Nine Heavenly Towers

505: Harvesting Heaven Beast Tai Sui

"You just talk but don't do it, you have done a waste that you dare not admit. You are a hypocrite with a lust but no guts, you are a bad person. What else do you want to do to others?...!" Yin Ning accused Lin Mu's crime in tears, It directly gave Lin Mu the urge to hit a stone to death, or hang him with a rope.

"Stinky girl, shut up. There is still serious business!" Lin Mu rolled his eyes and shouted.

Only then did Yin Ning resentfully close his mouth like a floodgate, raised his eyes to look at the trees a little aggrieved, and couldn't help but smirked again at his own prank.

"What are you laughing at? Hurry up, I beg you, it won't be easy!" Lin Mu also said helplessly.

"You also know it's not easy? Hehe...!" Yin Ning nodded with a smirk, and said seriously: "It's because it's not easy, so you have to take good care of it!"

"But...!" Lin Mu felt as if he wanted to cry, and choked into his belly after saying a single word.Because he saw a fact clearly, it would be futile to argue with Yin Ning.

Seeing that Lin Mu fell into silence, Yin Ning's expression changed drastically, and he said with an extremely exaggerated surprise, "You are silent, that is to admit your crime."

"You're still talking nonsense!" Lin Mu gritted his teeth, but, seeing Yin Ning's cute face, he was still ruthless.For women, Lin Mu is still too soft-hearted!

Yin Ning laughed out loud, and said with a victorious gesture: "You just need to know what's interesting, and I'll just take you in."

Lin Mu already had deep regrets in his heart. If he had known Yin Ning would be like this, he might as well have come alone.Directly teleporting to Yuegu City through the teleportation array saves a lot of trouble.

As Yin Ning said, with a wave of his right hand, a small vortex rushed out from between his fingers, and this vortex quickly turned into a huge whirlwind, covering the surroundings of the two of them.

Lin Mu just felt that there was a tearing force coming from outside his body, quickly pulling his body and spinning it rapidly. When Lin Mu's consciousness could come out from the whirlwind again, he found that he was already in the whirlwind. Among the ruins of Li County.

Lin Mu's spiritual consciousness glanced, and spread out over a thousand miles away, and found more than ten immortal cultivators among them.However, no immortal cultivators found any traces of trees.

"Northeast." Lin Mu said these four words in a low voice, and then his body flashed and turned into a stream of light, heading northwest.

The two of Lin Mu hurried on their way with the teleportation technique, and half an hour later.Only then did I discover that lake, but the iceberg superimposed on the iceberg collapsed because of the three snow foxes.At this time, it was difficult for him to find traces of that year.

It is difficult to find traces, but it does not mean that traces cannot be found.Lin Mu took Yin Ning, and after searching for half an hour, he discovered the faint aura of the place where the white light and black hole was located.

Immortal cultivation is based on Qi refining, and is extremely sensitive to the breath between heaven and earth. Therefore, it didn't take long for Lin Mu to be sure that where he was standing was where the white light and black hole was.

Lin Mu stepped into the ice and snow in front of him, and Yin Ning followed closely behind.After the two stepped in, they felt a blackness before their eyes, as if they were sucked into a huge world.

After the darkness shrouded, a ray of white light appeared in front of Lin Shu.Lin Mu said to Yin Ning: "You have to be prepared, there are many celestial beast Taisui here. You may not know about the celestial beast Taisui. If this thing really shows its power, its strength is enough to smash the entire space. But , They are sealed here, and, after the passage of time, they are all old and too old."

"However, the strength of this beast should not be underestimated. With the strength of you and me, you may not be able to retreat completely. Therefore, another reason I brought you here is to escape. If you cannot escape, we can use Shuangxiu ** and left."

"You and I practice dual cultivation? Have you finally figured it out? Is your brain finally healed? Is there no glue stuck in your mind?" Yin Ning couldn't help saying in a mocking tone when he heard this.His eyes could not help but be attracted by that ray of white light.Said: "Why do I only enter this place for a moment, but I have the feeling that I have been here for several years? There is even a long-lost familiar feeling?"

"This is the power of the Heavenly Beast Tai Sui. He can change the time. The aura he exudes can make us feel the time passing here extremely fast, but he can't turn the time back!" Lin Mu explained.He also ignored Yin Ning's sarcasm, as if he didn't hear it.

"Oh." Yin Ning seemed to understand, and his body stepped towards the ray of white light step by step.

At this moment, a low growl came out in the black space.Lin Mu frowned suddenly, he had seen this kind of celestial beast Tai Sui before.With a quick wave of his right hand, a bolt of lightning rushed out from between his right hand and went straight towards where Yin Ning was.

Sure enough, as Lin Mu expected, the Heavenly Beast Tai Sui appeared at this moment, and a flash of lightning quickly enveloped the body of the Heavenly Beast Tai Sui, but it was difficult to penetrate into Tai Sui's body.

