Nine Heavenly Towers

518: The Wolf Demon Queen

"Demon Empress, I haven't seen you for many years. I never thought you didn't know me! I remember that when you were sealed back then, you were a Jin Zun's late cultivation base! Over the years, your cultivation base hasn't dropped much!" Lin Mu couldn't help showing emotion Said.

The monster's face suddenly changed slightly, the originally gentle expression became ferocious, and the two fangs in its mouth were revealed in the middle.

"Hey, what are you going to do? Don't you see that my cultivation base is so low?" Lin Mu said lightly.His footsteps paced slowly in this hall, as if he had revisited the bottom of the valley.

"You want the queen's demon essence? You have such a vicious heart!" The demon queen couldn't help gnashing her teeth and said, her body struggled violently. She is so shrewd. Hearing Lin Mu's words, she naturally already knew what Lin Mu's intention was. .

Lin Mu glanced at the demon queen indifferently, her body flashed, and her footsteps landed on the ground sequentially and strangely, and walked in front of one of the red metal pillars facing the north, the immortal essence in her body surged, The palm pressed against the red metal pillar.

Immediately, red light curtains appeared on the entire red metal pillar. The red light curtains had not been moved for many years and had been hidden.Now, Lin Shu had obviously touched the red light curtain, causing the red light curtain to appear in an instant, and a gap appeared from the red light curtain.

This gap gradually became bigger and bigger, and finally the entire red light curtain disappeared into the air, while the red light curtains on the other three sides still existed.

Lin Mu stepped into it and came to the wolf demon. With a storage ring on his right hand, a golden dagger appeared in front of him.He smiled and said, "Since you know what I want, should you give it to me yourself? Or let me get it?"

"Even if it's death, I won't give it to you!" The demon queen said sharply, her big breasts were shaking uncontrollably under the violent mood swings.

Lin Mu didn't bother to talk nonsense with this demon, he held a sword in his right hand, and a pill furnace flew out from the storage ring in his right hand, with a normal expression, he said: "I wanted to save your life, but you are not good or bad." Lin Mu Seemingly talking to himself, he used his sword to break open the divine tower in front of the demon queen.

Wisps of pure and crystal red demon essence flowed out from the small hole in the divine tower, and were introduced into the alchemy furnace by the trees.

"As expected of Jin Zun's early stage cultivation, this monster energy is so rich. But, what about the essence energy in your body?" Lin Mu was still talking to himself, regardless of the violent struggle of the demon queen at this time.

Lin Mu looked at the alchemy furnace, and couldn't help frowning. After half an hour, it was only half of the demon energy of the alchemy furnace.This naturally made him extremely unhappy, but at this moment, the Yaoyuan seemed to be drained, dripping down.

"You don't want to give up, right? Well, I'll let you suffer more." Lin Mu said sharply, holding the golden dagger in his right hand, he stabbed at the monster's divine tower suddenly, a five-inch long sword Large and small wounds appear.The demon essence in the demon queen's body could no longer be restrained, it gushed out frantically, sprayed into the alchemy furnace, rolled up colorful bubbles and flew into the air.

"I told you to play tricks on me, and be careful with me in the future." Lin Mu said viciously, and at the same time turned his right hand from the storage ring, and another alchemy furnace flew out from the storage ring, with a normal expression on his face. Introduced that far away into another pill furnace.

Lin Mu took out the alchemy furnace that was almost full of demon essence, and countless flint stones were piled up under the alchemy furnace, and it turned out that it was here that the demon essence was refined in front of the demon queen.

The demon queen looked at the sparkling flames leaping out of the flint stone, her expression was ferocious and somewhat distorted.He roared: "You shameless person, I will not share the sky with you! The whole wolf clan will also not share the sky with you."

"Oh. Your words remind me. I want to add something to your monster element, so that the wolves will not realize that I killed you!" Lin Mu couldn't help showing a smug smile. Unhurriedly, he took out several kinds of elixir from the storage ring and put them into the alchemy furnace, and immediately closed the lid.

Lin Mu walked towards the wolf demon. At this time, the demon energy in his body was really drained, and his cultivation base was also falling rapidly, falling from the golden state to the emperor.

Lin Mu said: "Take a rest first, if you can't recover the demon energy, then it's nothing! Can I still use your essence energy? If I take the essence energy, I will take your demon spirit. It seems that the demon spirit is the most vital spirit. Let's do it!"

After hearing this glance, the demon queen's complexion suddenly changed, and the vitality in her body quickly disappeared.Lin Mu was so startled that he quickly looked up. Although the wolf demon was sealed, if he wanted to commit suicide, he couldn't stop it.

The demon spirit in its body quickly dispersed and disappeared quickly.This is like the primordial spirit of spiritual cultivation is similar, it is invisible but exists in form.It was originally condensed by the evil spirit, but now it dissipates, and it has also turned into a strong evil spirit.

