Early in the morning, the sun rose.

A ray of golden sunlight shone into this small courtyard, reflecting on the transparent white ice and snow, showing its brilliance.

Xuan Mu vaguely heard a cock crow and woke up from the bed.Rubbing his eyes, looking at the sunlight coming in from the window, he couldn't feel a trace of warmth, and drops of snow melted and fell from the eaves, looking like a curtain of pearls.

The inn sent away a group of guests heading east early in the morning, Xuanmu sorted it out, paid the rent with the waiter, and continued walking west.

Stepping on the snowflakes made a sound of crackling, Xuanmu was walking, still reminiscing about the method of using the air killing technique in his mind, although he knew the secret of the air killing technique clearly, but he was still confused about how to use it. Haven't tried it.

Xuan Mu tried to pull out the pine-grained wooden sword on his back, gathered the spiritual energy in his body on his right hand, and pressed the key to luck in his heart, and with a thought, a cyan aura shot towards the distance along the pine-grained wooden sword. go.

The sound of "嗵" came from a distance, Xuanmu just glanced at it, and saw a poplar tree in the distance falling down in response.

Xuan Mu nodded in satisfaction. After several times of practice, he had a certain understanding of this Qi killing technique.I am more able to get used to performing this technique.

He continued to walk towards the west, and the next stop was the capital of Dawan Kingdom. Ever since he had a slight relationship with the six guardians, Xuanmu has always hated this Dawan City.For some reason, he always felt that Dawan City would be more dangerous than Gongyue City.

He shook his head and said to himself: "Maybe it's my illusion. I'm a little bit paranoid."

Xuan Mu was a little afraid to go to Dawan City, so someone planned to keep him.

Who is it?

A group of people walking against the wind, a group of women in sky blue robes.

Like a series of phantoms, they swiftly passed over the snow field.I just saw a group of figures, as if in a trance, the people have turned into the sky.

No ordinary person can clearly see the figures of these 17 people, because they came at a gallop.

A line of flashing blue dots is getting bigger and closer.Xuan Mu frowned, with a slightly wry smile on his face.

"It's not my illusion, it's the danger that's really coming." Xuanmu sighed helplessly, and put on the prayer beads, hoping that the prayer beads, whose spiritual power was about to be exhausted, could help him resist the bombardment of these people. "If I had known, I would have followed the old man to Dawan City."

If he is in Dawan City now, he doesn't know what kind of crisis it will be.

Xuan Mu didn't wait, but acted first, and took out the killing sword with his right hand. Since he had already drank the blood of the disciples of the Ice Realm Sect, he was not afraid of more blood.With a movement of his body, and in a flash, he has already galloped five zhang away.

"The ancient sword kills, bloodthirsty and evil. Kill." Xuanmu shouted loudly, and slashed out with a sword, a crimson sword light appeared in the sky, and there were waves of distorted ripples in the sky.

At this time, the sixteen disciples of the Ice Realm Sect jumped up and surrounded Xuanmu, and Xuanmu's attack just now was broken by their suzerain's ice blast.

However, when Xuanmu swung his sword again, the head of the Ice Realm Sect had already cast the "Ice Spike Technique" again.Several icicles hit Xuanmu.

The remaining 16 people hit Xuanmu with sixteen ice thorns.

For a moment, Xuanmu was like a target of public criticism, and was about to be tied into a hornet's nest.

Xuan Mu has no fear, he has never known what fear means in his life.Since he was born, no one cares about him, so he can turn the world upside down and never be afraid.He wasn't afraid this time, even though he was facing a monk with the strength of the ninth level of the Qi refining period, and a group of monks at the seventh level of the Qi refining period.

In fact, with Xuanmu's strength, no matter which level he is in the Qi refining stage, as long as he touches his killing sword, he will definitely die.

It's just that he still can't control the weapon, if he is allowed to cultivate to the fifth level of the Qi refining period, he can control the weapon.No matter how many Ice Realm Sect disciples, they will definitely die under his killing sword.

Although he can't protect the weapon, but fortunately he has a defensive magic weapon, the string of Buddhist beads.

With a sound of "chi", Xuanmu's body flickered rapidly, and a disciple of the Ice Realm Sect was stabbed to death by his sword, and the blood on his body immediately rushed into the killing sword.

The body of this Ice Realm Sect disciple suddenly became thinner at this time, and gradually turned into an old-fashioned appearance.

This scene shocked all the disciples of the Ice Realm Sect who had never seen Xuanmu's killing sword. They looked at Xuanmu with horrified eyes, and some of them even forgot what they were supposed to do.

Xuanmu didn't hesitate at all, when dozens of ice thorns hit his body.The body has already jumped towards a disciple of the Ice Realm Sect beside him.

The disciple of the Ice Realm Sect was horrified when he saw this, his pupils dilated several times, his pale face, pear-blossoming rainy eyes that were about to cry remained motionless.Just when she was still in a daze in shock, her life had come to an end.For her, Xuan Mu may be a god of death who can end her life.

Her eyes were still staring, but her beautiful face was dry and wrinkled.Even her slender fingers turned into chicken feet.

The blood crystal on the Slaying Sword was flickering at this time, and after absorbing the woman's blood, the blood crystal gradually became clear from turbidity.

Xuanmu's eyes began to turn red and bloodshot, which was a sign that his mind was out of control, but he himself hadn't noticed it yet.He roared crazily, and dozens of ice thorns hit it from behind, and the two most powerful ice thorns directly broke through the protective light of the Buddha beads, penetrating three points into the flesh.

Although the rest of the icicles fell in vain, the pain these two icicles brought to Xuanmu was heart-piercing.His blinking red eyes turned back at this time, staring at the Sect Master of the Ice Realm Sect Master with murderous intent, and with a straight body, he flew towards the Sect Master of the Ice Realm Sect.

"You are the most hateful." Xuan Mu gritted his teeth and said word by word.

"Kill my five proud disciples, and I won't let you die easily." The master of the Ice Realm Sect showed a sinister smile, which was her most insincere smile, a smile piled up with hatred.With a wave of her right hand, the other fourteen Ice Realm Sect disciples cast ice blast on Xuanmu.

The power of ice blast is stronger than that of ice thorns, and Xuanmu's time is imminent.The string of Buddhist beads in his hand has reached the moment when the spiritual energy is exhausted.If he was delayed for a second, he might have lost his chance to survive.

This is a life-and-death consideration, and it is an opportunity to race against time.

He couldn't miss it, he desperately wanted to stab the killing sword into the body of the lord of the Ice Realm Sect within this second.

However, the lord of the Ice Realm Sect seemed to know what Xuanmu was thinking.The body seems to be flying left and right slowly, and occasionally hit Xuanmu with an ice blast.

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