Nine Heavenly Towers

479: Yuyuan Xianfu

Sensing the sudden change in the surrounding air, Lin Mu knew that it was impossible to escape now.

It is true that all his powerful ultimate moves have been used, but now, looking at this white shadow at such a close distance, Lin Mu showed a look of ridicule.The immortal essence running in the body, faintly chanted: "Plant immortal roots!"

These three simple words contain the power of high-level divine arts of the wood system of the God Realm.A little golden glow suddenly condensed, turned into a golden leaf and rushed out.It went straight to the white shadow's chest and pierced.

At such a close distance, Lin Shu couldn't disperse his consciousness, but he could see the white shadow's right hand wave, intending to blow the golden leaf away.However, the golden leaf did not appear to disperse, but suddenly stopped in the air.

"Huh? This thing is also weird. The immortal essence in your body can actually condense this thing?" A light sigh came from the white shadow, like a lark-like voice.Hearing this sound, no matter who it is, they will definitely think that it is a peerless beauty.

If Lin Mu hadn't heard the gray-bearded old man and others call him the old witch, he would have thought so.

Seeing this, Lin Shu's face darkened again.The golden leaf couldn't penetrate the white shadow's body in an instant.Obviously, this means that it has failed.

This person's cultivation base is too strong, and he can forcibly stop the power of the golden leaf.Lin Mu knew in his heart that any immortal cultivator below the level of the Immortal Emperor could become an immortal slave in one fell swoop.Right now, I'm just trying my best. If I can't succeed, I can take the opportunity to teleport and escape.

Obviously, after the white shadow waved his right hand, the surrounding immortal energy fluctuated violently.Lin Mu's body took a step forward at this moment.Immediately appeared above the soul-suppressing wood.Stepping on the soul-suppressing wood, he suddenly bumped towards the white shadow.

At the same time, the Slaying Sword was also bombarded towards Bai Ying with overwhelming resentment and bloody light.The speed is fast enough to compare with the speed of that white shadow.

Between the white shadows, two emerald lights suddenly lit up.It was as if he had opened his eyes at this moment.His hands suddenly grabbed the killing sword.Immediately, two icy glows moved towards the killing sword.These two icicles expanded rapidly, and finally looked like two huge palms.

"One sword kills all immortals, the first form of the sword to kill, kills immortals!!"

"Two swords devouring the primordial spirit, the second form of the killing sword, devouring the gods!!"

"Three swords drink the blood of beasts, the third form of the killing sword, drink blood!!"

"Four swords break the sky, the fourth form of the killing sword, break the sky!!"

Four indifferent and heartless voices came out from the killing sword and echoed in the air.It's like the god of death is pronouncing the sentence.

At the same time, one after another blood glow rushed out from the killing sword one after another, directly splitting the two huge ice lights with a momentum of breaking everything.And in the end, the sky-shattering stance landed directly on the white shadow.There was no sound, as if the world had become quiet at this moment.

Immediately, the entire white figure was cut horizontally into two pieces, which flew towards the left and right respectively.It was as if it was being sucked by two strong forces and rolled back towards the sides.

"Sure enough, this person's strength is extraordinary. The old demon just stopped for a moment, and he was killed directly!!" Chen Mo, the gray-bearded old man, had been staring at the battle situation here. After seeing the white shadow being cut into two pieces suddenly, Can't help muttering secretly complacently.

At the bottom of the deep lake, Shu Xin's expression in the Crystal Palace also changed slightly at this time, and she kept staring at Xiandou in the sky.Now, after seeing Bai Ying being beheaded, while showing lingering fear, there is also a trace of gratitude.He said to himself: "Fortunately, the old man did not participate in this matter, otherwise, the end would never be as good as this old demon woman. Hmph, who is Yu Yuan? Is his killing sword easy to provoke?"

The Slaying Sword buzzed, and immediately stood upright in the air, and Zhu Sha, who was weak, stepped out of it.This time she didn't sit cross-legged inside the killing sword, but sat cross-legged above the sky here.

Lin Mu frowned, but he ignored it.Instead, his right hand suddenly pointed at the purple-robed old man.The blue thunder whip was pulled out abruptly.

Nine blue thunders with the size of several tens of feet blasted out one after another, quickly surrounded the old man in purple robe, and exploded with a loud bang. No deposit!

"How are you?" Lin Mu turned around and asked Zhu Sha with concern.At the same time, she quickly stepped towards Zhu Sha.

Zhu Sha's face was pale, but she looked at the Nine Layered Immortal Jade Pagoda in the distance, showing a happy smile.

Lin Mu knew what Zhu Sha was thinking of, she must be thinking about the scene with Immortal Emperor Yu Yuan back then.He showed gentleness and said: "If Immortal Emperor Yu Yuan is not dead, I can keep you here. If it is really unfortunate! I can also give you freedom, but you have to do one thing for me, that is to kill Dao Emperor!!"

"Yes!" Zhu Sha nodded, just saying this one word.It shows how weak it is.