This evil spirit is of little use to Lin Shu, but it is extremely annoying for him to be ruined in vain.Lin Mu directly broke open the demon queen's body, and took out the demon queen's Jingyuan from her dantian. This thing is usually produced after the fusion of the demon queen, so it is called Jingyuan.

Now, it was taken out by Lin Mu, put it in a small alchemy furnace, and added some immortal medicines into it.It quickly refined.

It is still difficult for Lin Mu to refine three alchemy furnaces at the same time, but fortunately Lin Mu is not in a hurry.

However, Lin Mu didn't know that Lou Wanhua came in person on the Zilou at this time, and ordered that even if the entire Zilou was searched, Lin Mu must be found. To use an old saying, its meaning is Live to see people, die to see corpses.

However, after a day, all the Zilou disciples searched the mainland where Zilou is located, as well as all its branch halls in the seventh heaven, but found no trace of trees.

So, the next day, not only the whole purple building, but also spread to the brothel, red building, yellow building, and golden building.

The next day, I searched all the fifth floors of Xuanmu Building, but there was still no trace of Lin Shu, which made Lou Wanhua feel uneasy.

In the early morning of the third day, above the Zilou, a lotus platform was slowly rotating with colorful rays of light. Lou Wanhua was sitting cross-legged on the lotus platform, and his spiritual consciousness had already covered the entire continent where the Zilou was located. The place with a radius of 900 million kilometers was scanned by his divine sense, but nothing was found.

"Could it be that he passed through the enchantment in the south? Could it be that he went to the demon world?" Lou Wanhua sat cross-legged on the lotus platform at this time, and couldn't help muttering to himself.

Red, blue, gold, yellow, and purple five rays of light flew towards them rapidly, and five old men in Taoist robes of five colors appeared among the rays of light, standing respectfully in the air in front of Lou Wanhua.Judging by their expressions, it was obvious that no trees were found.

"Still haven't found it?" Lou Wanhua said coldly with a calm expression.

All the elders shook their heads, Fang Mushen couldn't help asking: "Forgive me for talking too much, I just want to ask the chief landlord, who is that Lin Mu, and why is his disappearance so motivating people?"

"I'm only telling you five people about this matter. If you leak something, you will be responsible for the consequences." Lou Wanhua did not reveal Lin Mu's identity, but said in a warning tone before speaking.

"I will keep it a secret. If there is any leak, I will bear the consequences." Fang Mushen and other five elders said in unison.

"Okay, so, I will tell you! This person is the successor of the bloodline of our guardian holy beast Panyu!" Lou Wanhua said with a solemn expression, the words were separated by his magic, only a few of them people can hear clearly.

Hearing the words, the five people's faces changed drastically, their expressions of astonishment were revealed, and immediately there was a look of relief as before.

"I'm going to send a few venerables to investigate at the border of the demon world to see if there is any news about the repair of the forest!" After Lou Wanhua finished speaking, the old men left immediately with solemn expressions.

Time flies, three days later, Lin Mu removed the flint stone under the alchemy furnace, and the entire alchemy furnace was already red, and the inside was smoky.Among them, a large amount of demon essence was refined into white air, and a large amount of evil energy diffused from this place.

"It will take five hours to turn on the stove, let's rest for a while!" Lin Mu sat down cross-legged quietly, but found that the space here was closed, and after being filled with a lot of monster energy, he actually had a feeling of confusion and difficulty in concentrating.

At this time, Lou Wanhua's eyes narrowed in the sky above the Zilou, and at the same time he looked to the south, his face changed slightly, and he said, "Not good. This is the wolf demon of the Fengtian wolf tribe."

Just as Lou Wanhua's words fell, the five rays of light that had just dissipated converged towards this place at the same time, and stopped in the air hundreds of meters in front of him. For some reason, it suddenly attacked, and its demon cultivator is extremely huge, please make a decision from the chief landlord."

"I already know that the Fengtian wolf tribe has not invaded my God Realm for more than a thousand years. There must be a reason for coming here now. Let me go and have a look. You five are ready." Lou Wanhua said, He stepped on the colorful lotus platform, and at the same time, a teleportation vortex condensed from the void in front of him.It turned into a ray of colorful light and rushed into the teleportation vortex and disappeared.

On the other side of the teleportation vortex, 30 wolf demon cultivators lined up, and behind these wolf demon cultivators were barriers that had been destroyed one by one.There are also some demon cultivators of the Leopard Clan, and there are more than [-] of them.

An ancient leopard demon and an ancient wolf demon are looking at the sky thousands of miles away, which is where Lou Wanhua's colorful vortex gathers.

The cultivation base of this demon clan is different from that of the god clan. They are divided into low-level demon cultivators, middle-level demon cultivators, top-rank demon cultivators, and then ancient demon cultivators, middle ancient demon cultivators, ancient demon cultivators, and ancient demon cultivators.

The lower level is equivalent to the Xu Ning state, and the middle level is equivalent to the Chonghui state.By analogy, the strength of this ancient demon cultivator is equivalent to that of the god cultivator's Jin Zun.

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