancient beast was also restrained in this endless white light.

The wild ancient beast roared suddenly amidst the white light, and streaks of purple light rushed out of the beast's body.

Seeing this scene, Xueyan Wenjing couldn't help but look distorted.Almost pale.With both hands pointing at the ancient beast, the world was filled with chills, and the ancient beast was scratched with countless wounds by the eight snow spirit thorns.The wounds gurgled sickening animal blood.

The beast blood breath was extremely strong, but it was seen that its whole body was chopped to pieces very quickly.Countless flesh and blood flew across the sky.This speed was extremely fast, almost before the ferocious beast could cry out in grief, the aura emanating from its body suddenly turned into a lifeless aura.

The old man took a deep breath, and blasted out with his palm, the broken limbs and arms of the wild ancient beast were directly smashed into countless pieces of minced meat and flew across the air.Xueyan's quiet footsteps stepped out of the air again and again, and quickly rushed towards the ancient beast that was confronting Yang Yan.

At this time, Lin Mu was waving his hands with a stern look, and the immortal energy in his body overflowed crazily.After being devoured by the light of blood and fire, the muddy sky black wood condensed again.

At this time, the wild beast was obviously exhausted, and the animal blood in its body was also consumed in large quantities.However, he was still struggling to die, and under the sudden roar of his beast body, he rushed towards the killing sword raised by Lin Muji against the sky.

Apparently, this desolate ancient fairy beast has already seen that the sword sacrificed by Lin Mu is an extraordinary weapon. If it can destroy this sword and wipe out Lin Shu, it will naturally be nothing.However, Lin Mu frowned at this time, as if he had seen what this desolate ancient fairy beast wanted to do.There were words in his mouth, and it was obviously not as simple as he imagined to kill this ancient beast.

Although, he, Lin Mu, is manipulating three immortal slaves at the same time, as well as the killing sword, which consumes a lot of spiritual consciousness and spiritual thoughts.However, Lin Mu still had a calm expression, and he casually pointed his right hand towards the ancient beast, a silver lightning suddenly appeared from the air, bombarding the ancient beast. Obviously, the ancient beast did not expect that Lin Shu turned out to be like a tree. Electric double repair.

At this time, Lin Mu waved his right hand, and immediately his body danced again and again.The sword body of the Slaying Sword trembled, and made a sound of beeping, and then followed the gesture made by Lin Shu's right hand, it fell straight down.

After this sword fell, the entire sky here was dyed red by the blood-colored awn, and the seventh blood-colored spar on the killing sword also faintly showed signs of consummation, which shows that this ancient fierce beast The murderous aura in the body and the purity of animal blood.If it weren't for the purity of the beast's blood in this wild ancient beast, there would never be such a huge power of blood spirit, which was able to make the seventh spar in the killing sword seem to be perfect.

Lin Mu drew his long sword, then jerked his body, and rushed towards the place where Yang Yan was. If that ancient beast was under the joint attack of Yang Yan, Lin Shu, and Xueyan Wenjing, it would definitely not be able to hold out for three seconds. , and even being killed by Lin Shu in seconds.

Standing tall, Lin Mu had already raised his own killing sword. At the same time, a huge black tree with strange runes flashing appeared behind him.Suddenly, it also rushed towards the ancient beast.When the ancient fierce beast was facing the snow and smoke quietly, it already felt a little powerless. At this time, when it suddenly saw Lin Mu kill one of its companions and rushed towards him aggressively, he couldn't help but feel a little nervous. appalled.

At this time, the huge black tree suddenly bombarded the ancient beast, as if it was bombarding a huge leather drum.Make a humming, earth-shattering, muffled sound.Under this blow, the fierce beast's eyes dimmed suddenly.

Xueyan Wenjing is worthy of being a master, just at this moment, she seized the opportunity and waved her hands again and again. Immediately, the whole body of the ancient beast radiated endless white light.After the white light radiated out, it immediately froze the wild beast.Layers of extremely thick layers of ice quickly appeared.There was actually a trace of cold white air emanating from the body of the ancient beast.

