Nine Heavenly Towers

462: Bet 1 game

Yu Xiaotian's expression became more serious, and at the same time, with a wave of his right hand, he put the compass several tens of feet in size into the storage bag.

At this time, Yu Bai, who had been watching outside, gradually showed displeasure on his face.With a flash of his body, he actually joined the battle at this time, his left hand stretched into a claw, and it was buckled towards the top of Lin Shu's head.Slapped his right hand on his storage bag, and a fairy artifact that resembled a pill furnace flew out of the storage bag, and strands of rich light yellow light burst out from the pill furnace.

Taking a closer look, this is not a pill stove at all, but a stove in the shape of a pill stove.

There are pale yellow flames dancing within it, and the flames spread out, as if trying to envelop the entire body of the tree.

Yin Ning, who was quietly staring at this scene from one side, couldn't help frowning slightly, and said in his heart: "This woman actually attacked brother Lin Mu, it's really poisonous!" At the same time, Yin Ning stepped out of the air step by step, Silver Fang bit his right fingertip lightly, and a drop of bright red blood-like thing appeared from his fingertip.

Yin Ning gently wiped this drop of soul blood from the center of the eyebrows, and a swirl mark appeared from the center of Yin Ning's eyebrows.Immediately, endless bloody aura emanated from Yin Ning's eyebrows, and these bloody aura condensed into countless whirlwinds from the air, and the whirlwind rolled up from the air, and rushed towards Yu Bai's place at an extremely fast speed.

"Don't hurt Yu Bai." Lin Mu couldn't help exclaiming in anxiety.As soon as his consciousness moved, Xiao Ruo raised his Ice Explosion Scepter, and suddenly, an iceberg quickly appeared from above the stove, ice and fire, opposite poles.

However, the iceberg melted in an instant.The flame was still flickering with an unnerving flame.

"What kind of fire is this? Could it be one of the real fires?" Seeing this scene, Lin Mu couldn't help being a little surprised, but his expression was still the same, his arms were still tightly holding the soul-suppressing tree, and he turned towards Yu Xiaotian again. Blast away with one blow.

Yu Xiaotian backed away again and again at this time, even so, Lin Shu followed closely behind like a ghost.Suddenly, Yu Xiaotian's body stopped.He said: "Lin Mu, I admit defeat!!"

"Boom...!!! Boom!"

A loud noise suddenly sounded from the bottom of Yu Bai's heart, and Yu Bai was caught off guard, and his complexion suddenly turned pale.

"What? Daddy... what did you say?" Yu Bai looked at Yu Xiaotian in the distance in disbelief, and shook his head frantically.

"Is what you said true?" Lin Mu also asked in disbelief.At this time, the three snow foxes and the scorpion snakes were surrounding Yu Xiaotian with fierce eyes. Above Yu Xiaotian's head, the killing sword and the huntian tree were floating high, as if they were about to blow Yu Xiaotian any time. General kill.

However, Yu Xiaotian appeared calm and calm on the surface.Naturally, he would not be defeated by Lin Mu so easily.However, after a hard fight with Lin Mu, he realized that if he wanted to win against Lin Mu, there was no possibility at all.

All my spells have been casted, and the only ancient fairy weapon that I can borrow to fight against, but under the two powerful fairy weapons, the Slaying Sword and the Soul-Suppressing Wood, any fairy weapon will become useless .

"I, Yu Xiaotian, admit defeat...!" Yu Xiaotian said in a flat tone.There was no shame on his face. "From then on, Dayu and Lei Yuan formed an alliance."

"What? Emperor Yu actually lost?" At this moment, the millions of Dayu Xianxiu who were paying attention here began to yell in disbelief.

It was as if a drop of water fell into the frying pan, and the frying pan exploded, and countless rustling sounds rang out at the same time.

"Da Yu formed an alliance with Lei Yuan? How is this possible? It is absolutely impossible. I want to avenge my brother."

Words that were exactly the same as this voice resounded in the sky with a radius of hundreds of miles.The battle between Lei Yuan and Dayu was no longer a one-day or two-day affair.The hatred accumulated from generation to generation cannot be stopped just by saying it.

"Okay, what father-in-law said is straightforward!!" Lin Mu chuckled, and then his body flickered.With his right hand, he grabbed the stove that Yu Bai had used.

The divine sense imprinted on the stove was so majestic that Lin Shu couldn't grasp it at all, but Lin Shu couldn't destroy it.So, after being fruitless, he sighed and smiled at Yu Bai: "Yu Bai, your father promised to lose you to me. From now on, you will be my Lin Mu's young concubine. Haha...!"

"You...!" Yu Bai was furious, and wanted to say something, but his expression was weird.

"What? Are you unhappy?" Lin Mu said with a teasing smile.In front of Yu Bai, he turned into that glib Lin Shu again.

"Are you really doing it for me?" Yu Bai couldn't help but asked anyway.

"That's right, for you. I have exhausted the 300 million immortal troops from the two counties of Leiyuan to attack Dayu. For you, I have climbed to the sky. I am looking for a way to revive you. For you, I have been practicing continuously. I I want to forgive my sins, and even more, I want to be a partner of double cultivation with you. Travel around the world...!" Lin Mu nodded, feeling an inexplicable sense of melancholy in his heart.

