Nine Heavenly Towers

503: Eternal Rules

Lin Mu cleaned up everything, and just led Xiao Ruo, Shu Xin, and Chen Mo to patrol the sky above the Qiongtian Cliff. His eyes fell on the already defeated Eight Diagrams Breaking Army formation. From the countless Xianxiu who begged for mercy, he It seems to see something.

This thing is the same as what I saw in Yu Yuanxian Mansion back then, it is the word 'compassion'.

"Pity, common people!" Lin Mu murmured, and immediately sat cross-legged in the air, closed his eyes, and fell into deep thought.

"Why do I feel pity when I see this common people? Can't bear it?"

"Could this be the Tao? Then what are the rules I have come to understand? What exactly is intolerance?"

"The common people? Can't bear it? Pity...! My intolerance for the common people is my pity for the millions of immortal cultivators."

"Is this the way of my forest? What is eternity? Is eternity just intolerance? Is it mercy?"

"No, eternity is not pity. It's not intolerance. I still haven't realized the most powerful rule in this world. I haven't...!"

"It's just, what is the rule? Is it really benevolence? Is the rule of the way of heaven just the word benevolence? The way I understand is eternal, the way of heaven is eternal, and this rule."

"This rule should affect the way of heaven, but why can't I understand it?"

Lin Mu kept asking himself in his heart, this is asking.It is a form of self-questioning to comprehend, constantly letting oneself think about, constantly pondering, the initial power of all this.

"It seems that everything comes from the way of heaven. It is born because of the way of heaven, and it will never die. This is my way, and the way is right, but what is the rule? The rule...!"

"Who can tell me what the rules are?" Lin Mu murmured uncontrollably, but quickly fell into self-questioning.

"Why did I clearly grasp that ray of light, but let it slip through my fingers inadvertently?"

Lin Mu fell into a deep memory. He saw a ray of light. He saw the scene where he held up the killing sword in Chang'an City and in front of Danfengmen. He saw countless lives that died under his killing sword. .

These many pictures were drawn before Lin Mu's eyes, but Lin Mu didn't realize that he seemed to be integrated with the world. In the eyes of all immortal cultivators, he couldn't find the existence of Lin Shu in his spiritual consciousness, as if Lin Shu disappeared in an instant. It's like being in the sky here.

Then, the screen changed again.Lin Mu saw the scenes that appeared when Yun Lan flew up, and those scenes seemed to be imprinted in Lin Mu's heart, like taking root and sprouting.

However, Lin Shu soared to the first layer of heaven.Lin Mu seemed to feel something indescribable in his trance, and he asked himself in his heart: "Why did Master ascend to the God Realm after realizing it? Why did I ascend through the blood of the Kunlun beast? What's in it? different?"

"Why is it different? Master has the Dao that she realized, but I don't. This is the difference. What is Dao? Why is there such a big gap between me and Master?" Lin Mu asked himself this sentence at the same time , All the pictures he saw jumped in an instant, and what clearly appeared in front of Lin Mu was the question he asked the fellow Taoists when he was in the third heaven.

Those words echoed in Lin Mu's heart all the time, and what each person said was different.He clearly remembered that Yin Ning's way was different from his own.Yin Ning is Wu's way of love, and she soars with the way of love.

"Who is ruthless in cultivating the Tao? It is not ruthless, but forgetting the feelings that should be cut off. It is ruthless. Take what should be taken, and discard what should be discarded. This is the way!!"

Lin Mu seemed to understand something at this time, and murmured: "What I perceive is not eternity, nor is my way of eternity. What I perceive is extinction, the way of forgetting emotions. The two are one of eternity. , but not truly eternal.”

When Lin Mu's words sounded in his heart, he seemed to see something that surprised him again.Everything seemed to understand a little bit, and he thought: "Eternity should be a rule, just like the rule of the emperor's way. It needs many ways to maintain it. Just like the rules of killing, he needs to kill, kill and other things to maintain. A killing net!"

"I didn't understand the real eternity, but I soared. It's not because I understand the way of eternity, but because I understand one of the eternity, the way of forgetting love and the way of extinction. However, the two ways are not enough to form a net, It is absolutely impossible to weave a huge web of rules."

"What else do I need to understand? What I understand is the way of death. Whether it is forgetfulness or extinction, they are both ways of death, which are somewhat similar to killing. However, I still lack a lot of things."

"Why do I feel unbearable when I see those immortal cultivators? What is it that I lack? Is it vitality?"

"Yes, it is vitality. Only the way of death cannot be eternal. If you want to be eternal, you must have vitality. When you feel compassion, when I can't bear it. When you want to live. I think To the way of life."

There are voices coming out of Lin Mu's heart constantly, but sometimes the voice comes out of his heart after a long time.

Lin Mu didn't know how long had passed, but he knew that he had lost himself in this pursuit.Now, when he thought of the word 'vitality', he seemed to see a light rising in his heart.

