Full-time hunter of online games

Chapter 037: The Battle of Gods and Demons - The Eternal City

"Ding!!! The player "Wuxin" is level [-]. There are no outstanding tasks, the conditions are met, and the use of the teleportation array is allowed!!! As the first player to use the teleportation array, you can choose a special city for teleportation."

After stepping into the teleportation array, Wu Xin felt a flash of white light in front of his eyes, and then a system prompt rang in his ears.

"Special city??? I didn't expect that the first person to take the teleportation array could even choose this." Hearing the simple system prompt, Wu Xin muttered in a low voice.

Special cities refer to some cities that have not been opened, such as the main city of a country's system and some cities with special functions.Generally speaking, the main city of a country's system will not be open to players in the early stage of the game, only after the player discovers it through exploration and the consumption level reaches a certain level.Only then will it be opened and transmitted to the outside world.

"Eternal City!!!" After carefully checking the list of cities that can be teleported several times, Wu Xin chose a familiar city name and teleported without thinking.

Eternal City: A city that has been sealed by the gods and demons. It is said that the deep underground of the Eternal City is the battlefield of the gods and demons that fought thousands of years ago. The number of gods and demons who died in the war far exceeded the sum of previous wars between gods and demons, which made the originally very weak branch of the dark system "undead clan" rise rapidly in a short period of time.

Since they were all members of the gods and demons during their lifetime, their strength did not drop too much after they were transformed into undead by secret methods. The only difference is that after resurrection, they became loyal members of the undead and lost all As long as they receive the order of their king, even their former relatives and comrades-in-arms can raise the butcher knife without mercy.Relying on the huge number of races, it didn't take long for the undead clan to seize most of the territories of gods and demons.And officially announced that it has broken away from the dark lineage and established a new system, the necromancy system.

The emergence of the necromantic system and the rise of the undead clan seriously threatened the interests of the gods and demons, and the leader of the necromantic system at that time was ambitious, and he was still not satisfied after occupying half of the territory of the gods and demons.The delusion is to rely on those undead warriors who have been resurrected with the secret technique of the undead to undead the whole world, and let the unyielding soul fire of the necromantic system burn throughout the whole world.

The desperation gods and demons forced by the undead family finally had no choice but to let go of their conflicts, stop the war between each other, and carried out the first alliance between gods and demons since ancient times.

When everyone let go of the prejudices and contradictions in each other's hearts and united, the troops of various races on the mainland began to mix and integrate, and it didn't take long for an extremely powerful force to be born.With the emergence of the combined army of gods and demons, the advance of the army of undead was blocked by the gods and demons for the first time, and there was a tendency to counterattack.

The United Army won the first battle, and the races of the gods and demons began a further and deeper alliance, ten years! ! !In just ten years, all kinds of racial union skills and compound magics of various departments that have never been developed in the past tens of millions of years have been developed one after another.

In the past ten years, under the attack of racial combination skills and various high-power and large-scale composite magic, the territory of the undead family of the necromancy system has been breached and occupied again and again, and finally the core of the undead family of the necromancy system The senior members were all forced to go. The place where they first rose up was also the place where the war of gods and demons of the past dynasties was fought. The war between the gods and demons and the undead clan has entered a fierce stage.Ordinary arms basically can't play the role of gods and demons here. This is a war of high-end force. The masters of various races and the core members of the undead family of the necromancy system launched the final decisive battle here.Every minute and every second, high-level protoss die, and their corpses will be blasted into minced meat by their companions in a short time.In order to prevent being resurrected with the secret technique of the undead.

The war was very fierce. . .

Three months later, the first compound forbidden spell in the history of magic was jointly used by some high-end personnel remaining in the combined army of gods and demons, and thrown into the marching camp of the undead family of the undead.

In an instant, all objects within a radius of ten thousand miles turned into dust, and the first battle of the compound forbidden spell was witnessed by all races and recorded in the annals of all races.

The war is over, and it is over when the masters of all races are almost wiped out, and the undead family of the undead family has since disappeared.

In order to commemorate this unparalleled battle, the surviving races and gods joined hands to build a city in this land of sighs, and named it --- Eternal! ! !

These materials were read by Wu Xin on the brief introduction of the hidden job transfer scroll left over from the ancient times. After reading that part of the materials, Wu Xin deeply remembered the name "Eternal City", which has been forgotten by the world. In the heart.

"Please go to the Eternal City to change jobs and learn skills." The unscrupulous person (the author) wrote a few huge bloody characters on the moldy job transfer scroll while picking his nose.

"The place where the gods and demons are buried!!! Hehe, I never thought it would be so easy for me to find it." Looking at the huge bloody fonts written under the job transfer scroll, Wu Xin muttered in a low voice.

Ding! ! !Eternal City! ! !After confirming, the transfer begins! ! !

Ding! ! !You discovered the Eternal City! ! !As the first player to enter the Eternal City, I will reward you with a detailed map of the Eternal City. You can enjoy a [-]% discount at any system store in the Eternal City. Thank you for your support of "Mech". Have a nice trip.

"I don't know what the hidden profession left over from the ancient times would be like!!!" Looking at the hidden profession change scroll in the package, Wu Xin thought silently.

This chapter is a transitional chapter. . .Wonderful to continue later. . .

Yesterday's data was relatively bleak! ! !Brick sits in front of the computer and writes, and he is also depressed. Brothers, don’t forget to recommend and bookmark when reading books! ! !Friends who are interested in participating in this book can leave a message in the book review, it is really deserted there, except for a few wretched author brothers, there are indeed very few comments from book fans.If you have any suggestions and thoughts, you are welcome to leave a message in the book review.

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