Nine Heavenly Towers

464: Yu Bai's Death

Three days later, Lin Mu took Yu Bai, Ye Wei, Yin Ning and others towards the imperial palace.

The Leiyuan Imperial Palace was decorated with lights and festoons, and there was a lively atmosphere everywhere.Knowing that Lei Yuan and Dayu also formed an alliance, all Lei Yuan's immortal cultivators felt very happy.

On this day, the teleportation array around the imperial palace was always shining brightly.The monks stepped out of the teleportation array one after another. They were immortal cultivators from all over the world.There are also monks from major families.Most of them are above rank six of the divine tower.

However, there are also envoys sent by various fairy kingdoms to congratulate, all showing joy.

At noon, the array of guardians above the imperial palace trembled violently.

A huge teleportation vortex appeared from the sky, and a hearty laughter came from this vortex.Lin Mu greeted him personally, bowed and said, "Lin Mu welcomes father-in-law."

Lei Meng also appeared in front of the vortex, but his expression was solemn.Be very vigilant.

"Haha, what a good son-in-law. He's much more reasonable than that old guy Lei Meng!" Yu Xiaotian stepped out of the teleportation vortex, revealing his entire body.

Then, many Great Yu Immortal Kings stepped out of the vortex.A total of eighteen immortal king-level immortals stood quietly behind Yu Xiaotian, turning a blind eye to Lei Yuan's immortal emperor Lei Meng.

Lei Meng didn't care too much, and laughed loudly: "Hehe...! Yu Xiaotian, I never thought that after fighting for more than a hundred years, you and I became in-laws in the end! Come, come, sit down!"

"Haha...! Lei Meng, what you said really has some meaning. I never thought that the old man could finally rest for a while." Yu Xiaotian smiled and said with a look of relief.

"Yeah, we've been fighting for so many years. We're also very tired!" Lei Meng also smiled, and at the same time welcomed Yu Xiaotian and others into their seats.

After Yu Xiaotian came, the double cultivation ceremony could be performed.Just at this time, Lin Mu's face became gloomy, and he just swept away his consciousness, and suddenly found that the harem in the distance was filled with white mist, and his consciousness could not see everything in it clearly. concerns.

At this time, there was a sharp howl.Lin Mu trembled all over, his body flashed, and he moved towards the harem where the voice came from.

Yu Xiaotian's complexion changed drastically, his body flickered, and he also went towards the harem of the emperor's palace without hesitation.Leaving his whispering voice behind. "Bai'er, are you okay?"

The faces of Lei Meng and other immortal cultivators also suddenly darkened, and they also quickly moved towards the place where the voice came from, the imperial palace and harem.

"How is this going?"

"What happened behind the imperial palace?"

All the immortal cultivators who saw this scene showed doubts.They kept guessing.

"Look, what is that in the sky?" Li Yunxiao's eyes flickered, looking at the sky, he said in surprise.

Li Yunxiao's words startled all the immortal cultivators, who stared blankly at the white mist behind the imperial palace gradually dissipating.They never realized that there was a white mist in the harem.

"Yu Bai, what's the matter with you?" Lin Mu exclaimed, his consciousness scanning the small courtyard quickly.He found that Yu Bai's face was pale, without any trace of life.

The entire courtyard was in a mess, and at the same time as the white mist dispersed around it, the spiritual consciousness of the trees quickly gathered.There was nothing in his consciousness, and his face became more and more gloomy.Yu Bai was obviously dead, and the first step of his painstaking efforts had not yet been implemented, so he was strangled in the cradle.

He knew that what he liked was not Yu Bai, but Yan Xiaomei.However, if there is no Yu Bai, how can there be Yan Xiaomei?Only with Yu Bai can there be a chance to revive Yan Xiaomei's memory. However, this sudden change made Lin Mu's eyes crack.Almost crazy.

Not only the trees, but also Yu Xiaotian.His expression was almost crazy, he pointed at Lin Mu with a ferocious look and shouted: "What's the matter with you? I handed Bai'er to you properly, how could this happen?"

"Shut up!" Lei Meng was furious at this time, and he also had a bad feeling in his heart. Seeing that Yu Xiaotian wanted to make things difficult for Lin Mu, he immediately shouted in a rage.

"Raymond...!" Yu Xiaotian could no longer suppress the anger in his heart.roared angrily.As soon as he wanted to make a move, he killed Lei Meng with a single palm.It's just because this is on Lei Yuan's territory, so I endured it.

"Yu Xiaotian, you have lived for hundreds of years, don't you understand?" Lei Meng said coldly, knowing Yu Xiaotian's anger in his heart, and he also deeply felt the anger in Lin Mu's heart.

When Yu Xiaotian and Lin Mu heard the words, their expressions changed, and they couldn't help but glance towards the east.

"What does Daddy mean, is this what Dao Kingdom did?" Lin Mu asked in a tentative tone.

"Emperor Dao, I, Yu Xiaotian, and you are inseparable!!" Yu Xiaotian pointed his right hand directly at the eastern sky, and roared sharply, his voice rolling over the six heavenly towers.The whole imperial palace shook.

Qiongtian Cliff, this is a cliff located on the border between Lei Yuan and Dao Country.The inside of the cliff is like a mass grave. It is said that there are tens of millions of corpses of immortal cultivators in this sky cliff.The evil spirit inside it was monstrous, and the blood mist filled the air.The cliff stretches for more than a million miles, and a barrier is as high as ten thousand feet, and it is distributed on the cliff here.