Lin Mu swept his eyes away, seeing the corpses lying all over the ground below, he couldn't help feeling a little bit unbearable.At this moment, he seemed to catch a trace of something.That was a feeling that rose in his heart, a feeling that was extremely refreshing, but with a hint of wonderful pleasure.

It was hard for him to say exactly what kind of feeling it was, but it was extremely wonderful anyway.He thought to himself: "I just glanced at it just now, this...! What kind of feeling is it? I can't bear it! It should be the moment after the unbearable feeling arises, a strange feeling suddenly rushes into it. In the head!"

"But? But why can't I feel that feeling?" Lin Mu frowned, he knew that he had grasped something extremely important, but he let it drift away from his mind inadvertently up.

"This feeling should be related to the understanding of the rules of heaven and earth, why?" Lin Mu pondered over and over again in his mind, but the more he thought about some things, the more he couldn't remember them.

"Forget it, don't think about it anymore. Cultivation is to follow the fate, and the comprehension of the rules can't be forced!!" Lin Mu put away the complicated thoughts in his mind, and immediately said to everyone: "If you need to take a break, take a break for now. If You don’t need to reply to Xianyuan, just follow me down to have a look.”

As soon as Lin Mu finished speaking, Chen Mo immediately came to Lin Mu's side.Standing respectfully, looking at the tree with awe in his eyes, he said with a smile: "I don't need to reply to the immortal yuan. Moreover, I am quite familiar with the place below. Why don't I let the old man take the young emperor to have a look!!"

"That's great!" Lin Mu nodded, without saying anything, followed Chen Mo and flew down, Lan Zixin and Yin Ning followed behind.Lei Peng sat cross-legged in the air, and Ye Wei stood by Zhu Sha's side.

A gate tower with a height of more than thirty feet also looks quite grand.On the plaque on the gate tower are written the words "Blood Sea Lake".

Lin Mu stood at the bottom of the gate, and followed Chen Mo's footsteps, and walked slowly towards Xuehaize.A huge tribe, silent.Only the black iron chain on the high tower in the center made a slight shaking sound.

This tribe is not much different from ordinary towns. There are various places that sell elixir, celestial artifacts, jade charms, jade slips, and fairy beasts.

After Lin Mu inspected the entire tribe, he found fifteen immortal cultivators hiding in his house.However, none of these people escaped death.It's not that Lin Mu doesn't want to keep them, but that Zhu Sha won't keep them.

This place is Immortal Emperor Yu Yuan's cave, and it was their ancestors who broke into this place, and that accident happened.If Lin Mu didn't kill them, Zhu Sha would also let them die miserably.

Eight large stone pillars stand in the center of the entire tribe, covering an area of ​​a thousand feet.

"The whole tribe can't find traces of that year, but only these eight stone pillars can still find traces of that battle." Lin Mu touched one of the stone pillars with his right hand, and sighed softly.

His eyes looked at the stone pillars. Although the stone pillars were huge, the scars on them revealed the breath of thousands of years ago.It shows how shocking that battle was.

The stone pillar was cracked everywhere by the shock, but it never collapsed.There are gaps everywhere.

Lin Mu's spiritual consciousness traced back to the source along the eight stone pillars, and his spiritual consciousness stopped at the top, but he could know that the top must be Yu Yuan's cave.

Although the cave is simple, there is only one way to enter it, and only the Slaying Sword can open it! !

Lin Mu took a look, then flew up, towards the light curtain above.His body paused in front of the light curtain, and immediately took a step forward.

"Boom...!" Lin Mu's entire body was bounced off by the light curtain, and he backed away a hundred feet away.After staggering and steadying his steps, his face became more and more gloomy.Frowning slightly, he walked towards the light curtain again.

Taking a step forward, he hit the light curtain again, his whole body was still bounced away by the light curtain, but this time he backed away for a distance of two hundred feet.

"Impossible, that old demon can enter here. Why can't I, Lin Mu??" Lin Mu's eyes were full of stubbornness, his face was unwilling, and he walked towards the light curtain again.

Another failure, Lin Mu's body stopped at about 150 feet this time.He sat cross-legged in the air, looked at the light curtain, and said: "This light curtain is integrated with restriction, enchantment and formation. Such a three-in-one, to enter, you must follow the law."

"The old demon woman definitely did not enter according to the law, otherwise, she would not be the only one who entered here. Moreover, the reason why she can enter has a great relationship with her body's illusory fairy art. What she cultivated Some kind of fairy art may make the light curtain unable to recognize it!!" Lin Mu thought a lot in his heart, and only in this way can he explain the reason.

Lin Mu stood up at this time and looked at the light curtain. Although he was a little unwilling, he had no intention of trying again.Instead, they walked towards Zhu Sha and the others. At present, only after Zhu Sha slowly recovered, they were ready to enter Yu Yuan's Immortal Mansion!

As for whether there is anything Lin Mu wants in Yu Yuanxian Mansion, he is not very clear. "Emperor Dao wants to enter this place with all his heart, so he must not be disappointed here!!"

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