Nine Heavenly Towers

529: Pan still incarnation

Xuanwu in the air stood up at this time, and with a flash of his body, he quickly sank into the land.The golden light on his body seemed to be integrated into this piece of land.

"Aiyo, aiyo. Brother, did we hit a rock?" The little wolf demon rushed forward sullenly, but suddenly realized that he had hit something on his head. The pain was extremely painful, and he couldn't help asking in doubt.

"Hiss~~!" The big wolf demon gasped, and said in a low voice: "Idiot, this is not a stone, this is gold soil!"

"How can there be gold soil here?" The little wolf demon couldn't help asking again, with a look of disbelief.

"Damn it, it's Xuanwu. Run quickly." The big wolf demon was reminded by this sentence, his consciousness swept away, and he found that Xuanwu in the air had disappeared at some point.As soon as he stepped forward, he found that the surrounding soil had turned into golden soil.

Without any hesitation, the two wolf demons rushed out of the golden soil.But he found that as soon as he rushed out, he was surrounded by a world of sea of ​​flames.

The figures of Phoenix and Suzaku appeared in the sky at the same time. Seeing this, the two wolf demons immediately trembled in their legs.

"Brother, what should we do?" The little wolf demon panicked at this moment and couldn't help asking.

"Kill!" The big wolf demon is not stupid. Seeing this scene, his first thought was to kill, and only by killing can he break the situation.

However, they are too late.Among them, the strongest unicorn has already made a move, and his right hand casually pointed towards the wolf monster, and a bolt of lightning quickly descended from the sky.Bombarded on the body of the big wolf demon, its body twisted violently, and the demon essence in its body exploded rapidly.Dazed.

The little wolf demon looked at this scene with horror in his eyes. He was several realms behind these strong men.This time, he was here to die.

"Tell me where your prince is. I'll let you go." Suzaku said coldly with his hands behind his back.

"Prince, prince." Before the little wolf demon could finish his sentence, he straightened his body, his body suddenly became bigger, his right arm was clenched into a fist, and he punched Suzaku.After the punch was released, wolf shadows rushed out of his body, and hundreds of wolf shadows rushed in front of Suzaku.

"You are looking for your own death." Suzaku said with a sneer, and with a wave of his right hand, a piece of Suzaku holy fire in his body leaped from his fingers. There was a strong source of fire in it, and Suzaku holy fire quickly covered the wolf. Immediately, hundreds of wolf shadows scattered from the air above the shadows.

The little wolf demon flipped his right hand, and a strange monster rune appeared from his palm. This monster rune was extremely weird.It was as if a huge soul body was flashing, but at the moment the second rune rushed out of its body.

With a wave of Phoenix's right hand, the flames all over the sky flowed backwards, quickly falling towards the top of the little wolf demon's head.

Immediately, his whole body burst into thick black smoke.The black smoke was only for an instant, and there was nothing left of the little wolf demon.

However, the body of the big wolf demon was taken away by Qilin, and it is not known what he was going to do.In the lightning, one after another lightning bombarded the body of the big wolf demon, and there was a popping sound immediately.At this moment, the body of the big wolf demon suddenly trembled violently.

As the body of the big wolf demon trembled violently, Qi Lin's face showed a strange look.After a while, the wolf demon's body actually had agility, and Qilin asked slowly, "Where is the prince of the wolf clan?"

"It's...! It's here." The words were not complete, but it was obvious that he had consciousness.Now it is only because of being too weak.

"No need, when you find out, he has already escaped!" Qinglong opened his eyes from cross-legged, with contempt in his eyes, and said with a sneer.

Qilin glanced at Qinglong coldly, and didn't say much, but directly blasted the demon body from the sky with the palm of his right hand.

At this time, the wolf demon prince in the lake in the distance couldn't help frowning slightly when he saw this scene. Although his face was unwilling, he had no choice but to leave with a firm head.

Time passed unknowingly, and a month passed quickly.The blue mist gathered in the mountain finally gradually seemed to shrink.However, among the trees in the colorful cave, there is only a wisp of spiritual consciousness wandering in the air, and only a pair of skeletons are left in its animal body.

After this month's transformation, that pair of skeletons has begun to take shape.Gradually, the primordial spirit of the trees scattered around was also gradually affected by the tree's spiritual consciousness, and slowly merged.

It took three days for such a fusion, and Lin Mu's primordial spirit finally merged successfully.After his primordial spirit merged, he appeared more solid than before he entered this cave.Although it doesn't look like much to the naked eye.

However, Lin Mu knew that the strength of Yuanshen had already reached the middle stage of Renzun.The rules of wood contained in its primordial spirit have also been completely condensed into a drop of rich wood origin.

If the source spreads out, it becomes the power of the primordial spirit.If the source is condensed, it will still be that drop of source.