At this time, a large number of Taoist immortals are densely distributed on the east side of this enchantment.All of them were mixed with monstrous murderous intent, and they shouted crazily.Drums roared and horns sounded repeatedly.Rolling in the air.

Dao Country is different from Lei Yuan, Lei Yuan only has nine counties.Dao country has a total of sixteen counties.In other words, there are more than sixteen immortal monarchs in the entire Dao Kingdom.

In the southeast of the Dao Kingdom, the Mufan Immortal Kingdom is comparable in strength to the Dao Kingdom.Therefore, Dao Country has no interest in Lei Yuan, and Lei Yuan dare not provoke Dao Country.

At this time, there are three immortals located on the east side of the light curtain here, staring at the light curtain and the entire west with shining eyes, as if they are quietly waiting for something.

However, all the Lei Yuan immortal cultivators also stared at the eastern sky with solemn expressions. An immortal monarch sitting on the west side of Qiongtian Cliff was shocked by the sudden attack of the Dao Kingdom. However, on the day of the young emperor's double cultivation ceremony How dare he report such bad news?

One immortal against the three immortals of Dao Kingdom, in this way, he has no way out.


Shuyang County, in Qingliu Town under the jurisdiction of Yuzhou.

In an inn, Emperor Dao and two immortals were sitting cross-legged in the room.At this time, Dao Emperor suddenly opened his eyes.He smiled calmly and said, "Hehe...! Once Yu Bai dies, I want to see how you two form an alliance?"

"Emperor Dao is extremely wise, such a simple move has directly broken the alliance between Lei Yuan and Dayu. It seems that the battle between Dayu and Lei Yuan is about to begin!" The two immortals immediately flattered Said in a flattering tone.

"Otherwise, this is just a disintegration of their alliance. If Yu Xiaotian wants to attack Lei Yuan, we have to proceed to the next two steps. However, if Yu Xiaotian dares to compete with the old man for the killing sword, I will make his life worse than death!" said The emperor said with a gloomy expression, and stood up. "We should get busy!"

"Yes, Dao Emperor!" The two immortals had already stood up respectfully and waited beside the Dao Emperor. Hearing this, they walked towards the outside of the inn.

Their method this time is similar to Lin Mu's method, but it is also somewhat different.After Dao Emperor appeared in Qingliu Town, he headed towards the teleportation formation.Instead, it appeared in Zhoucheng of Yuzhou, and the teleportation array from Zhoucheng went straight to Shuyang County.However, a large number of immortal cultivators at the level of immortal kings behind him concealed their cultivation and densely distributed in the major towns of Yuzhou.The two immortal monarchs headed for the other seven states with some immortal kings.

When Lin Mu attacked Dayu, he just destroyed Naluo Prefecture at once.On the other hand, Emperor Dao wanted to annex the entire Shuyang County on the day of the tree double cultivation ceremony.


At this time, Yu Xiaotian condensed a teleportation vortex from the sky, and took all the fairy kings away.He didn't even want Yu Bai's corpse, after all, the flesh and blood relationship between him and Yu Bai was not too strong.In Yu Xiaotian's view, Yu Bai is just a pawn.

Lin Mu fell into darkness, he hugged Yu Bai's body tightly, and cried loudly.After a while, he roared: "Who killed me, Yu Bai? Who? Don't ask me to find this person. When I find this person, I will definitely tear him into pieces!!!!"

"What?" Lei Peng's face changed drastically again at this time, anger and murderous intent emerged on his face at the same time, and he said to Lin Mu: "Something happened, Shuyang County was captured by the Taoist Emperor! I'll go and see!"

"Emperor Dao...! Okay! I'll go meet him too." Lin Mu said sharply, and at the same time said to Ye Wei beside him: "I will leave the matter here to you. After you are done, come to Shuyang County County city...!"

"Okay!" Ye Wei nodded in agreement.

"I'll help too!" Seeing this, Yin Ning said hastily.With a flash, he chased after where the trees and Lei Meng were.

At this time, a huge teleportation vortex appeared above the sky.Lei Meng stepped into the teleportation vortex, and Lin Mu and Yin Ning also stepped into it.

Li Yunxiao looked surprised at first, but when he saw a teleportation vortex appearing in the sky, he immediately understood that something was wrong.After seeing Yu Xiaotian leaving with all the great Yu Xianxiu, his expression also became unnatural.

"Something happened, I have to go and have a look." As soon as Li Yunxiao finished speaking, he saw a huge teleportation vortex appearing in the distant sky again.He straightened his body, appeared outside the teleportation vortex, and stepped into the teleportation vortex.

The other end of the teleportation vortex is not above the city of Shuyang County in the fifth heaven, because if the Emperor Dao discovers the teleportation vortex, he will definitely destroy the teleportation vortex before the teleportation begins.

Above a long sky three thousand miles away from the city of Shuyang County, there is a large blue sky surrounded by white clouds.A vortex appeared, and four figures walked out of the vortex, all of them were of good strength. Lei Meng first used the teleportation technique and headed towards the county.

Li Yunxiao followed, and Lin Mu and Yin Ning were not slow.Especially after Yin Ning released the Flying Swallow Beast, the wind-type fairy beast, the speed was even faster than Li Yunxiao's teleportation.

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