Nine Heavenly Towers

510: Wood Rules

It took a month for Lin Mu to sit like this. During this month, Lin Mu felt the countless impacts and washings of the eight vortexes in his body on the blood vessels in his body, which caused the blood vessels in his body to expand several times. It is also multiplied.

What's more, all the small blood vessels that were originally small branches and branches unexpectedly have several times the capacity of before under these countless impacts.

All the immortal energy in the entire Divine Tower was refined into Lin Shu's body, but it was still unable to condense that vortex.Lin Mu tried several times, but he couldn't condense the vortex.On this day, Lin Mu crazily activated the eight vortexes in his body while crossing his knees and closing his eyes. After absorbing almost all the immortal energy in the surrounding divine towers, he extended his consciousness into the storage bag. , and began to frantically suck the immortal energy of the immortal jade in the storage bag.

In just one day, Lin Mu had already spent 500 million immortal jade.This is not a big deal, not only did Lin Mu not feel the sign of the ninth vortex condensing, on the contrary, he had the feeling of jumping up, as if there was a pair of eyes staring at him in the dark.

As if as long as he condensed the ninth vortex, those eyes would turn into a majestic force and bombard him towards him. Lin Mu frowned slightly, obviously feeling the abnormal changes around him.

"Why is this?" Lin Mu murmured in a low voice, and couldn't help but think of the time when he was on the ladder in Baili County.He couldn't help holding his breath again and concentrating again. After doing this, it calmed down his mind a little, but he still couldn't really enter the state.

"Forget it, everything depends on fate. It can't be condensed, maybe it's because the opportunity is not enough, and I can't force it." Lin Mu said to himself in his heart. At the same time, a faint pattern of leaves appeared between his eyebrows. After the leaf pattern appeared, Lin Shu seems to have entered a very strange world.

"Flower fragrance!!" Lin Mu took a deep breath, and couldn't help murmuring softly in his mouth. When he opened his eyes, he really saw a world of flowers. In this sea of ​​flowers, Lin Mu's feelings were quite complicated. : "Is this real or an illusion?"

Lin Mu grabbed a petal with his right hand, held it gently in the palm of his hand, and looked carefully, if it was a phantom, it would disappear as it solidified.If it is not a phantom, then he has entered another world.

"Could it be that I really ascended?" Lin Mu was quite puzzled, and fell into a mess of logical thinking again.

This flower is a peony. Lin Mu remembered that 200 years ago, the peony was the national flower of the Tang Dynasty.Peonies were popular throughout the Tang Dynasty because of their beauty.With such a bright purple and red appearance, the trees also have a sense of agility and vitality, as if the flower is alive.

Lin Mu didn't notice that he was cross-legged at this time, and the veins of the leaf between his eyebrows flashed a faint purple light and a faint red light.

"Origin!!" Just as Lin Mu looked at the peony flower carefully, this word suddenly rose in his heart.This is a word he searched from his memory.The original thing is extremely important for spiritual cultivation.

Everything is inseparable from an origin, whether it is gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, rain, thunder, or other things.They are all inseparable from the source. If one can perceive the source and have the power of the source, then one will directly enter the real god-level realm.

"Is it possible to understand the origin here?" Lin Mu was surprised. Although Pan You knew nothing about the fairy world in his memory, he knew everything about the god world.

When Lin Mu thought that the point that appeared just now might be the origin, he suddenly realized something.Said: "It turns out that this place can also be used to comprehend the rules of the world, but it may be a waste to comprehend the original place to comprehend the rules of the world!"

Lin Mu seemed to be talking to himself, and closed his eyes again, trying to find the feeling of entering that state just now, such an excellent place to comprehend the origin of refinement cannot be missed.

However, the more Lin Mu did it deliberately, the more confused his mind became.Not only did he not enter that strange state again, but his impetuosity became even worse.

"If that's the case, how about I just sleep?" When Lin Mu muttered to himself, he had already closed his eyes, as if he had lost consciousness.As time passed, Lin Mu seemed to be in a trance all over his body, and he didn't know what he was doing.

Lin Mu really fell asleep, and he didn't know how long the time had passed. He gradually became conscious, and what he saw in his eyes was still a world of flowers, plants and trees.When he saw the world, he had obviously noticed it, and he had entered that state again.

He didn't know that this state was called meditation. As he meditated, it was as if the whole world had fallen into his eyes.

Slowly walking forward along a small stone path, Lin Shu seems to be intoxicated in this world of verdant leaves, watching the flowers bloom and fade, and the leaves bear fruit.

Lin Mu seemed to have realized something, and murmured: "Could it be that I really can't comprehend the eternal rules?"