"No, you're not for me. You're just for that woman who looks like me." Yu Bai shook his head and said with a stern expression.

"You can say whatever you want." Lin Mu didn't deny Yu Bai's words, and then said: "At present, you must follow me back to the Leiyuan Emperor's Palace, and then hold the ceremony of forming a double cultivator. Then, if you are really not her, let's talk! "

What Lin Mu said, he seemed to be willing to bear the burden of all the people in the world.This is the fastest way he can think of now. If Yu Bai is really not Yan Xiaomei's reincarnation, or Yan Xiaomei's reincarnation, but Lin Mu can't retrieve Yan Xiaomei's memory, then he will be like Treat Ye Wei the same way as Yu Bai.

"Daddy, do you really want to agree to this rascal's request?" Yu Baiyin gritted his lower lip, looking at Yu Xiaotian in disbelief.

"Why can't I promise him?" Yu Xiaotian asked coldly. "Are you willing to go to the Southern Barbarians?"

There were tears in Yu Bai's eyes, and there was a faint look of disappointment in his crystal eyes.Turning his gaze to Lin Mu, he forced a smile and said, "I am willing to follow you back to Leiyuan!!"

"Haha, you're so good!" Lin Mu laughed, and in a flash, he came to Yu Bai's side, stretching out his right hand to hug Yu Bai.But Yu Bai stared at him, and quickly retracted his right hand.

"Yu Bai, I really cherish and love you. Really...!"

Lin Mu said in a soft voice, he knew that Yu Bai might not be able to accept the fact that a proud fairy princess would become a bargaining chip and be lost to others for a while.

"Yes, in your eyes. I'm just a bargaining chip you won!!" Yu Bai said with self-deprecation, with a slightly sad expression on his face.

"Stop talking." Lin Mu's tone was extremely gentle at the moment, and Yin Ning's eyes were burning with jealousy.However, Yin Ning knew how high this woman was in Lin Mu's heart, because she saw with her own eyes how the woman's body in Lin Mu's storage ring was preserved by Lin Mu.

Just when Yin Ning was extremely jealous, Lin Mu's gaze was looking at her, his eyes were piercing, revealing a sharp and sharp light.It seems that she can directly see through her inner thoughts.Lin Mu said, "Yin Ning, take Yu Bai back first."

Yin Ning nodded obediently, although she still felt uncomfortable in her heart, she still came to Yu Bai's side respectfully, and said with a smile: "Princess Yu Bai, please follow me back to Cangmang Ancient Dao Mountain!! "

"En." Yu Bai nodded, not talking nonsense.Following Yin Ning, he flew towards the boundless ancient road mountain in the east.

At this time, Immortal Emperor Han Xiangzi, Li Yunxiao and others rushed out from the barrier.Standing respectfully behind Lin Shu.Lin Mu's eyes were fixed, and he shouted: "Quiet...!" As soon as the voice came out, the entire sky was suddenly much quieter.However, Xianxiu, who was still somewhat resentful, complained in a low voice with a look of unwillingness.

"All the immortal cultivators of Lei Yuan, listen to what I have to say, Lin Mu. When is the so-called revenge? Since Dayu was able to form an alliance with me, Lei Yuan, it is such a pleasure, what can we complain about?" Lin Mu said in a long voice.Although it was a short sentence, it came from the mouth of Young Emperor Lin Mu, who commanded the entire Yunxiao and Luotian counties, with millions of immortal troops.

All Lei Yuan's immortal cultivators were quiet at this time, although they were quite complaining in their hearts, they also calmed down, and no one had any fights with Dayu's immortal army.

Yu Xiaotian also coughed at this time, and the sound rolled out like thunder.All Dayu's immortal cultivators also consciously kept silent.Looking quietly at Yu Xiaotian above the sky, he said: "My fellow immortal cultivators of Dayu, in this battle, even I, Yu Xiaotian, are powerless, let alone you? Therefore, I, Yu Xiaotian, are willing to admit defeat. I am willing to gamble your lives on this game. I also hope that you can let go of the feud with Lei Yuan from now on."

All the great Yu Xianxiu immediately became quiet, and none of them spoke. Obviously, what Yu Xiaotian said was not unreasonable.

"Let's retreat!" Yu Xiaotian sighed, and led all the great Yu Xianxiu to evacuate from the east side of the vast ancient road mountain.With a jerk of his body, he actually separated the killing clone, and the killing clone flashed red and headed towards the north.

On the northern border of Dayu, in a huge mansion in the Xueyan General Camp.

Immortal Emperor Xueyan was sitting cross-legged in meditation, but his gaze was looking towards the southeast with deep meaning, and he said with a smile: "Hehe! Let the avatar come here, do you still want to mess with me Xueyan? How bold."

Xuewei stood beside Immortal Emperor Xueyan quietly, and said slowly: "I didn't expect that Lin Shu was so powerful. Even Yu Xiaotian's two clones couldn't beat him! No wonder you didn't want to provoke him back then, Empress. This person."

"Why are you thinking about him now?" Immortal Emperor Xueyan frowned, reprimanding him with displeasure.

"Xue Wei knew she was wrong."...

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