"Eternity should be a rule. If you want to be eternal, you need to combine many ways such as the way of vitality, the way of extinction, and the way of forgetting love. But, what is the eternal breath?"

"It seems that there is another extremely important thing that I am missing. What is it? What else is there besides vitality?"

Lin Mu kept searching until he racked his brains, but he couldn't figure out what it was.When he opened his eyes, the entire Qiongtian Cliff was no longer the Qiongtian Cliff he had seen that day.An ancient and undead breath exudes.He could vaguely see hundreds of thousands of Lei Yuan Xianxiu stationed here.

"Now that the Dao Emperor is dead, there is no need for me to participate in the invasion of the Dao Kingdom. Leave these to Shu Xin, Lei Peng and the others!" Lin Mu sighed secretly, and stepped out of the air, and immediately went to Heading west.But he didn't know that he had been cross-legged here for seventeen days.

Three days later, the teleportation array in front of Lei Yuan Imperial Palace shone with a strong light.Under the flow of colorful light, Lin Shu stepped out of the teleportation array.He first went back to the Immortal Emperor's Pavilion and paid homage to Lei Meng. Seeing that Lei Meng was fine, the Immortal Gu all over his body had gradually dissipated, and he felt a little more at ease.

"Where's Nuoer?" Lin Mu looked around for a week, but couldn't find Lei Nuo's figure, so he couldn't help asking.

"Your younger brother has gone to alchemy, and he finished taking the Gu pill ten days ago!" Lei Meng replied slowly, and Lin Mu could see that Lei Meng had gradually become a bit old.This is because of Immortal Gu.

Lin Mu couldn't help looking at Lei Meng more carefully, and found that Lei Meng's lifespan had also been consumed a lot, and there was not much vitality in his body, and he could only live for more than a hundred years at most.I couldn't help feeling a little sad in my heart, and said earnestly: "You have to rest well, don't worry too much!"

"It's okay, your brother can't take charge of Lei Yuan's big and small affairs, I can solve more, so naturally I have to solve it!" Lei Meng said with a chuckle.

"Daddy, I know I can't persuade you. You should have a good rest. You don't care about any state affairs when I'm here!" Lin Mu said, and stepped out from the attic. "I'll go see Nuo'er. Don't worry, Daddy."

Arriving at the imperial pharmacy, Lin Mu glanced at Lei Nuo from a distance.Lei Nuo was concentrating on refining the anti-gu pill, Lin Mu couldn't help walking towards Lei Nuo, quietly, but it caused some fluctuations in the surrounding air.

Lei Nuo swept his consciousness and found that it was a forest tree. He trembled all over, as if an uncontrollable anger rushed out of his body.He suddenly sent out a majestic divine thought, and said angrily: "Get out, I don't want to see you. After you killed my mother, do you still want to kill my father?"

Lin Mu couldn't help touching his nose when he heard the words, with a wry smile on his face.But the footsteps did not stop, and with a sweep of consciousness, he said: "These medicinal materials are right, you can refine the elixir with peace of mind!"

"I'm leaving." Lin Mu knew that Lei Nuo was extremely displeased to see him. The reason why he came to take a look was because he didn't trust Lei Nuo's technology of refining elixir, so he came to inspect it himself.Seeing Lei Nuo's orderly look now, he felt a little more at ease.

When Lin Mu's footsteps reached the gate of the imperial pharmacy, he stopped suddenly, and looked back at a corner in the southeast direction.More than a hundred discarded pills were dumped in that corner.

His body flashed, and he appeared in front of the pile of waste pills.After taking a closer look, he said to himself: "The ingredients of these waste pills are all correct, and even the proportion of the immortal medicine is extremely precise. The only reason for failure is that the heat is not well controlled, and it is difficult baby!"

Seeing this scene, Lin Mu couldn't help admiring Lei Nuo's firm perseverance, but it was also because of this firm perseverance that Lin Mu vaguely had a bad guess. This kid has extraordinary ambitions, but unfortunately, he went wrong. a way.

Lin Mu looked at Lei Nuo meaningfully, could it be hatred that could make this little guy who didn't know anything about alchemy, able to completely refine a batch of Gu pills?

"Perhaps, he will understand one day. The immortal Gu in Daddy's body is indeed not something that ordinary people can implant. Maybe one day when he becomes an immortal emperor, he will understand that there are many people who cannot believe it!" Lin Mu secretly With a sigh, he turned and left from the imperial pharmacy.If he hadn't seen the countless waste pills, he wouldn't have been like this.

Seeing that Lei Nuo was refining a batch of qualified Gu-dispelling pills for his father Lei Meng, he was tirelessly refining Gu-dispelling pills over and over again, no matter how many times he failed, he still persevered, he There is a strong liking in his heart, perhaps, he is just not deeply involved in the world.

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