Nine Heavenly Towers

444: Five Lines of Celestial Art Banner

The moment Lin Mu stabbed the killing sword into the barrier, a blood-red light broke through the barrier, and a deep crack spread rapidly from the barrier to both sides again. It is spreading towards the north, while the other end is quickly moving towards the crack that first appeared.

Under the spread of the two cracks, they were actually connected together. As a result, this series of cracks immediately spread for a length of more than three hundred miles.

Lin Mu flipped the Slaying Sword in his hand, and the whole Slaying Sword stood upright with a hundred feet of blood. He slapped the storage bag with his right hand, and a scimitar made of eighth-grade green wood appeared in his hand. With a wave of his right hand, the scimitar was deeply inserted into the crack, and the strong evil spirit emitted from it made it impossible to close the crack. This is what Lin Mu wanted.

As long as the crack is no longer closed, he can go back and forth like this, and finally break the entire barrier.

At this time, Lin Mu's spiritual consciousness extended towards where Han Xiangzi was, and he suddenly saw the crack opening three hundred miles away.With a flash of his body, he quickly moved towards the other side. If the crack opened up to a full six hundred miles long, then the barrier would be broken.

After his teleportation stopped, he grabbed the killing sword in his hand and suddenly stabbed towards the barrier.Blood light shot up into the sky, and the entire enchantment was immediately drawn a crack by the trees, and this crack also spread rapidly towards the place where Han Xiangzi was in the middle.

The two cracks opened, and thousands of monks rushed from the cracks towards the barrier at the same time. This time, thousands of high-level immortal cultivators had a powerful impact on Dayu Xianxiu in the barrier.Not only that, but a large number of immortal cultivators sacrificed their magic weapons to prop up the crack.

Lines like shattered glass quickly appeared from the barrier, cracks one after another.

Batch after batch of Lei Yuan immortal cultivators rushed towards the barrier, and tens of thousands of immortal cultivators rushed into the barrier at once.But hearing the roar inside it was earth-shattering.Lin Shu couldn't help feeling a little itchy.The killing sword in his hand even smelled the breath of blood and couldn't help making humming sounds.

Lin Mu grabbed the green lightning whip with his right hand, and suddenly condensed countless lightning lights to block the crack.With a twitch of his right hand, the Slaying Sword was immediately drawn out from the crack, and with a straightening of his body, he also rushed inward from the crack.

Lin Mu frowned, and the killing sword was raised suddenly.Blood light shot up into the sky, and immediately the screams of more than a dozen Da Yu Xianxiu came out.

Seeing this scene, Dayu's host in Luotian County, Xianjun couldn't help but feel chills in his heart, and a creepy feeling arose.Immediately, he grabbed it with his right hand, and what he grabbed from the storage bag was a colorful flag, and the colorful flag was shining with agile light.From the looks of it, it feels soft and full of awe-inspiring power.

"Five elements Tianshu flag?" When Lin Mu first saw the colorful flag, a strong greedy light shot out from his eyes.The whole person turned into a meteor-like light, and suddenly appeared in front of the Great Yu Immortal, and shouted: "Plant an immortal root!"

As soon as Lin Mu said this, Ye Wei couldn't help turning her head, and looked at Lin Mu in surprise.She knew that every time Lin Mu used this trick, he would definitely have an extra powerful assistant.

Lin Mu's favorite is Xianjun.The cultivation base is high enough and the strength is strong enough.Moreover, the success rate of the technique of planting immortal roots is also extremely high.A rich emerald light shone from the index finger of his right hand, and as the emerald green light flowed, it turned into a golden light.The golden light followed Lin Shu's right hand to point to the void in front of him, and quickly blasted towards the fairy.

This point of golden light blasted out so fast that an ordinary fairy would definitely not be able to resist this blow.However, seeing this scene, the Great Yu Xianjun seemed to have already sensed a strange aura.With a sway of his body, he turned into nothingness in an instant.

"Where did you go? Don't be a turtle. If you are really an immortal, come out and fight with me, Lin Mu, and your name as an immortal will not be in vain." Lin Mu chanted, and his voice spread from the air.Immediately, a large piece of soft white light gradually turned into colorful colors and spread out.

The Great Yu Immortal stepped out from the colorful light, and the colorful flag in his hand shook suddenly.First of all, countless golden rays of light rushed out from the banner, densely packed like tens of thousands of golden feathered arrows flying out of the sky.Densely covered the top of the trees like rain falling.

Seeing this, Lin Shu looked as usual.Without further ado, he tapped the storage bag with his right hand, and a black gold shield appeared in front of Lin Mu. This shield was imitated by Lan Juechen after Lin Mu saw the black gold shield refined by Yu Xiaotian.