At this time, the killing sword slammed down on the body of the ancient beast with a dazzling ray of light, and the body of the ancient beast remained motionless.But the Killing Sword has already quickly broken through the thick layers of frost covering the body of the ancient beast.After the thick frost was broken, the bloody light became more obvious.

When the blood glow shot up to the sky, the body of the ancient beast also dried up quickly.With a movement of Lin Mu's body, he immediately led Yang Yan towards the wild beast that was in a stalemate with the golden-clothed fairy slave and the white-clothed fairy slave.

Under the joint attack of the golden-clothed fairy slave, the white-clothed fairy slave and the Teng Snake, the golden-clothed fairy slave still suffered some injuries against that ancient beast.Lin Mu frowned, as if he was a little worried, and rushed out quickly. After killing these two ancient beasts, the ancient beast might become furious.

Naturally, it might be possible that the ancient ferocious beast is accumulating some kind of power, it is also unknown.Lin Mu's right hand suddenly pointed towards the desolate ancient fairy beast.After casting several electric-type spells this time, there are not many electric-type immortals in his body.Therefore, he only cast the 'big lightning technique'.

He knew that this big lightning technique didn't have much effect on that ancient beast, the only effect was to affect the speed of that ancient beast.

Speed——In battle, speed is king, whoever is faster is the strongest.Even the speed of the shot.If the shot is slow for a moment, you will be in a weak position at this critical moment.

Therefore, although Lin Mu only cast a big lightning spell slightly, its power should not be underestimated.With this blow, he could seize the opportunity.He was not slow in casting the teleportation technique. Almost immediately after the big lightning technique was performed, he had already performed the teleportation technique and stopped beside the golden-clothed fairy slave.

At the same time, Xueyan Wenjing stepped quickly towards the place where Ye Wei was. At this time, there was a humming and trembling sound in the valley, as if the earth was trembling, and as if there were gods in the air roar.If you feel it carefully, you can even feel that there are slight twisted ripples coming out of the air.

"Not good, this...!" Lin Mu shrank his pupils, obviously feeling the abnormal fluctuations in the surrounding air.At this time, under the fierce battle with all his strength, there was a sudden jump in his heart.He quickly made a decision, and in the air behind him, the Slaying Sword was lifted high, and it suddenly slashed down towards the ancient fairy beast.

Seeing this scene, the ancient beast seemed to have expected it.He glanced at Lin Mu with a hint of sarcasm in his eyes, and said sarcastically, "That's all you can do, kid. Apart from this sword, what special magic weapon can you take out?"

But when the slaying sword slashed down with a sword light that was hundreds of feet long, the body of the ancient beast flashed, and a rich golden light radiated from the body of the ancient beast , after the golden light radiated out, that ancient ferocious beast turned into a golden eagle-like animal shape, floating quietly in the air, with a sense of immortality emanating for a thousand years.

Lin Mu frowned, as if he knew that if this beast continued like this, even with the Slaying Sword, he would not be able to kill this ancient beast.Unless it is possible to decipher the golden body technique of this ancient beast, let alone beheading this ancient beast, even if you want to hurt a single hair of this ancient beast, it must be extremely difficult.

After he let out a long sigh, he wanted to take this wild ancient beast as his own fairy beast, and he hooked the corner of his mouth, revealing a rather evil smile.He stepped out again and again, and a light talisman condensed by a wood-type immortal element quickly appeared from his thumb on his right hand.

Lin Mu then suddenly pressed the rune that shone with faint green light towards the head of the golden beast.With this press, immediately, the blue light shines brightly.The ancient beast seemed to have discovered something wrong at this time, and the golden color on its body showed signs of cracking.

However, it is already a step too late to unlock the golden body method on his body now.That green light talisman quickly rushed into its mind from the head of the ancient beast.By the time the golden body method on the entire ancient beast was completely released, the eyes of this ancient beast had already dimmed, and even looked dull.

"Haha, I didn't expect that. From now on, you will be my second fairy beast." Lin Mu laughed, waved his right hand towards the beast, and said, "From now on, you will be called Lingqi!"

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