Yin Ning's phoenix eyes widened, staring closely at the Tai Sui beast, she couldn't help but said in surprise: "This, this leather armor is too thick!"

"Yes, Ye Wei and I were taken aback when we saw this beast when we came here." Lin Mu nodded, and then said: "The Taisui beast is afraid of that white light, because that white light is transmitted. The usefulness of it. It may be that he has been teleported several times."

While Lin Mu was speaking, he wiped his right hand from his waist and grabbed a storage bag in his hand. He threw the storage bag towards the Tai Sui beast, and suddenly, the whole storage bag shone with strange brilliance. A huge suction force emanated from the opening of the storage bag.It's as if you want to suck the Tai Sui beast into it.

When Lin Mu saw this scene, his expression was extremely solemn.There were many guesses in his heart, and he was a little worried. At the same time, he quickly put the things in the storage ring into storage bags separately.

Then, grab the storage bag out of the storage ring.Put it on your waist.Only a [-]-foot-tall soul-suppressing wood was still in the empty storage ring.

"If the storage bag can't catch this beast, then I will consider using the storage ring to try." While Lin Mu whispered to himself, he flashed his body and rushed towards the Taisui beast.

At the same time as Lin Mu rushed out, Yin Ning quickly appeared behind the Taisui beast, pressed the palm of his right hand on the Taisui beast's back, and blasted the Taisui beast towards the storage bag.Immediately, Yin Ning slapped the Tai Sui beast directly into the storage bag.

"I'll go and have a look." Yin Ning said excitedly, his footsteps stepped out of the air again and again, but stopped in mid-air.At this time, there were bursts of roaring sounds from the storage bag, and the storage bag with a faint blue light was deformed violently at this time, as if it could not withstand the general expansion and contraction.Reexpand, recontract.

"What is this beast doing inside?" Lin Mu was surprised, and quickly wrapped his consciousness on the storage bag, and after inserting his consciousness into the storage bag, his face changed slightly, revealing a look of disappointment .

However, there were repeated roars of beasts coming from the storage bag.It sounded like a violent thunderclap.

"This beast is crazy." Lin Mu murmured, and immediately grabbed the storage bag, but failed to grab the storage bag.The storage bag was as motionless as a stone.

"Okay, since you won't come, then I will go." While Lin Mu said in a cold voice, his body approached the storage bag, but he had one pupil. The crack opened rapidly.

"No more." Lin Mu hurriedly grabbed the storage bag with his left hand.Immediately, the shattered storage bag was included in the storage ring. If the storage ring could not trap the beast, Lin Mu had no choice but to use the magic of planting immortal roots to try. up.

The moment the storage bag was sucked into the storage ring, the cyan storage bag exploded, and a ferocious Tai Sui roared in Lin Shu's storage ring.

"Is that ring okay for you? Don't steal chickens and lose money!" Yin Ning looked at Lin Mu with a worried look, and asked comfortingly.

Lin Mu nodded and said, "Don't worry, it will definitely work. If it doesn't work, I have one last... Be careful." Lin Mu's complexion changed drastically, and he shouted hastily.His consciousness couldn't spread too far, but under the faint blue light, Lin Mu still clearly saw the appearance of a Tai Sui beast behind Yin Ning.

The eyes of the Tai Sui beast showed greed, and it opened its mouth wide, intending to swallow Yin Ning whole.

Hearing this, Yin Ning immediately felt the drastic change in the breath behind him, and with a flash of his body, he quickly came to Lin Mu's side.When he looked back again, his face turned livid, this Tai Sui beast was twice as big as the one he saw just now, its mouth opened enough to swallow Yin Ning whole.

Lin Mu pulled Yin Ning and quickly appeared in front of a white light.Seeing this scene, Tai Sui Beast couldn't help hesitating.He looked at the crack of white light behind the trees with extreme apprehension.

"Since this Tai Sui beast is afraid of the white light, why don't we take out the magic weapon and try to emit a strong white light?" Yin Ning suggested.

"It's useless, the Tai Sui beast can tell the difference in breath." Lin Mu shook his head, denied Yin Ning's proposal, and said quickly.At this time, his consciousness was staring at the storage ring, but the storage ring did not emit any abnormality, it was stronger than the storage bag, and the roar of the beast did not come out.

It can be seen that the storage ring should be a very closed thing, and the space inside it is dozens of times larger than the space in the storage bag.Tai Sui roared for a long time in it, and after running for a long time, finally fell asleep attached to the soul-suppressing wood.

Lin Mu was extremely surprised. He had been worried that the Taisui beast would swallow the entire Soul-suppressing wood, but to his surprise, the Taisui beast not only did not swallow the Soul-suppressing wood, but had a strange feeling for it. goodwill.

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