As soon as the shield was released, Immortal Yu's face suddenly turned pale.He naturally knew that this ton was Yu Xiaotian's usual shield.He could see with his own eyes that Yu Xiaotian's black gold shield was destroyed in Lin Shu's hands, but he never expected that this person would actually refine such a shield now.

He calmed down, forced himself to raise his confidence, and said: "You can block this blow, but you will definitely not be able to block the blow of wood, water and fire." Holding the colorful flag in his hand, he went crazy again It shook, and at the same time as the howling wind sounded, countless leaves rushed out of the colorful flag, and then endless barbs rushed out of the flag.The speed is astonishing.

If an ordinary Xianjun saw this attack, his face would change drastically.Don't underestimate the tens of millions of sweeping leaves, the green awn glowing from them is extremely sharp, and it is not something ordinary monks can resist.What makes Xianxiu most sensitive is that the green light mixed with the leaves is extremely harmful to the monk's body protection light, and can easily break the monk's body protection light.

However, along with the countless barbs behind the storm, a rich black light glowed.From the perspective of Lin Shu, these black lights are also extremely strange, and the penetrating power inside them is extremely powerful.It can be said that the power of wood-type fairy art has been exerted to an incredible height.

Lin Mu's consciousness was swept away, and he was quite accomplished in offense, but when it comes to defense, it really seemed a bit difficult.With a frown, he waved his right hand, and the killing sword immediately returned to the air in front of him.The blood-colored rays of light emanating from the Slaying Sword quickly blocked the countless golden rays of light.

Lin Mu's eyes were gloomy. If he hadn't prepared the black gold shield, the battle situation at this time would have been difficult.The pupils in his eyes narrowed slightly, staring at the Great Yu Immortal, seemingly in a daze, and after a long time, he jumped up.Teng Snake rushed out of its pouch.Immediately, he was about to entangle himself with that Great Yu Xianjun.

At the same time, Lin Mu grasped it with his right hand, and Hun Tianmu condensed out from the air.He groaned to Immortal Dayu in the distance: "Great Lightning Art, blooming everywhere." The two moves of the Electric Immortal Art were performed at the same time, and the speed of the two moves was extremely fast.However, it is nothing to a fairy.

However, the Huntianmu cast by the magical technique really made the Great Yu Xianjun feel an unprecedented crisis.He took a deep look at the Hun Tianmu with the flashing runes, and immediately slapped his storage bag with his right hand, and a large knife flew out of the storage bag.Then another black writing brush appeared immediately.

This black writing brush is particularly obtrusive, and the black light on it is so intense that it seems that a drop of shiny ink is stained on it.Immortal Dayu gently tapped the black brush in his hand towards the direction of the forest.A drop of black water immediately dispersed in the air, turning into a torrent of water like a long river.Mixed with the monstrous stench, it rushed towards the trees.

What is contained in this liquid is definitely not ink, but a strange poison.If this Poison Immortal Cultivator touches it, his physical body will collapse in an instant.Unless it is some fairy beasts with stronger scales, they can still resist for a while.

Lin Mu smiled, and took out a storage bag with his right hand, and suddenly moved towards the rolling water. The toxicity contained in this drop of water was unprecedented for Lin Mu.He should treasure it up for future use.

In the Immortal World, storage bags can hold anything, and presumably there is no big problem if they want to hold this drop of water.

However, the moment the storage bag touched the black water flow, the entire storage bag was submerged by the black water flow.Immediately, Lin Mu's face revealed a displeasure expression, and he slammed his right hand towards the black water flow, and a phantom palm with the size of tens of feet rushed towards the black water flow with the sound of rolling wind.

The shadow of the entire palm collapsed instantly when it touched the black water, which caused Lin Mu quite a headache.Although this person's cultivation base is not high, but this weird ink pen in his hand is extremely troublesome.

Then, the big knife in his hand slashed down towards the sky where Lin Shu was, and Lin Mu's gaze flickered.Secretly said: His great saber celestial weapon is about to be destroyed.No matter how fierce the attack is, under the sword of killing, it is just a piece of trash.

With a thought in Lin Mu's mind, the killing sword suddenly slashed towards the big knife, exactly as Lin Mu expected.The big knife was instantly shattered, it wasn't just cut off, but shattered at the same time as it was cut off by a powerful force.

At this time, Lin Shu dodged and quickly avoided the black water flow, but the black water continued to chase towards Lin Shu like tarsal maggots.It shows no sign of slowing down.Lin Mu's eyes showed sarcasm, and now he has ordered the black brush and the colorful flag.

With a movement of his body, the huntian wood collided with the black water.The Execution Sword beeped, and suddenly rushed towards the chest of the Great Yu Immortal at an extremely fast speed. If there was no accident with this blow, the Immortal's body would be instantly turned into a mummified corpse.

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