He looked at the leaf, raised his right hand lightly, and a leaf shining with crystal light fell on the palm of his hand.He flicked the leaf with his right hand, and a green silk thread that he couldn't even notice melted into his body along the palm of his hand.

This green silk thread is the rule of wood, and the falling leaves seen from the forest is one of the rules of heaven and earth.It is one of the rules of wood.

Lin Mu looked at the changes in the world. After the leaves fell, I don't know how long it had passed, maybe a few days, maybe a few months, the flowers on the tree withered one after another, and green fruits were produced.Lin Mu looked up, looked at the falling petals, and murmured: "This is the law of heaven and earth, and this is the law of trees. Flowers bloom and flowers wither. One season of flowers blooms and fruits are planted, and one season of flowers fall and bears fruit. After one season, Is it the result?"

When Lin Shu murmured, the leaf veins at the center of his eyebrows shone with a faint light again, petals fell on Lin Shu's body, and when Lin Shu flicked it with his right hand, there were red, yellow, or It was the white petals that turned into strands of silk threads and merged into the tree's body.

Even the pattern of the leaf at the center of the tree's eyebrows changed at this time, turning into a pattern of flowers.

Watching the flowers fall, Lin Mu's heart is always as calm as water.It was as if returning to the words that Lei Meng had said to him at the beginning, and his heart returned to the world, seeing that mountains are still mountains, and water is still water.It was with this kind of see-through gaze, an outsider's attitude, that he watched the scenes leaping before his eyes.

"When the flowers fall, they may bear fruit in a few days, maybe dozens of days, maybe a month, or maybe a few months. There are long and short, bitter and sweet. You can't force it." Lin Mu couldn't help talking to himself. , this rule of wood is the easiest to comprehend, and it just so happens that Lin Mu is also a wood-type immortal cultivator.

Therefore, in the world of cultivating immortals, all immortal cultivators know that wood cultivators are the weakest. Lei Meng once thought so, and sometimes even Lin Mu couldn't help thinking so.If it wasn't for Lin Shuhui's divine art from the God Realm, he would have directly changed wood into electrical repair.

Time always flows inadvertently, quietly.It's like passing by your stranger, but after you pass by, you leave behind a touch of surprise, which catches you off guard.

Lin Mu didn't know how much time had passed, but when he looked up, he saw that the fruit had turned red.It fell down uncontrollably, and a fruit as red as an apple hit Lin Mu's head, causing ripples in Lin Mu's peaceful mind.

The ripples were not because of the pain, but because the fruit turned into a red thread and merged into Lin Shu's body.At this moment, at the brow of the tree, the pattern of the flower turned into a red fruit.

The red fruit fell into Lin Shu's hands, he glanced at it slightly, and then swallowed the fruit.It turned into a faint warm current and merged into Lin Shu's body.

As time passed, the leaves turned yellow.The fruit also rotted in the forest, revealing seeds, which were covered by leaves and soil.

Lin Mu just kept looking at it like this, or he felt like time was flying by. While lamenting how time flies, he also felt that a long, long time had passed.Exactly how long, it is impossible to describe.

The seeds of that fruit were blown by the spring breeze, and took root and sprouted under the warm sun.

When the seeds took root and sprouted, Lin Mu trembled suddenly, as if an invisible seed had taken root and sprouted in his heart, Lin Mu raised his steps slightly, and his eyes were looking at his divine tower, strands of regular silk threads is circulating.

"Obviously this rule is not enough." Lin Shu raised his footsteps while muttering to himself. Between his brows, the lines of seeds, leaves, flowers, and fruits were constantly changing.

As Lin Shu stood up, the entire huge forest behind him gradually disappeared, and Lin Shu's footsteps were walking towards the flower bush in front of him.

The peonies that had already withered slowly bloomed again as the trees stepped in, and the roses with thorns competed to bloom as bright red as blood.There are also golden chrysanthemums blooming at this time.

Lin Mu's footsteps stepped out slowly, and his right hand gently brushed across the peony bushes. Unintentionally, a peony flower fell into Lin Mu's hands.

The whole peony was the size of Lin Shu's palm. Lin Shu raised his left hand, and then slowly closed it with his right hand.After closing his hands, the peony flower gradually transformed into a peony pattern appearing on the palm of the tree, a peony pattern formed by vertical and horizontal curved silk threads!

"This is regular silk thread, but it's still too little!" Lin Mu said lightly, still walking forward, his expression extremely calm.

The forest trees have passed through rose bushes, chrysanthemum bushes, pots of blooming orchids, rose flowers, narcissus, hibiscus, white lotus, purple magnolia, cherry blossoms, tulips, June snow, nasturtium , hibiscus, winter jasmine, peony, baby's breath, saffron, rhododendron, purple golden ox, and even plum blossom.

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