Nine Heavenly Towers

63: The Prosperity Kaiping Ceremony

Three days later, Xuanmu finally decided to go to the palace to take a look, after all, it was the place where his grandfather lived.Now he firmly believes in the fact that the old man is his own grandfather.

Besides, he naturally wouldn't have anything to fear about those royal clowns.

Early in the morning, a group of seven riders arrived outside Xuanmu's manor.There are three teenagers in dragon pattern robes, two are blue robes, and the leader is red.This boy is He Su Dewei, and the two younger boys behind him are also Wang Jue, and they are He Su Dewei's two younger brothers.

A group of seven people walked into the manor on foot and stopped in front of Xuanmu's building.

He Su Dewei asked Mo Kesi: "Brother Lin Mu, did you ever get up?"

Seeing his extremely respectful appearance, one could tell how much he needed Lin Mu's help.

"Keep my brother waiting for a long time, let's go now." Xuan Mu smiled brightly, and walked out slowly from the hall, still dressed in a white shirt, although simple, but it can make people look focused.

"Master, I'm going to bring you a horse right now." Mox said and ran towards the stable.

Xuan Mu exchanged pleasantries with He Su Dewei and his two younger brothers. After getting acquainted, Mo Kesi had already pulled the horse over.This horse is black all over and looks quite majestic.

"Brother, get on the horse first." He Su Dewei said, and gave Xuanmu the horse to drop the pedal.

Xuan Mu smiled strangely, and then said: "Brother, get on the horse. I don't know the way, so you should go ahead."

He Su Dewei nodded, and got on the horse first, and Xuan Mu also got on the horse.A group of eight people headed towards the palace.


From a distance, you can see that the palace is full of lights and festoons, and there is a jubilant atmosphere from all over the world.They stopped at the Si post outside the palace, and several young eunuchs led the eight horses towards the Imperial Horse Supervisor.

A group of eight people walked slowly towards the palace. While walking, He Su Dewei gave Xuanmu a brief introduction to the general situation in the palace.

The palace is a huge circular building surrounded by thick round stone columns.The pillars have a radius of five feet and a height of seven feet.There are many totems of the local folk customs of the country of He engraved on it, especially the dragon pattern.There is a long dragon carved above and below almost every pillar.

There will be a semi-curved dome where each pillar is connected, and many patterned totems are also painted with ink on the dome.

Xuan Mu suppressed the shock in his heart and walked towards the palace.

After walking through a corridor that was ten feet long and two feet high, they came within the palace wall.There is also a dome building ten feet high inside the palace wall, which is also circular.The surrounding area is made of square stone pillars seven feet wide.

In front of the two-foot-high iron gate, you can see the statues of two gods, but Xuanmu doesn't know what the statues are.

Just as Xuanmu and his party of eight stepped into the iron gate, a team of ten walked into the hall first.One of the leading boys was about eighteen or nineteen years old, and Xuan Mu could tell at a glance that his cultivation was comparable to that of He Su Dewei, and he was also on the third floor of the Qi refining period.

"Brother Lin Mu, the leading young man in the wine-red robe is He Su Qingpan." At this time, He Su Dewei who was in the same room introduced Xuan Mu.

Xuan Mu nodded clearly, but didn't say anything.

Walking into the main hall, you can see a bunch of tulip flowers every one meter around the main hall at a glance.An indifferent fragrance wafts through the entire hall.

The entire hall is as large as a hundred feet, and from a distance, I can see the four characters "Prosperous Kaiping" written on the other side of the hall.Candles were brightly lit in the main hall, and the musicians hid in a corner and played melodious and brisk music.

The group of ten people walked slowly into the hall, and for a while, many marquis and nobles prostrated themselves on the ground.

—— "Meet the second prince, the fourth prince."

He Su Qingpan nodded, said with a smile: "Get up, today is the opening ceremony of the prosperous age, you don't need to be polite."

He Su Qingpan led more than ten people behind him towards the end of the hall, at the end of the hall, a middle-aged man who was a little older than 40 years old was sitting on the dragon chair with a dignified face.

This person was dressed in a golden yellow robe and a crown on his head. There was a gleam between his brows and eyes, and the bridge of his nose looked a little flat.The beard is neatly trimmed, and the face is relatively fat.

He Su Qingpan walked in front of the middle-aged man, bowed to him, leaned over and said: "My son, I have greeted my father."

"Well, you should sit down first. Your brother Dewei should come too." He Huang said indifferently.

"Yes." He Su Qingpan walked to a seat beside him and sat down.

At this time, He Su Dewei also walked into the hall slowly.

—— "Meet the third prince, fifth prince, and ninth prince."

Many marquises and nobles prostrated themselves on the ground again, and said to the three princes in awe.

"Get up." The three Hesu Dewei brothers said in unison.

All the nobles and marquises got up.When he saw Xuanmu in front of He Su Dewei, the hall fell into silence for a while.Everyone was extremely puzzled, but surprisingly, they didn't speak at the same time.

And He Su Qingpan, who was at the other end of the hall, shrank his pupils slightly at this time, staring at Xuanmu coldly. He couldn't see through Xuanmu's cultivation, but he felt a little jealous of Xuanmu, and, He also felt the faint imperial soul aura emanating from Xuanmu's body.But if this person is from the royal family, why did he never know him.

Not only He Su Qingpan was like this, but even He Huang was a little surprised.

He was sitting upright, admiring Xuan Mu with a hint of interest in his eyes.I don't know what to think.

Xuan Mu smiled at He Huang, he was not very clear about He Huang's attitude, but he had clearly felt the powerful coercion emanating from He Huang's body, and the cultivation level shown was at least higher than his two floors.

"Lin Mu has an audience with Uncle." Xuan Mu gave a deep salute to He Huang, looking like a gentleman.

"Get up." He Huang showed appreciation, and waved Xuan Mu to get up.

"Who is this person?"

"Who is it?"...

A burst of commotion resounded in the entire hall, countless speculations and slander humming in a low voice.

"Do you feel the aura of the imperial soul emanating from him?" One of the middle-aged men dressed as generals said to another marquis wearing robes beside him.

"Yeah, he actually exudes the aura of the emperor's soul. Could it be...!" After the Marquis said this, not only he who spoke, but even the general who was listening opened his mouth wide, unable to speak out in surprise. Come on.

"Since Emperor He is his uncle, could this person be the son of Prince Qihuan?" Another burly general came over and whispered.

After the three of them finished speaking, they all looked at each other deeply, and nodded affirmatively at the same time.

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