After Lin Shu's primordial spirit merged again, the colorful light here became more intense.At this time, these colorful rays of light are no longer pressure on the primordial spirit of Lin Mu, but have the meaning of merging with the primordial spirit of Lin Mu.

Lin Mu knew that after the fusion of the primordial spirit, he had to quickly rush into that pair of skeletons and fuse with that skeleton. Only in this way could the first step of the entire incarnation be truly completed.

His primordial spirit flickered, and quickly overlapped with the skeleton.However, something unexpected happened to Lin Mu.That pair of skeletons seemed to be somewhat repulsive to Lin Shu's primordial spirit.

"I'm of Panyu's bloodline. If I say I can fuse, I can fuse. No one can stop me!" Lin Mu's divine sense let out a low roar, and his primordial spirit burned on that pair of bones quickly Lost his consciousness.

As the consciousness gradually merged into the skeleton, Lin Mu's primordial spirit had a weak connection with the skeleton.His primordial spirit gradually pulled out a trace of his primordial spirit, and merged into the skeleton again.

Such a cycle, Lin Shu never tires of it.After three days had passed, his primordial spirit had completely merged with that hundred-foot-long skeleton.At this time, Lin Mu Yuanshen could control the skeleton to move slowly from side to side.

At this moment, the seven huge vines gradually swelled and became larger.Lin Mu Yuanshen could feel that strands of strong wood-type immortal essence melted into his bones from the vines, so a trace of skin grew from the bones.

Blood veins were born again in the skin one by one.The immortal essence spun rapidly from within his blood.

At this moment, all the saints and Ye Wei who were sitting cross-legged in the sky opened their eyes, staring at the colorful cave.

"The green mist is shrinking violently. It seems that brother Lin Mu's first step in the incarnation of Panyou has succeeded." Qinglong couldn't suppress the joy in his heart, and murmured.

"Qing Wu is really shrinking, I have to congratulate brother Lin Mu." Suzaku also said with indescribable joy.

Xuanwu glanced in surprise, and murmured: "This son is really good, no wonder Brother Qinglong protects him so much."

"That's right, the success of the first step is indeed something worthy of congratulations." Phoenix's eyes also showed admiration, and there was an indescribable sense of honor in his expression.

"It's okay." Jin Peng just said this word and closed his eyes immediately.

"Hmph, what's the point of success in the first step! I wonder if he can succeed in the future? If he is not talented enough, will not have enough perseverance, and is not determined enough, he may not be able to succeed." Qilin said with some disdain, and immediately closed his eyes , into the meditation.

Ye Wei's eyes were already moist, she did not know how many days and nights she prayed secretly in her heart.Now, seeing Lin Mu succeed in his first step is the greatest comfort in his heart.Heart said: "You must succeed, only if you succeed, can we survive. If you fail, we will have to go to the underworld together!"

The pan-like body gradually formed, and the muscles, bones, and blood vessels in it also appeared.Then, it is necessary to slowly condense the leaf beetle. This leaf beetle is only found in Panyou, because its beetle is like a piece of huge maple leaves. If you look at it from a distance, it is difficult to tell whether it is a vine. Still a holy beast.

However, the seven colorful vines had already left the tree's animal body, and the colorful light had also dimmed. It was obvious that the woody roots inside were absorbed by the tree, making them appear extremely weak.

As time passed, two days later, there was no more green mist in the valley.However, Lin Mu's primordial spirit has already been able to completely control Pan Yu's body.However, the vine-like feeling still made Lin Shu a little uncomfortable.

Moreover, the Panyu body is rather ugly, and it looks like a snake in the feeling of Lin Shu.Naturally, Qinglong once said that he also had such a feeling.But, snakes are just snakes after all.The dragon is incomparable to the snake.Because that's not at the same level at all.

However, Panyou's head is still the same as the Kunlun beast, without any change, only its body has changed.From this point of view, it is also majestic.

With a sway of Lin Mu's body, the beast element in Panyu's body surged crazily. Lin Mu seemed to feel a very strong force. Moreover, this was the power of Panyou's weak stage, and it had already reached the strength of Emperor Zun's early stage.

Although Lin Mu felt flattered in his heart, at this moment, he heard a voice coming from the plate of bones.

"Come, I will give you soul blood."

"Soul blood? What soul blood?" Lin Mu frowned, and couldn't help looking at the skeleton.

There was no voice to answer Lin Mu's question, only the skull of the pale skeleton gradually turned purple.Gradually, the top of the head became more and more red, as if it had been soaked in blood.

Gradually, the red on the top of the head condensed, and a drop of purple-red liquid exuded a strange aura.It floated out from the top of the head and flew towards the place where the trees were.

That drop of purple-red liquid fell in front of Lin Shu's eyes, and floated from the air.

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